Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Still In My Twenties

Alhamdulillah Syukur nikmat, hari ni genap lah aku berusia 29 tahun. Tu diaaaa... x selindung2 lg bab umur nih. Masih bole berbangga la today dgn mengatakan 'I'm still in my twenties whaaaaaaat?' Moga2 Allah memberikan keberkatan terhadap usia dan kehidupan ku, Amin...

Celebration? X de buat apa2 sambutan pon lg. Almaklumlah, hari ni pon hari kerja. Both me and Hubs had to work, then terkejar2 siapkan a few things kat lab plak. X nak la kerajinan smlm hilang momentum nya dek merendek atas tiket 'My Birthday' plak hari ni. But I did get a few cards, and plenty of virtual wishes via FB and texts. Enough to make me smile all day dah. (PS: The two cards I got today are from friends, and I put them at the far end of the desk. But check out the piles of reading I have on my desk. I'm not kidding when I said I had A LOT to read! Two piles tu dah baca and digested completely, but needed tu rujuk masa writing for citation and such, tp yg pile tinggi sket tu, masih lg kategori 'To Do' *sigh*).

As for pressies, well, x de apa2 lg, but I'll give it until this weekend la hehe. I was hoping to get a Muslimah Swimsuit from Hubs coz I am itching to go swimming with Aisyah. Have found out a good and cheap place that does 'Parents and Toddlers' session, and also 'Ladies Only' session. So we'll see how that goes lah. Pendek kata, no swimsuit, no swim lah.

But I can't say I am disappointed at all, sbb from early this morning a few good and long awaited things have happened. First off, Hubs got extra shifts from his workplace, meaning that he'll get to do longer hours and hopefully, better paid, Insya Allah. We have been waiting and praying on this for awhile, and I thank Allah for making it happen, on my birthday even more so :)

Secondly, I have been dead nervous and secretive about this one project that I am keen to follow, but today, on my birthday, I have been approached by my SV and was told that the University has approved the expenses for me to go to the Computer Music Summer School in Barcelona this summer! Syukur ya Allah! Although it is a very tight budget (GBP500 for flights, trains, accommodation, food, registration fee, miscellaneous, for five days), I just have to make it work lah. Mmg dah lama gedebar menunggu jawapan, coz I have been accepted a place for awhile now, but financially x mampu nak attend. Hopefully it will all fall into place lah after this. This actually makes up for the fact that aku terpaksa retract myself from UMIES atas sbb2 kewangan tempohari. Anyway, still sgt nervous psl nak berjauhan dgn Aisyah n Hubs, AND psl nak berseorgan di negara org. Tp lebih risaukan Aisyah la, but hopefully hikmah dia ialah slowly dah bole wean from BF dah kot. Bole ke dia tido ek tanpa nenen? Tolong la doakan moga2 semuanya selamat dan berjalan lancar *belom apa2 ni dah sayu ni huhu*

I guess that's all for today. X de la eventful pon sambutan bday kali ni. My focus was at doing my PhD work first, although x la berapa produktif pon sgt, but at least I got a few things done. Sambungan drpd tips merajinkan diri smlm, one thing I found out today is that kalo dah betul2 malas sgt nak wat apa2 tu, buat benda2 cosmetic pon x pe. Like today, I was supposed to do some re-testing of stuff, tp malas sbb byk kena olah balik coding dia, so what I did was meng-adjust kembali dan memperkemas graph2 yg telah di test kan pada hari tu. Skali bila dah buat tu, idea terus flowing and I remembered back what I was supposed to be doing. What started out as something yg ala2 procrastinating, terus jd useful plak in the end. Another plus side, when your graphs are all aligned, smart and nice, lebih senang nak tgk and teliti, and the writing mode will naturally kick in (writing utk explain n justify kan results). With the graphs sorted now, tomorrow I'll hope to come in and tackle that writing part. So there, benar lah spt ads Nike - Just. Do. It. You will eventually get somewhere :)

If you guys have similar tips, let me know. This is one of the reasons I blog and connect dgn byk2 postgrads, to get motivation. Jgn sampai godek graph, pastu test, then re-test, then re-re-test, then terus crash mcm kat Piled Higher and Deeper nya comic strip baru2 ni dah le... hehehe... (teringat zaman MSc dulu kalo coding x brpa jadi je mula la menamakan nya dgn pelbagai perkataan obscene - shit.cpp,, mcmharam.dat... juvenile nya! Skang dah matang sket x buat dah. Rupanya mesti byk lg org lain pon buat mcm tu la ek kalo sampai featured di komik tersebut *senyum bangga*)

Ok, I need to get laid home. It is after all, my Bday ;)


OneWan said...

happy birthday... errr... adik! :)have a blast!!!

Ina said...

happy birthday! moga dipnjgkn umur, murah rezeki, berbahagia slalu n berjaya dlm apa jua yg dilakukan :)

Nida n' Hanafi said...

Selamat menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran..

Semoga segala impian menjadi kenyataan... dan semoga bertambah lagi zuriat :p

Min Aina Ila Aina said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Teruskan menyiapkan phd. Prof saya kata, setiap hari mesti buat, tak dpt byk, sikit MESTI.Lagi satu, untuk postgrad ni, due date adalah sebelum esok! maknanya takde due date la.

yzmahoney said...

hahah klakar lar namekan file yg coding xjd dgn name nonsense..kite xpenah terpikir pon nk buat mcm tuh..heheh lepas ni nk try buat lar.. :p

isabelle said...

enjoy ur twenties while it's still there.
tahun dpn dah kena join kelab 3series.hehe

p/s:jgn lupa upload gmbr swimsuit baru kalo dah dpt nanti.

Azizul Azri Mustaffa said...

happy birthday to you..semoga progress PhD juga berjalan lancar..

3yearshousewife said...

What? 29?
Still so young lah...
Have a very happy Bday.

Oyis said...

k wan:
thanks for the bday wish. sorry la all this while address k wan as wan je, i wasn't sure of age, and u don't look much older from me pon (this is a compliment tau!). i didn't mean any disrespect, just mmg betul2 wasn't sure of ur age (i still have no clue pon umur k wan nih - x aci neh!).

tenkiu dear!

k nida:
wah... amin ya rabbal alamin!

Min Aina Ila Aina:
betul kata Prof tu. tp kdg2 pyh nya nak progress dlm sehari tu. kena piat telinga hari2 agak nya saya ni. btw, if u don't mind me asking, u belajar kat mana ek? n bidang apa?

x pernah ke? wah penyabar betul awak! kita jgk yg dah bermcm2 nama mengarut kasik kat file hehe. b*bi.cpp pon pernah :P <--- ni masa coding sgt2 x jd atau mula2 nya ok, skali buat something x tahu apa, terus error berlambak sampai konfius x leh betul kan hehe

thanks. semua org pon menyeru suh join diorg masuk 3-series nih. apa pon still enjoying n clinging on to my twenties lg heheh...

terima kasih azri!

k As:
Kenapa? X percaya? hehehe...
tenkiu for the wish. by the way, saya sebaya ngan Lin Adee Bristol (saya bloghop ke blog K As pon melalui dia lah hehe)

OneWan said...

no prob babe.. panggil wan jer, senang.. seriously tak kisah,saya lagiiii suka! :D btw saya dah 31, tua kan? isk..anak pon lom ada lagik.. tetiba risau.. hahahaha!

sumpit said...

hahahahhaha, funny i didnt know yg ko pun bg nama camtu!
aku pon buat gak, tp bahasa aku lg ganazzz, tahap cib*i.cpp hahahhaha.

but i guess normal la tu ek kalu smpai dlm PHD pon ada, dah lama aku x ikot, padahal manjang dia bg email kalu ada strip baru kuar.