Friday, August 1, 2008

1st EBM from Bottle

Sambung sket kisah smlm yg gi wat medical checkup tuh. Paginya tu sblm berlepas aku siap2 pam susu utk wat stock expressed breast milk (EBM) utk diberi pada Aisyah kalo2 aku tgh wat check up kat dalam dan lambat kuar, bole try bg dia. Tp EBM tu sbg back up plan je, sbb x pernah train Aisyah minum susu ibu dari botol lg. Kalo dia reject, as alast resort my mom bole call aku yg tgh waiting to be examined kat dalam doctor’s office tu and aku akan kuar la bg dia susu.

Anyway, Aisyah memang dah cranky by the time semua siap, and my mom said that she tried feeding Aisyah the EBM, but it got cold and there was no way for her to reheat it, so nasib baik la all was finished in time and I fed her immediately dlm kereta. She was content afterwards. Sampai umah je, it looked like she wanted more, so my mom suggested, why not heat the EBM and try give it to her.

And so we did. To avoid confusion between the bottle and my breasts, I let my mom feed her. Besides, nanti aku dah keje kang mmg mak aku yg akan feed her. I thought Aisyah would put up a fight with the bottle, as she did with her binky, but to our surprise, she took it very well. She gulped down the entire 2 oz in about 5 minutes. Afterwards, I offered her the breast, and she took that too, so I’m glad she hasn’t gained one skill and lost another. Phew!

Now I have mixed feelings over this. I am very happy and relieved that there was no fuss over the bottle, so my mom could continue to give her my EBM without any problem once I get back to work, which isn’t too long now {sad}. I’ve heard of stories where baby would reject the bottles for days, and I was very worried that this would be same for her.

On the other hand, it just breaks my heart to see her gleefully accepting the bottle, as if that has somehow rob part of my motherhood. I know I shouldn’t feel this way, coz after all, I am still providing her with my milk, but I wish I was the only one she’d turned to when she needed milk, and not some bottle. I wish I didn’t have to get back to work so soon. I wish that I was a Stay-At-Home-Mom (SAHM), and can be with her all day long. I wish, I wish, I wish…. {Sigh}

All I know right now is that I need to increase my EBM yield and keep steadfast in pumping. Following a guide I read from the ‘Panduan Penyusuan Susu Ibu Bagi Ibu Berkerjaya’ booklet, for each 1 kg of baby weight, I need to provide 5 oz per 24 hours. Since Aisyah weighs about 5 kg now, she needs at least 25 oz (5 kg x 5 oz = 25 oz).

To know how many oz she takes per feeding, I would need to divide that amount with the number of feedings she takes per 24 hours. Since Aisyah feeds roughly 12 times a day, I’d say she drinks more or less 2 oz per feeding (25 oz / 12 feeds = 2.083 oz).

In the span of 9 hours that I go to work from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Aisyah will need to feed for 4 times, hence I need to provide her with at least 8 oz a day. I only average about 6 oz a day, on a good day. Gosh, I need to keep pumping! (though I’m not too alarmed right now coz I am nursing her as well right now as well as pumping, so it’s only normal to yield only 0.5 – 2 oz per pumping session).

Ibu is so proud if you, Aisyah! Drinking from the bottle without much fuss

Note: I’m using the MAM Care Anti Colic Bottle, which claims to have teat the shape of a real nipple, to eliminate rejection from babies. So far it has worked wonders and so easy to clean afterwards! I got it from for RM31.80. It is so worth it. Read more at . I would definitely recommend it to nursing mothers who are going back to work and wishes to give their baby EBM.


Lia Sakinah said...

Semangatnya Aisyah...mmg ikut muka yah dia la noris ;-). Sy plan nk gi visit Noris end of August nti sbb apiz ade conference kt KLCC. Hopefully dpt tgk aisyah b4 u all fly to UK. Tak nk jd cam Ina aritu, sy x smpat pun visit dia & kiss baby Khairah... comment x pjg sgt kan...nti wak alpyan tegur...ngihihihihi....

Lia Sakinah said...

pembetulan: mmg ikut muka ayah dia la noris ;-)

Oyis said...

sila la dtg... kita pon dah lama betul x bersua... konferen niasma ngan yg jiah jugak ke? dia ada ckp nk dtg, sy kata, bkn dah sarat sgt ke masa tu, but dia kata mmg kena dtg sbb ada konf. konf yg sama ke?

ikut muka ayah ke? hihihi

Oyis said...

pembetulan , niasma = ni sama

Lia Sakinah said...

Ha'ah, conference yg sama, apiz & jia ada submit paper kt conf. ITsim nih...Sy plan nk ikut je, sje nk temankan apiz...
Noris ada dpt msg dari sy psl baby sling tu? Noris nk try pakai ke?

Oyis said...

hajat di hati cam tu la, but mungkin tgk dulu la camne. sorry x reply balik msg awak, mulanya masa dpt sms tu tgh layan karenah aisyah, last2 tu terlupa plak.. maaf yeh

Anonymous said...

elo elo..hehe.nk nyibuk gaks..samela tu conf apis ngan jia..arap2 dpt jumpa noris n kiss baby aisyah..semangat tul la si aisyah ni..well..biasanye ank pompuan ikut muka ayah..baru sejuk org kata..kan malia..?qystina pun ikut muka ayah dia :p

Oyis said...

sila kan.. sila kan... x de menyibuk nye, stakat komen kat sini...

nn tlps konferen, jgn lupa singgah eh.. melampau tu kalo x singgah, umah mak mertua pon dah dekat sgt dah kan?

btw, kita mostly duduk umah my mom lg ni. so call dulu eh b4 dtg? kot2 kita balik umah snediri kejap ke...

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