We're not really the type yg sambut anniversary2 nih, but since it was our fifth this year, ada la sambutan sket2. Tp tu pon spontaneous la asal nya, but to me, it was the PERFECT sambutan ever.
It started off when I was taking over jaga Aisyah jap masa Hubs gi solat Jumaat. Disebabkan kepenatan gi nursery pagi tu, Aisyah was such an angel, tido aje spjg2 aku jaga, so I sat on a bench under a tree. Masa tu la terdetik, 'Cantek betul cuaca hari ni'.
So bila Hubs dtg nak amik Aisyah lps solat Jumaat, kaki ini menggatal plak nak ikut diorg. Hehhee. Asalnya diorg nak gi beli lauk je, tp tau2 lalu dpn kedai handphone, tersinggah plak dah. Mmg baru je tamatkan kontrak satu service provider nih, so I really was looking for a new line. Last2 keluar kedai handphone tu dgn sebuah handphone baru, and a new line (new mobile number). Turned out we had a pretty good deal, at only GBP15 a month. Kira mcm hadiah anniversary la kot nih. Plus layanan pon cukup baik, siap dpt batery baru utk handphone lama (replacement), and Aisyah dibaginya belon sebijik hihi.
Afterwards, rasa cam dah lewat la plak nak masuk lab. Perut pon dah lapar. So we thought, jom la mkn at the seaside, ala2 sambut anniversary gitu. Aku pon apa lg, pucuk dicita ulam mendatang, terus la pergi. Kitaorg gi Barbican, mkn dkt kedai yg dah lama aku nak mkn, tp x berkesempatan - Seafood and Pasta Bar.
Masa sampai tu org mmg x ramai lg, so x de la sesak. We chose to eat outside, terasa sgt leisurely and relaxed gitu, mcm omputih plak duk soaking up the sun. The sun was not yet setting, altho dah redup2 sket, mcm lps Asar la mataharinya, but not as terik. It was just brilliant, sitting there, facing the marina, under the gorgeous sun, eating the most succulent seafood. In the background you can see the colourful carousel, playing the cheerful music as it turned round and round, setting the atmosphere to be really light and happy. Paling best, Aisyah adalah tidak meragam langsung! She sat in her high chair diam2 (as opposed to nak duduk atas my lap - kdg2 dia buat perangai begini, but not on that day), dia langsung x merengek, in fact she was happy and smiling all the time, dia mkn chips dgn penuh seleranya when it got to our table, dia minum jus oren dia mcm air tu paling sedap di dunia ini, dan pendek kata, attitude and behaviour dia hari tuh dpt A plus plus lah!
I had the Seafood Paella, whilst Hubs had the Grilled Monk Fish with Chilli Sauce (heavenly, I tell you!). We also shared a starters chips between us. Will definitely come again if time and money permits. Sedap sih! Jrg2 dpt mkn mcm ni. Kalo x masak, asyik duk mkn mknan Arab or Indian food. Huhu.. Skali dpt rasa mknan ala2 Spanish, mmg ada ummppphhh! Btw, sbb kedai ni x serve pork langsung, kitaorg rasa konfiden (sbb kedai seafood). And bcoz food are cooked to order, kitaorg mmg pesan no alcohol dlm food whatsoever, so Insya Allah lah.
What better way to end a perfectly nice 5th year anniversary celebration than to get on the carousel yourself! Bab ni mmg Aisyah tersenyum dgn sgt lebar nya la. Siap bye bye lg dkt semua org masa atas carousel tu hehe. Bertambah happening naik carousel tu adalah sbb segerombolan rombongan org kawen ni (English outdoor wedding) pon sama2 naik carousel tu, so they were all being silly and giggly, tp baju mereka cantek2 sgt. By the time we finished our rounds, carousel tu pon pack up dah coz it was six pm. Then kedai yg kitaorg mkn tu pon looked really sesak by then, and the disco music pon started blaring la bcoz it was a Friday, so techically, weekend has started for them, time to get mabuks2. Glad we missed all that by a few minutes!
All in all, it was one of the best celebration I had ever had in my life. Alhamdulillah syukur nikmat pada Mu, ya Allah!
Itu cerita merendek minggu lps la. Minggu ni cuaca diramalkan hujan setiap hari, maka nya my work in the lab adalah meningkat produktiviti nya. Harus make up for loss time hehe

syoknya ala2 romatik gitu mkn kat seaside..
aisyah pun mcm faham2 je bagi chance ibu & ayah dia bercinta sakan.hehe
kadang2 yg spontan tu yg best kan oyis ;)
tu la. kalo x jgn harap la. biasa nya ada aje taktik dia nk kn attention
k sara:
sgt!!! mungkin sbb spontan kot, terus rasa best amat, sbb x diduga. klo dah plan tu, ada high expectation plak
happy anniversary noris! Moga berbahagia bersama family terchenta dunia & akhirat... enjoy tgk korg gi outing. The food look so yummy... Bravo to aisyah for being such a sporting daughter on that day... :D
thank you very much lia. lama x dgr khabar. hope u guys r fine. moga2 makbul doa lia. sedar x sedar dah 5 tahun dah hidup sbg isteri hehe.
erkk 5 thn sudah...so cepat mase berlalu.. Alhamdulillah moga ikatan & kebahagiaan u all berpanjangan hingga akhir hayat..
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