Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Learning and Teaching...

Ni psl anak aku ye, bkn aku punya al-kisah. Kalo aku nye learning, lately nih mcm ada sedikit blocked, bukan sbb kemalasan mcm the last few weeks, tp sbb x tahu mcm mana nak proceed. Idea oh idea, sila lah mari... Give me some time, nak kena read other people's work (sgt annoying ek org2 yg tulis paper / journal / thesis mcm x ikhlas ni? Sipi2 je cerita, bkn bg full story. Pening nak memahamkan hish!).

First off, on Saturday, me and the mommies (Mal & Umei) took our kids to the Drum Theatre, kira ni pembelajaran la. It was Aisyah's second time, the first was when we went for the show before Xmas last year, titled 'Three Little Pigs'. This time it was 'Across the Deep Blue Sea'. Kalo ikut fun, aku rasa this show is so much more better, pasal ada light effects (stars, moon), and jg ada guna cartoon yg dipancar guna projector. Plus there was no villains, x de Big Bad Wolf, so Aisyah dah x takut. Or maybe Aisyah pon dah matured sket, dah x nangis dah bila auditorium went dark (there were some smaller kids yg merengek2, I'm glad it wasn't Aisyah tho!), altho she did hold me tight sket tang babak2 mencemaskan tuh. Then lebih best, time2 menyanyi dia akan tepuk tgn, dan time kluar watak2 yg dia bole recognize, i.e. fish, boat, moon, stars, dia akan tunjuk dgn jari telunjuk dia ke depan, seolahnya saying, 'Hey, I know that!'. I am so proud of her!!! As for anak2 Umei and Mal (Haziq & Ukyle), they enjoyed the show even more, sbb diorg adalah lebih tua drpd Aisyah (4 and 5 years old), siap bole gelak2 dekat lawak yg disampaikan and participated in shouting the answers. But man, was it hard to get them all lined up for photo. Ish ish... several attempts pon x dpt, last2 biar Ibu2 la yg bergayo ok? Then we strolled around town, kunun2 nak window shopped, pehtu terpaksa dibatalkan atas dua sbb: (1) baru perasan that since it was a Saturday AND the weather was absolutely gorgeous, semua org di Plymouth ini, (bar the men yg tgk World Cup ituh) telah kluar ke town jg, and (2) shopping with kids without their fathers? Are you serious? Mmg x kena langsung! Bkn sibuk nak cari baju, but sibuk duk kejar budak2! But we did manage to have a quiet and peaceful lunch in town. We had McD. Suka la budak2 dpt Happy Meals kan. Aisyah finished her chips herself, and 5 minutes after parting, she fell asleep tanpa byk soal. So overall it was really good day out with the mommies and children and we decided that we should do this more often :) Sbb kitaorg x puas berkencan lg, esoknya on Sunday, the three families went carbooting dkt Plympton. Ni kali pertama kitaorg gi carboot kat Plympton ni. Selalunya gi carboot kat Plymouth je, skala kecil2an. Yg ni besar sket, and harga dia pun murah2. Sempat la merembat bbrp item. Sblm balik, sempat kasi itu budak2 mereleasekan energy di park, sambil2 picnic. These are what we bought. Sgt2 useful, especially the three-tier coffee table that we got for GBP6 only. Solid wood tuh, Hubs dah test sbb takut Aisyah panjat2. And also the stool, utk Aisyah panjat ke sinki utk gosok gigi. Toys utk Aisyah. She picked these herself. And books. Ni semua mcm baru, all for GBP1 only. And baju2 Aisyah, tp maleh nak tunjuk kat sini, biasa2 aje. Mmg niat asal beli coffee table ni utk wat Aisyah nya desk la. She really loved it. Terus pakai you! Bkn sahaja utk study / buat art work, tp utk mkn pon bagus. By ptg sket dia siap letak teddy bear kesayangan kat meja sebelah. Lps tu dia berlakon jd cikgu, mengajar bear dia membaca. By night time, kelas tuisyen Cikgu Aisyah bertambah maju nmpknya, sbb bertambah bilangan anak murid and meja kerusi semua. Sadly, nak letak video mcm corrupted plak, asyikada error aje. It's a shame that whilst converting this 3gp video gile to avi sound dia hilang, or x sync, else you could hear Aisyah sounding very teacher-like, tgh mengajar anak2 didik dia. Anyone has any idea how to fix this?

All in all, we feel that we had a great weekend, and pembelian yg dibuat adalah sgt2 berbaloi! Alhamdulillah....


Mama Zharfan said...

shopping@carboot memang sgt exciting!! nice story :)

Oyis said...

mmg ...! bole ketagih dibuatnya, mama zharfan ek? hihi

miSs inTerpReted said...

how i wish ada carboot sale kat sini!!!

isabelle said...

the weather was really good.
pandai anak ibu mengajar ye? mana lagi tumpahnya kuah...

Oyis said...

sana ada garage sale x kalo x de carboot sale tu? freecycle ada kan?

hehhee... bersungguh2 dia mengajar...