As of these last few days, x rancak menghapdet blog. Singgah blog member2 pon mana2 yg dan aje, sorry ek? I've been pretty busy, with work, and as I've written before, Aisyah had been unwell from the weekend on. She had a fever, a little bit of diarrhoea, then ada muntah gak sket2. Called NHS Direct, and was told maybe just a tummy bug from the sounds of it. But I was still wary sbb kat notice board nursery dia ada tertulis last week ada one isolated case of chicken pox. And imagine my horror bila smlm badan dia naik bintik2! Cpt2 called GP dia, Alhamdulillah, dgn magiknya ada slot kosong (mungkin sbb masa tu pkl 4.40 ptg, x de sapa nak kan slot tu sbb England was playing football live smlm, lengang satu town I tell u, semua berkumpul kat pub tgk bola!), so gi klinik smlm jgk, and was verified that it was just post viral infection spots. Alhamdulillah, dan bintik2 tu dah hilang pon.
Alhamdulillah, my momentum is picking up for work dah. Maybe sbb terinfluence dgn membaca buku2 like Getting Things Done by David Allen and Getting Things Done: The Personal Efficieny Program by Kerry Gleeson. Basically from what I have extracted so far, kunci kejayaan nya ialah, DO IT NOW! No excuse excuse. Find something or someplace that will inspire you and work there. Cut out distractions and off you go. Mula2 mmg susah, but in the end it works!
Another good book yg telah memberi impact ialah Wisdom 2.0 by Soren Gordhammer. Aku suka buku ni becoz of the idea of making life less complicated, and appreciating the simplest things in life. Bila kepala x payah nak tampung mcm2 dlm kepala, baru la kita bole fikir dgn tenang and idea pon dtg mecurah2. Basically ada connection ngan the 1st two books tu jgk la, i.e. when you keep thinking that you have to do something, you carry all these baggages in your head, and you perceive that it will take you a long time to get it done, but actually bila you buat kerja itu it's not even that long pon! When you have all these To Do's in your head, u carry a heavy baggage dlm kepala, so bila nak start wat kerja, mmg x leh fokus. But if you do all the things yg u lengah tu skang, lps tu mmg otak rasa relieved sgt, and kerja pon lebih effisien and tenang. Am I making any sense kah?
Satu point yg aku suka lg dlm Wisdom 2.0 ni ialah dia suh ketepikan alat2 teknologi yg distracting and making life x psl2 havoc ni, esp when you work e.g internet, handfon, mp3 player. Jgn multitasking. 'When sitting, just sit. When standing, just stand. Above all, don't wobble'. Maksudnya, jgn nak buat semua, nnt tumpuan terganggu. Buat sesatu benda mesti fokus. Mcm mudah kan nak follow, tp sebenarnya kalo bole master the art of letting go, mmg dah bole jd Zen guru ah.
And as you would have guessed, mmg lebih berkesan la working without teknologi ni. Mula2 ingatkan payah nak baca jurnal without my headphones on, sbb aku ni jenis suka angkat kepala kalo dgr apa2, but in the end, bila dah got absorbed in it all, mcm x dgr satu apa pon yg berlaku, engrossed dlm text tu. Tu jurnal technology tu, bkn novel. But I suppose kalo baca novel bole sbb that state of mind, baca jurnal pon bole jg, if you give it your all.
Oh and one more thing yg aku cuba praktikkan spt yg disarankan dlm buku ni ialah appreciate the smallest things in life. Maknanya, bila berjalan ke Uni tu, jgn semak2 kan kepala dgn 'I gotta do this, I gotta do that'. Enjoy your walk. If people watching is your thing, do that. Walk your normal pace, x payah nak pretend aku sorg je busy dlm dunia ni dan berjalan / drive mcm hantu (aku selalu). And when eating, fokus. Jgn dpn PC.
So aku pon buat la ni. Skang aku mkn lunch atas rumput you all, underneath the Sun. Mmg mkn semata2 mkn, x de bawak paper or anything. Slalunya mkn dpn PC sambil baca email or blog.DKonon efisien la kan, mkn sambil buat kerja non-heavy tuh. But in the end rupanya otak aku penat bila mcm tu. X break2 from the computer. Mata pon jd strained agaknya, so by the time nak buat kerja, dah lemau. But this time, aku rasa betul2 recharged lps mkn tu. Mungkin pengahadaman aku improve kot, hasil aku khayal / enjoy masa mkn, aku kunyah lebih. And I breathed in more air so byk sedut oxygen. Who knew taking out half an hour utk lunch bawah pokok adalah sgt2 efektif utk kerja!
And satu lg, konsep redha and pasrah pada Allah (dlm buku x de la term ni, tp aku relatekan kpd agama aku la kan). X payah nak stress2 pikir kalo mmg benda tu x bole buat hari ni. Kalo nak cpt tp lampu jalan merah, stop, tp jgn maki2 dlm hati, but say, 'Ah!'. And enjoy the 2-minute break tu. So lps ni mmg kena amal balik la kot, konsep, 'Makaru wa makarullah, Wallahu khairal Makirin' (We plan, Allah plans, and Allah's plan is the best). Baru la stress-free, Insya Allah.
And I am super happy sbb member aku dah konfem akan ke Barcelona sesama. And so smlm jg terus aku mengaplikasikan konsep 'Do It Now', and booked apa2 yg perlu - flight tickets, accommodation, and paid my Summer School Registration and Tutorial Fees. Tinggal hari ni nak gi beli train ticket ke Bristol je (naik kat Bristol International Airport). Mmg agak sayu membooking tiket, sbb pikir nak kena tinggalkan Aisyah and Hubs utk 5 hari, tp lps dah buat semua ni mmg lega. X de lagi nagging feeling that I have to do this, I have to do that, and adakah price dia akan naik today kalo aku lambat book? Syukur lah. I hope I have made all the right decisions.
Itu sahaja buat kali ni. I just feel like sharing something yg membuatkan aku excited psl work. But for the full story, bole la pergi beli or pinjam kat library buku2 berkenaan. Mmg worth it baca, especially kalo selalu demotivated mcm aku tu. Sama2 kita share manfaat nya, Insya Allah.

Pokok tempat aku mkn lunch skang
Saya setuju semuanya!
Ni pun tgh demotivated. Minggu depan kena hantar artikel jurnal. Baru siap satu, ada lagi 2. Tiba-tiba esok ada interview kerja pulak. Sbnrnya belum sedia nak kerja, tapi tengok kawan-kawan dah pegi interview, ada yang dah dipanggil kerja, rasa diri ketinggalan pulak.kepala serabut.
awak kite suke entry nih!!! buat lar slalu entry2 mcm nie..sebabnyer kite SGT tidak suke membace novel2, majalah2 and buku cerite slagi xhbs xmungkin kite akan bace buku yg awak list kat entry dgn awak buat summarize dlm blog nie blhlar kite juga mendapat faedahnye & kite doakan semoga kite same2 senantiase motivate utk meneruskan belajar nie..
jd jugak awk g Barcelona dgn ina!!! bestnyer!!!! good for u!!
wpun apa yg dikatakan tu adalah basic, tapi selalu kita lupa to appreciate little things in life.
tq for reminding
entri yang menarik..thanks 4 sharing..very useful to increase our efficiency as a PhD student..
Min Aina Ila Aina:
jgn serabut2. pegi dgn hati yg tenang dan otak yg lapang ye. all the best with the work interview!
haha.. buat la slalu eh? tgk la, kalo ada point yg betul2 terkena di jiwa kita akan share lg. kalo awak ada masa pon bagus jg baca awak. bkn apa, to get the mind off kerja2 berat tu kan. but i know us mommies, esp awak dah ada two cute boys tu, payah sket nak cari masa kan? xpe la, kalo apa2 pon nnt kita sama2 share ok?
a ah awak!!! excited sgt in the end mmg si ina jadi pergi barcelona. so x de la horror sgt travel alone, and kalo susah2 hati teringat kat anak n suami, at least ada commiserating gang! hehe
yup, smaller things in life tu la yg sbnarnya patut disyukuri kan. tp kita slalu la took it for granted :)
ur welcome. kdg2 kena remind myself it's not the QUANTITY of time I spend working, but it's the QUALITY that matters.
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