Friday, February 26, 2010

Where's My Time

Belom apa2 dah pkl 5 ke? Jap lg dah nak kena gi launching Music Festival, oh no!!!! Terasa mcm baru bbrp jam lps je sat there for the seminar pg td on Rule-Based Composition (which made me feel horribly stupid, btw, sbb aku x dpt appreciate score music org tu spt mana musicians lain. In fact, I was lost terus semasa mengikuti score tersebut. Tp itu cerita lain la), then baca satu paper ni cpt2, before heading out again utk jaga Aisyah whilst Hubs solat Jumaat (me & Aisyah had Fish & Chips, yummy!), then teman Hubs gi Sainsbury's beli groceries ala kadar je, then gi Mothercare beli hadiah utk Anna nyer Farewell Do / Baby Shower Monday nih, then balik lab, solat Asar, replied a few emails, and what do you know? It's time to shoot off again. Aiyoooo!!!!

Ok gambar hari ni ialah what we bought for Anna (lab member kitaorg yg akan balik bersalin di Italy Rabu dpn) - a nappy wrapper thing-a-magic and a Baby Essential Care Kit. Hopefully beliau belom beli lg brg2 ni, bcoz this is her first baby so harap2 la dia masih lom terpikir utk beli brg2 begini.

Entry ni disudahi dgn video klip Selawat Nabi oleh Raihan. Mari lah sama kita berselawat ke atas Nabi Junjungan kita, Muhammad S.A.W, kekasih Allah (sini masih belom Maghrib, makanya masih lg Maulidur Rasul).


Ahmad Javanese said...

apa yang benda magic-baby-product tu buat Noris :) citer sket :D

Oyis said...

xde magik apa pon pyan. just that it's not any ordinary tong sampah, but it's khas for nappy. dalam tong tu, ada cassette reel of nappy wrapper yg akan trap bau2an yg kureng enak and germs from spreading. so lps ko masukkan nappy tu dlm tong tu, ko pulas reel tu, then nappy ko akan duk diam2 dlm plastik cover dia tuh la. then next time poo poo, masukkan lg dirty diaper dlm tu, pulas lagi reel tu. bila tong pon penuh, then take out the content, yg menyerupai nappy-sausage (sbb setiap nappy tu terbalut ngan plastik, then pulas diujung, then nappy, then pulas, then nappy, then pulas (mcm german sausage, tanya eti).

after 50 kali pulas, usually kena tukar cassette reel baru. yg ni ongkosnya agak tinggi la, 3 reels dalam GBP10. tp utk kepuasan hati bahawasanya germs tiada n bau pon kurg, ok la. tp still, bila time menukar lampin, masih junggle-junggle-ngelat antara laki bini. haha..

ni aku tahu courtesy chefadh yg rekomen masa aku mula2 sampai dulu. harus bg kredit jg sama dia :)

Oyis said...

ok this pic is gross, and my nappy sausage is wayyyyy neater than this man's, tp ni je gmbr yg ada. (mine is symmetrical ok setiap satu nappy tu punya size.. don't know how he managed to to do it asymmetrically like that!)