I promised my Mom that I'd put up more pics of Aisyah, since it seemed like I had been really, really pre-occupied with work lately, and almost all of the content of my entries had been on PhD matters. Plus my Mom really wants to see Aisyah's four new molar teeths, so this entry is for my families (and readers) back home. Plus it had been a dark and dull day today, so mmg molek ah utk stay indoor, snap a few pics of her n start blogging. Plus model sgt2 willing to participate dah, mcm2 pose dia kasi. Siap sebut 'Chee..!' (Cheese!) tiap2 kali nak amik gmbr dia. As you might have guessed, by the end of this entry, you will be overdosed with pics of Aisyah. Just don't say you haven't been warned :)

thank u. nak berbsan ngan kita x kak sara? hehe
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