Thursday, August 21, 2008

Aisyah With Families & Friends

Been a bit busy lately. It's the school holidays, and families and friends have been visiting and staying over. What a blast. So here are some pics of Aisyah getting to know her relatives and friends, whilst the adults are generally having a good time.

With second cousin, Adif Faiz, who is exactly a month older than her at 3 months. He was born on May 17, 2008.

Aisyah (in pink), Adif (in blue)

Visit from my best friend, Azhani and her family who has become a family friend of ours already. Poor little Tasnim (Azhani's daughter) was a bit under the weather on her third day here, quite possibly due to the long distance traveling (from Kelantan) and all the climbing she did on our stairs (it was Tasnim's first encounter with double storey house's stairs, so she was soo going at it). Tasnim is 11 months old.

From L-R: Azhani's family and me. Tasnim is held by Azhani's mom. Azhani is holding Aisyah. She is currently 5 months pregnant, btw.

We had originally wanted to sit and talk till the wee hours of mornings like we used to in the old times. A lot of shopping trips together were also planned, but alas, when Aisyah was ready, Tasnim fell asleep or vice versa. Forget shopping, our conversations were cut short and interrupted all the time, making a decent chit-chat a a thing of the past as the babies took a lot of time and attention. We even had to take our dinners and lunches separately. No more proper sit down meals filled with jokes and gossip. It was more like stuff-your-food-down-your-throat-before-the-baby-wakes-up race.

Ahh.. motherhood... I better get used to it :)

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