Other than blogging, that is.
I'm pumping breastmilk.
Not breasfeeding, nope, pumping.
Tu la, lain kali, jangan malas2 pump pada waktu yg sepatutnya.
Patutnya aku pump sejurus sampai dari kg td, mmg dah skedul biasanya mcm tuh. Kat kg bole plak buat, siap bwk balik pump tu. Alih2 dah sampai sini balik, kepenatan. Kononnya pujuk diri sendiri tadi, 'Ala... kalo stress atau penat, susu x byk... x pe kot x pump'.
Amik ko.
Akibatnya, pd jam 4 pg, aku terbgn and rasa sakit sgt sbb dah bengkak. Utk mengelakkan further damage, terpaksa la menggagahkan diri mengepam, kerana Aisyah tengah tido lg and belom nak nyusu.
Oh, there goes my sleep. My precious, precious sleep. And a good nite's sleep is hard to get by these days, okeh?
So there. Utk menghilangkan kebosanan yg melampau ni, aku pon online la.
Btw, gambar atas yg menunjukkan satu botol penuh susu itu adalah hasil perahan sebelah sahaja wokeh? 5 oz lebih. Got to do the next one now. Bole je nak double pump td, tp aku x mahir la plak nak double pump and menggunakan laptop at the same time. Anyway, imagine kalo aku tunggu pg. Mau kembang2 sekembang2nya. Takut nak pikir.
Moral of the story:
Jgn culas mengepam. Don't think you can ever get away from your pumping schedule and go unnoticed without any consequences. EVER. Coz the milk will get you. Trust me!
I'm pumping breastmilk.
Not breasfeeding, nope, pumping.
Tu la, lain kali, jangan malas2 pump pada waktu yg sepatutnya.
Patutnya aku pump sejurus sampai dari kg td, mmg dah skedul biasanya mcm tuh. Kat kg bole plak buat, siap bwk balik pump tu. Alih2 dah sampai sini balik, kepenatan. Kononnya pujuk diri sendiri tadi, 'Ala... kalo stress atau penat, susu x byk... x pe kot x pump'.
Amik ko.
Akibatnya, pd jam 4 pg, aku terbgn and rasa sakit sgt sbb dah bengkak. Utk mengelakkan further damage, terpaksa la menggagahkan diri mengepam, kerana Aisyah tengah tido lg and belom nak nyusu.
Oh, there goes my sleep. My precious, precious sleep. And a good nite's sleep is hard to get by these days, okeh?
So there. Utk menghilangkan kebosanan yg melampau ni, aku pon online la.
Btw, gambar atas yg menunjukkan satu botol penuh susu itu adalah hasil perahan sebelah sahaja wokeh? 5 oz lebih. Got to do the next one now. Bole je nak double pump td, tp aku x mahir la plak nak double pump and menggunakan laptop at the same time. Anyway, imagine kalo aku tunggu pg. Mau kembang2 sekembang2nya. Takut nak pikir.
Moral of the story:
Jgn culas mengepam. Don't think you can ever get away from your pumping schedule and go unnoticed without any consequences. EVER. Coz the milk will get you. Trust me!
nak jumpe kat UK mmg takde mslh..ongkos die jer kn siap byk2 hehehe..ntah la akk mcm zai nie byk duit jer kan..kalo akk nak dtg sini pun ok gak..kihkih..takpe la berjodo kite jumpe gak kan..leh main2 ngan aisyah..sampaikan salam peluk n cium zai kat baby...
insya Allah kalo ada jodo berjumpa la kita nnt, x dekat UK. dekat korea. x juak nnt, tggu balik msia hehehe...
hehe.. kene bgn pump di keheningan pagi... nani perah siap2 b4 tido.. sbb nak dpt tdo yg complete pun susah sekarang ni..maklum la partner in crime nani ni batman..so nani kene jadi die punye side kick..
moral of the story.. sayangilah tido kita..
hi nani... wah... welcome to motherhood... baby amacam? sihat ke?
awal2 lg teruk la kena berjaga. newborns mmg suka bgn byk kali nyusu di keheningan mlm tuh. lps 2,3 bulan baru la kurg sket frekuensi dia bgn mlm tuh.
bagus la awak, awal2 lg dah start pump. byk la leh wat stock. kita hanya start lps sebulan.
slmt pumping! :)
Wah noris...i'm amazed that noris boleh pump begitu byk susu. I wish i were in ur place. Disebabkan x dpt pump byk la, my wish to give exclusive bfeed x bjaya. Maybe it's bcoz of the pump. I'm not sure. Coz i just used the manual one. Noris beli spectra tu kt mane? Klu x keberatan, boleh btau baper harganya? Lagi satu, insulated bag tu noris beli kat mana ek? Boleh tahan simpan ais smpi baper jam? hehehe...sori, byk plak soalan saye...
noris rasa kan, pump tu memainkan peranan yg penting. asalnya, noris beli manual gak, pas tu mmg pakai skali aje, dah give up, sbb penat, sakit and hasil dia sedikit sgt cam x berbaloi spend masa memerah, dah la masa tu baru ada baby, tgh sgt2 culture shock and exhausted by the whole experience, lg nak tambah ngan beban pumping plak kan.
alhamdulillah after 1 month, beli pump auto. mmg make a differece! noris beli jenama spectra3. so far sgt puas ati. beli dekat kedai momslittleones, kedai dia dekat pasar borong selangor, dekat tmn equine tu. or lia bole gi online, momslittleones.com, ada mcm2 produk breastfeeding dia jual, including supplement tambah susu ibu kalo2 sket (kalo perlu la). so kalo x leh gi kedai direct, leh order online je. noris gi kedai dia, n test spectra3 tu dulu hehe. nak tahu ok ke x sbb x nak invest in something yg mahal pas tu x guna hehe.
harge dia rm570, noris amik pakej extravangaza dia. ada double pump, dpt beg mcm beg sandang tu utk isi pump ke tempat keja, ada insulated beg, ice packs, and 10 storage bottles, kalo x silap. insulated beg tu pon bole beli asing, kalo x nak the whole pakej.leh cek kat website dia, utk lebih kepastian. katanya, ice pack tu tahan utk menyejukkan susu sampai 12 jam.
hope this info helps :)
oh, btw, lupa nak bgtau, ada je org yg successfully guna manual pump tu. may be kita je yg x reti atau x stick to it. mungkin kalo buat dgn instiqamah everyday, lama2 okay jugak manual pon. satu kekurangn spectra3 is kena ada elektrik plug in. so x leh la nak pump dekat atas keta ke, contohnya.manual ni di mana2 pon bole. atas LRT ke tempat keja pon bole, kalo hendak, hehehe...
quick tip untuk hands-free pumping http://www.kellymom.com/bf/pumping/hands-free-pumping.html
dulu kita pun kena pegang to pump, but now with this trick boleh type and pump at the same time. :)
Thanks Noris for the very good info. ;-) Best betulla tgk kedai online Moms lil ones tu...
Thanks to Leo too for sharing the tips. Kene cari getah rambut nmpknya pasni...hehe
wow... siapa sangka dgn getah ikat rambut je terus bole provide solution to hands-free pumping. thx leo. really appreciate it. nnt nk cuba..
slmt bershopping.. hehe
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