For an unknown reason I have ditched my little black planner tu, and ganti dgn dayplanner application dlm Ubuntu nih. Fungsi dia simple nak mamp*s, tp aku skang ni hot on minimalism, and reducing my cluster (a clutter-free desk is a clutter-free mind, moto diri terkini) is among my resolution for 2010. Siap allocated 10 minit utk kemas meja dan plan hari esok tu before balik hari2. Ikut cakap Lee Babauta, the Minimalactivist. Heh.
Anyway, dayplanner ni ok la, x semak sgt mcm Google Calender (aku nyer opinion aje). Nape la aku baru terbukak hati nak pakai digital nyer planner nih? Mesti sbb dulu2 aku gave up kot, nmpk cam complicated makanya aku refused to change. Also sbb malas nak online kan PC kot tiap2 kali nak check diary. Chet! Also aku ni x de la mampu nak beli Blackberry ke, iPhone ke, PDA ke, Palm-Pre ke, tu yg dok guna manual je tu kot. Ish ish..
Yg peliknya setelah sekian lama setia, ntah x tau la kenapa aku bole tiba2 tersuka plak guna menda nih. Mid-life crisis kah? Hehe.. Mungkin sbb senang kalo task x tercapai hari ni terus cut and paste bawak ke hari esok aje. Hehe. Pastu nak adjust2 masa pon senang, kot terbabas ke apa bole edit on the spot. Pastu yg paling aku suka ialah bila mana aku overspent masa on a task yg sepatutnya dah siap, akan keluar reminder dah patut wat benda lain, wah... cuak aku. So up kan sket speed of work tu, especially kalo aku tgh fokus on reading ke. Sbb nya aku ni kalo x digesa bole drag berjam2 reading a paper, something yg aku x leh affod to do dah lately. Hail to speed reading, baby! Yeah!!
Sesapa yg nak bole la:
$sudo apt-get install dayplanner
Kacang mak labu ajo.
Nak cerita psl terasa a bit productive today, altho sebenarnya ilusi aje sbb kalo diikutkan hari ni x lebih 40% drpd masa yg di allocated utk study tu digunakan utk buat kerja PhD. Sempat baca jurnal si Aucouturier (2006) yg 17 mukasurat itu je, then a few bits and bobs here and there. Tp terasa suntuk sgt waktu sbb spent masa yg agak lama filling in forms, after forms, after forms.... Ye la, dah nak upgrade MPhil/PhD makanya as expected byk la dokumen2 nak kena isi... Borang Research Degree Candidate 2 lah, Borang Confirmation of Route lah, Borang 15 Months Supervision lah, Borang Annual Skills Development Self Audit and Review lah... macam2... x terkecuali borg dari majikan aku kat Msia pon nak hey presto jgk (Borang Penilaian Prestasi Tahunan 2009). Hok oloh.. x mahu ketinggalan tuh... Dah la yg Progress Report Belajar utk KPT and Universiti dah lama hntr. Busuk betul la paperwork ni semua, tp nak buat mcm mana.... Buat aje la...Yg penting, simpan softcopy utk buat rekod masa hadapan..
Actually dpt a good feeling jg lepas buat tu, sbb mcm bole audit la balik apa yg kita dah buat dalam tahun yg lps, conferences yg kita dah attended, seminar yg kita dah given, milestones yg kita dah jejak, events yg kita dah participated, organization yg kita dah volunteered... Rasa mcm ada la jgk accomplishment, walau x byk mana pon...
Walaupon x brp byk accomplishment lg, tp this email I got today membuatkan aku tersenyum simpul sorg2 (Nama dan maklumat sket2 ditukar atas sbb2 privacy, jgn mare).
Dear Oyis, <--- hanya nama gelaran. On original email of coz la nama sebenar
Re: student profile for faculty research newsletter
I compile the Faculty of XXX Research Newsletter for Staff and Postgraduate Students which is distributed throughout the three schools of the faculty and to Deans across the university. We are always keen for student contributions and have a regular feature called Student Profiles. Would you be interested in submitting a brief outline of your research for the Newsletter? I’ve attached some previous examples of Student Profiles. All you would need do is send me a half page overview of your research (approx 300-400 words) and a picture. The next edition is due out in March 2010, so there is plenty of time. Please let me know if you would like to be involved – I hope so!
Sarah XXX
Administrative Assistant
Research and Graduate Affairs
Graduate School
X tahu la atas dasar apa dia pilih, mungkin random aje, mungkin sbb aku sokmo berbaik2 dgn staff admin graduate school ke x tahu la, tp hrp2 nya pasal mutu kerja dan reputasi yg baik la sbnarnya. SV aku pon excited jg, and dia encouraged utk participate. Katanya, 'As a researcher, take all the chances to publicize your work, and go global'.
Ini bermakna kerja bertambah, tp x kesah lah! Hehe ;)
good luck with your new digital planner. I jugak masih dengan traditional planner usung sana sini dalam hendbag huhu.
wah.. ada ker benda ni.. tak tahu pun.. memang buta IT tul akak ni kan... meh le ajo akk nak buat benda ni..
Boleh gak torai benda alah ni, w/pun kak sara just a 'domestic engineer', tp mcm2 gak agenda, yela kitalah manager kat boys ni & secretary to abg alim. so kenalah organize sikit,
selama ni guna diary/organizer tu je. senang coz bole belek2 anytime x pyh mengadap comp, tp xpelah cube dulu kan ;-)
alamak i takde planner hahahaaa.
patutla huru-hara je walaupun cuba berlagak selambe.
i'm inspired bila baca ur writings pasal phd, terus semangat hehe
keep it up!
dayplanner....i ada gak install something like that, personal organiser, pakai 50% , 50% pakai planner...boleh kah?
dayplanner....i ada gak install something like that, personal organiser, pakai 50% , 50% pakai planner...boleh kah?
aku lagik le... planner kertas yg kejap ada kejap takde
but at least better than my SV :P hehehe
i might give some digital planner a try la :D ada versi windows tak oyis. hehehe :D
to each its own - whatever that works best, as long as it gets the work done :)
diarihatiku1976 & K sara:
tools ni simple aje, download n install terus but u need to be on linux. sorry, my mistake, tulis x menyeluruh, almaklum lah, bila menulis kdg2 tu teruja terlebih, lupa terus benda2 yg penting yg patut dimention :p
K Sara:
kita suka la term 'domestic engineer' tu. kat sini ada byk jg calender khas utk stay-at-home mommies tau, yg termasuk jadual persekolahan anak2, ruang utk tanda anak2 punya extra curricular acitivities yg harus diingat spt lawan bola, kelas muzik, kelas swimming, pastu ada jadual bawak gi checkup anak2 kat doktor, slot utk tulis bahan2 dapur yg patut dibeli, ruang utk tulis apa nak masak hari ni dsbnya. cute sgt tau!
OMG bole pengsan leed selambe menyinggah di sini. very2 honoured tau. inspired by me? huhu... biasa la buat PhD ni, ada hari2 yg up, ada hari2 yg down. sama2 la saling memotivasikan each other agar berjaya :)
bole2... i dulu pon mmg pengguna planner analog yg tegar, tp ntah la nape tiba2 nak betukar. walhal dah spent GBP7.99 dkt planner tu. membazir sungguh sbb baru pakai x berapa helai je huhu...
aku dulu pon pakai kertas A4 biasa je. pastu aku rasa mcm susah nak keep track or rujuk bila2 perlu, so aku lebih prefer yg kita bole keep record la. but as i said tu tun, whatever that works you :)
oyis...i terus bersemangat after baca entry you...
*tutup youtube & mukabuku n bukak buku!*
miss interpreted:
i x de masalah sgt youtube ke, muka buku ke, tp blog hopping tu kdg2 uncontrollable jg! :P
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