Sunday, July 27, 2008

Perkakas Baby

Utk beberapa hari dlm minggu lps, Aisyah x dpt nak tido lena. Bila dipangku, nyenyak bukan main, then bila letak di crib mcm biasa, x sampai 5 minit dia jaga. Repeat la bbrp kali proses ni. Usually ok sbb bole gilir2 ngan my mom but it really got to me on Saturday la, coz everyone had plans and was out, including Hubs who had a meeting (yes, meeting) at his office, leaving Aisyah on my own terms. So mmg aku x dpt nak mandi, bersarapan, let alone do laundry.

When my Mom got back from her mengaji class, she suggested that maybe Aisyah wanted to sleep on a swing (buai spring tu). I would like to avoid the swing at all cost, if possible, sbb takut nnt dah jd habit dia nak tido mesti masuk buai, nnt nak sambung blaja pon dia nak buai susah la, x kan nak kena import dari M'sia. Then I remembered that Aisyah's crib came with a swing attached to it, cuma we all x guna coz in the beginning it looked like Aisyah was gayat and made a fuss bila org rocked her while she was in it. This time, I tried putting her in the swing and voila! She slept the entire afternoon in it! Looks like she's ready for it this time. Selesai satu masalah, Alhamdulillah...

Rock-a-bye Baby

Later, sbg upah utk baby yg baik (and utk console ibu yg keletihan), Hubs took the three of us out to hunt for a carseat. Yippee!

My two favourite people, muah muah!

... and here is the one we got for her. So far we've had three rides in it, and apart from one time that she wanted to be fed, she seemed content to be in it. I feel sorry that we have to put her in a rear position, coz dia cam x leh nak tgk apa2, but it's for her own safety, so we had to. She didn't seem to mind too much, and bole dooze off to sleep on her own. Rasa sayang plak nak kejut dia bila dah sampai destinasi...

Tgk apa tu Aisyah? Dia cam nak tgk luar, x pandang pon dah Ibu dia.. Btw, itu toy fav dia la ni. Sbb very colourful and ada muzik lullaby

Asalnya x nak beli stroller sbb x sure nak bwk pergi nnt ke, nak beli baru kat sana bila dah sambung blaja nnt. Last2, cannot tahan la, coz apparently, we do got out a lot (x perasan sgt sblm ni), plus the fact that Aisyah got heavier by the day, rasanya x praktikal la nak dukung dia manjang. So kitaorg x invest in a major way pon utk stroller, just something that would do te job and if we had to leave it behind later, x rasa ralat la. As for stroller aaa, Aisyah cam x suka sgt, dia wiggle2 dlm tu but I was clueless the first time bg dia ngadap depan, facing the sea of streaming people. Dia takut kot. Next time nak pusing stroller ni bg dia ngadap muka kita, maybe she'll feel less tertekan that way. Hopefully, she'll get used to the stroller without much problem.

Vroom.. vroom... keta sorong Aisyah

Anyway, nak tanya, ada x pengalaman reader di luar sana yg mana baby anda reject perkakas2 ini? Adakah baby bole terima juga perkakas2 ni apabila dipaksa / dilatih berulang2 kali? What did you do? Just curious :)


Lia Sakinah said...

From my experience, it's easier to handle baby yg baru lahir mcm aisyah sbb dia xleh gerak sana sini lagi. Tp klu dh besar sket & start meniarap, then the challenge using perkakas2 ni lebih besar. Cth bile guna carseat tu, my baby x leh duduk diam dlm tu, mesti nk cuba bangun & dia rasa rimas sbb mcm terpuruk dlm seater tu with seatbelt all around her. The only best way to put her in it is when she fall asleep, otherwise kenala pangku dia, tu pun sibuk nk pusing2 capai sana sini. Sama mcm dlm stroller, prnh dia ngamuk dlm tu sbb dh bosan, sket lagi nk jatuh psl dia nk lompat kuar, last2 tpaksa dukung & stroller tu bt isi barang2 shopping...huhu. Nk kata boleh bg training tu, for me it's more like how we handle the device with baby in it. Cth mcm stroller, klu time baby rasa nk tgk pemandangan, tolak dari belakang or bila dia dh start mcm takut, kita tolak dari depan plak spaya dia nmpk muka ibu dia. Lg satu, bg dia some toy dlm stroller tu biar dia x bosan. Klu dia dh bosan dgn toy tu, pinjamla toy dlm shopping complex tu, b4 gi byr kt cashier letak balik...hehehe. Psl tido tu kan, budak2 ni bila tukar bulan diorg pun akan bertukar perangai. Kitorg mmg tpaksa beli buai nk kasik baby nyenyak tido. Buai elektrik lagik sbb mama dia x larat nk hayun smbil bt keje...sia2 beli crib sbb dia xmo tido dlm tu wlupun crib tu pn ada cradle hayun tu...ngehehehe... apepun, tpulang pd baby tu gak coz lain baby, lain perangainya...just my 2 cent...

Oyis said...

thanks lia.. seronot dgr pengalaman org lain, bole wat panduan utk diri sendiri. hopefully habit yg baik spt ble menerima carseat tu kekal la. maybe slowly biar dia rasa Ok naik stroller lak, tp x tahu la.

hebat sungguh qystina sampai nak melompat kuar dari stroller, takut nyer!

Ahmad Javanese said...

panjang pulak komen mak cik bibik jawa ni

hua hua hua!!!!

tapi takpe... nasihat2 dan komen2 berguna :D

Lia Sakinah said...

hahaha...tu la pasal...sedap je menaip...bile post trpanjang la plak...
tu baru menaip, klu berborak x tau la camne...mesti byk citer leh tukar2....betul x noris? hihi
Wak alpyan jeles la tu xdpt join forum ibu2...hahahaha

Oyis said...

xpe, lg pjg komen lg bagus, esp kalo yg berunsurkan nasihat yg membina.

mmg kalo berjumpa face to face ni mau menceceh x abis ye kita lia? hehe

btw, pyan, x semestinya ibu2 je bole bg fendafat. bapa2 yg dah berpengalaman like urself pon dialu-alukan, even yg single mingle pon. x de had demografik :)

yzmahoney said...

cutenye aisyah pakai topi!! cepatnyer die membesar!!

Nabil said...

ala pian..biarla dia komen pjg2..ko pun ade kalanya komen mcm tulis cerpen ^_^

Ini info yg amat bagus :D

Oyis said...

ye, saya setuju ngan nabil.. byk nasihat yg berguna yg lia bg tuh... nasihat yg paling saya suka is...

'bg dia some toy dlm stroller tu biar dia x bosan. Klu dia dh bosan dgn toy tu, pinjamla toy dlm shopping complex tu, b4 gi byr kt cashier letak balik...hehehe.'

very the brilliant one ... eekekeke...

Oyis said...

topi tu bapak Aisyah yg berkenan. Kita panggil topi tu topi komunis bintang tiga. hehe... nasib bila baby pakai nmpk comey kehkeh

Lia Sakinah said...

Ngee...bkn bg nasihat pn, just shre pengalaman...Klu x smpat amik toy pun, kasik je dia apepe yg boleh tarik phatian dia. Aritu kitorg bg kotak plastik nini coklat celup..terus dia diam smbil belek2 benda tu...Hehe...kdg2 kita x sedar kreativiti kita akan bertambah baik when it comes to handling karenah anak. Nti noris akan lalui sume tu...X caya tanya wak alpyan...dia lg byk pengalaman. Hihi... yg penting jd mak bapak kene byk2 sabar...