Monday, April 26, 2010

Shopping for School Is So Cool!

What does it mean when you go to get your child from your babysitter's house which you have left her for more than 3 hours already, only to have her crying her heart out bcoz she isn't ready to go home? What does it mean when your child gets cranky and restless in the evening that she starts acting up? Or when you take her out shopping, she will wave and greet (and sometimes hug) other kids her age by saying, "Baby! Baby!", excitedly and repeatedly? And as if that wasn't enough, she would go around following the trail of this other mother pushing a girl her age in the stroller, just so that she could smile to the little girl, in a manner that appear very much like a stalker?

Adeh.. ni namanya dah ready nak berkawan. Maknanya, mmg nak kena hantar nursery dah. So last week, my and Hubs have decided to send Aisyah to nursery soon. We went nursery-hunting, then decided on this nursery. Cdg nya nak hntr once or twice a week aje, amik half day for a start, just utk dia mingle ngan budak2 her age. Untung2 dpt speed up her speech skills. Borang registration and start up pack dah diberi, so ptg td around 4 pm, I met Hubs and Aisyah in town from Uni to do a little bit of shopping for Aisyah in preparation for her big day.

Items yg nursery telah listkan mesti ada adalah spt yg tersenarai di bawah:

1. Sun block
2. Sun hat
3. A change of clothes
4. Diapers
5. Wet wipes
6. Blanket
7. Tooth brush
8. Tooth paste
9. Sunglasses
10. Bepanthen (Diaper Rash cream)

Tp as usual, kitaorg ada jg terbeli bbrp item lain. Almaklum lah, baju2 Aisyah dah byk yg kecik plus x kan la nak hantar dia gi nursery pakai baju2 basahan dia yg kebanyakannya ada tomato-sauce stain hehe. So beli la jg beberapa psg seluar, baju T, tights, undershirt. Jg beli kasut kerana yg ada skang telah ketat. She is now officially a size 5 utk kanak2 mengikut standard UK, woot woot! Yg baju tido (babygro) tu x pasti sbb apa beli, tp sbb sale kot, GBP2 je, mana bole resist!

Catch of the day. Sorry gambar kelabu. Kamera HP sahaja, dan lampu rumah x bukak plak. I am a genius!
(Dalam gambar: seluar 2 psg, baju T 3 psg, tights 6 psg, sun hat, sunglasses, undershirt 7 psg, and a pink babygro. Tiada dlm gmbr: Diapers and wet wipes)

Berus gigi dan ubat gigi. Ada byk btg dah kat umah tp gosok je malas Aisyah ni nak kena babap ni , tp nak masuk school kan, beli baru la jg.

"You can call me Shades".

"You want a piece of me?"
(Sun hat from Mothercare. Sunglasses from Primark)

Test drive spek mata hitam dgn Ayah dkt bawah sinaran mentari, bersama deruan angin Plymouth

Kasut saiz 5. Ada lampu liplap kat atas tu (yg nmpk cam bintik2 tu), menyala everytime hentak kaki or berjalan, tp x mampu nak dicapture oleh kamera HP kodi ku sbb shutter speed amat lah slow. So you just gotta take my words je lah eh?
(Shoes from Sports World, jenama Barbie. Tights shown in picture are sold separately. The adult's brown shoe as seen in pic is also not included. Heh).

Insya Allah preparation dah ready. Tinggal nak beli sippy cup lg satu, tertinggal drpd list plak. Betul la kata2 org yg dah byk sekolahkan anak, byk belanjanya. Bkn pikir yuran aje, tp baju, aksesori dsbnya. Tu nasib baik lom ada uniform atau kos alatulis dan buku2 kan, dan baru anak satu. Tp x pe, demi ilmu anak. Harap2 Aisyah terus dpt sesuaikan diri dan enjoy and feel happier la lps ni.

Sakit lutut. Akibat kuat shopping.


ME's Delight said...

salam noris..
bz je manjang ye..dh besar dh anak dara awak..samelah ngan anak dara kita...dh nk sekolah dah...oklah tue..hubby awak x banyak keje laa..take care..lama x chat ngan noris..

3740Journal said...

bestnyer.. bile la nak merasa shopping brg airyll masuk sekolah. ehehe

isabelle said...

i pun baru je post psl nursery/daycare.
heee..aisyah sakit lutut tu sbb ikut ibu shopping ekk?

Nida n' Hanafi said...

sana kos hantar nursery mahal tak? Kat NZ, punyalah mahalnya...

Oyis said...

sowi E.. mmg sibuk betul. YM pon jrg sgt lately nih, tp sempat kan td dah chatting kjp ngan awak. congrats on the pregnancy once again. so happy for you :)

airyll x pe, dia byk attend playgroup kan? I tgk slalu jeles, sbb kat sini x byk xtvt gitu. kalo ada pon mmg x brp feel sgt la, sbb minah2 salleh ni geng sesama dia aje (x tau la racist ke hapa, tp kat UK ni dari awal pregnancy biasanya diorg dah attend kelas sesama so kiranya jd friends for life la, I since x preggo kat sini, x de frens la, huhu). nak hntr ni pon sbb tu la, nak suh aisyah berkwn, kesian, plymouth dah la x ramai anak2 msia... yg ada plak semua laki. lone ranger dia huuhu... tp tang shopping tu mmg best. ibu dia yg excited lebih hehe...

a ah. tu la akibat x mo duk dlm stroller. no way am i carrying her. no manja2. sendiri x duduk, sendiri jalan okeh. *ibu garang* <---part of disciplining

mahal la jgk sbnarnya, tp afternoon session murah sket. satu session dlm GBP17 (morning: GBP19). tu yg tgh berkira2 hntr sehari ke dua hari je seminggu (afternoon only). tp bila dah masuk 3 tahun nanti bole apply grant from UK Govt. Hrp2 nya membantu la sket nanti. X dinafikan, nk pengsan membayar nya.

3yearshousewife said...

Oyis, biasa lah tu, shopping utk anak, mak nya yg lebih2...

Shopping sekolah olok2 mmg best. Baru2 nih shopping sekolah betul, aiseh tensen makcik, koyak rabak poket...

Queen of Pirus said...

mesti aisyah happy lepas ni...everyday jumpa kengkawan & ada aktiviti. lepas ni berabuk la bahasa inggeris aisyah ye. good luck to aisyah....& have fun.

Anonymous said...

hahaa kelakar la ko punya komen bab kasut barbie tu siap ckp adult shoes not included tu..aahaha
wah aisyah udah gedekkkk (haha jgn salah paham lak bahasa indonesia ya..udah besar)..siap ada sunglasses kan walau kanak2 je..patut la diorg mmg fully groom bila dh masuk sekolah..siap mcm adult gitu. anak kawan aku yg teenager tu siap ckp kat aku 'owh i cant wait to be an adult..' hohohoh

its time for aisya to mingle2 ek..hehhee

i am me said...

alahai comelnyer aisyah nak masuk nursery!! I guarentee you will not regret it. Ni opportunity susah nak dapat, so kena rela invest untuk anak2. BTW, the list looks complete but I remember that having a wellies (if aisyah hasnt got one yet) is pretty useful at the nursery esp if they go out in the garden with wet weather / main dirt. Last time masa diya nursery dulu mmg diorg suruh supply 1 for her kat nursery. but maybe nursery aisyah provide kot wellies. :)