Up until recently, I only knew of one kind of Spectra, which is the one above. You know, the kind that transport people from one place to another.
Well, lo and behold, now I OWN one, though it serves a pretty much different purpose. Hopefully it can be useful from a long time, and at least get Aisyah from babyhood to toddlerhood on expressed breast milk during the day, Insya Allah...
P/s: This is the Spectra-3 model. I bought the Extravaganza package and got the dual pumping mode with the entire accessories as shown in the pics below at http://momslittleones.com/ . The store is just a stone throw away from where I live, so I bought it straight from there, tho' they do sell it online. A girlie gossip with another new young mom at HPAN when we were both rooming - in with our babies while the babies had their phototherapies done told me about the model and store. So far, it works like a charm. Pray that I am steadfast in pumping!
hi noris.. dah ade baby gurl rupenye.. congratulations!!
do u still remember me?? it's me NANI.. kawan darjah 6 Budi...
another thing.. during ur confinement period pun sempat blogging.. hehhehe!! nnt bg phone no.. boleh calling2..
eh, mesti la ingat!!! pekabar? sihat ke? nani kt ne skang ni?
camne bole terlanding kat sini? melalui frenster ke? sbb kita letak link kt sana.. ke google spectra? or google psl baby stuff? saja curious... hehe.
nani ada frenster? add la kita, guna surname kita. ingat lg x? segan nk letak phone no kat sini :) tp kalo x de bgtau, nnt kita cari jln lain nk bg fon no tu :)
br je dlm mggu lps ter kontek balik ngan siti noor fathilah... ingat lg dia? best kan dpt get in touch balik ngan member2 lama kan?
Saya kawan darjah 6 aspalela ^_^
saya dah add noris kat friendster.. siti fathilah dah ade baby ke?? i'm mom to be..anytime je nih.. my due date will be on 26/7/08..
lame tak jumpe kan!!
take care of ur health and ur beloved baby too..
aspalela.. lela lela lela...
u got me singing that song in my head now! x bole stop!
wah... mom to be rupenyer... mesti excited n berdebar2 kan nak nak tunggu kedatangan otg baru. kalo dah bersalin nnt, bgtau ek? plan nak berpantang kat umah parents serdang ke? kalo ye, senang kite nak gi visit, mungkin by then kita dah habis pantang, so dah bole start jenjln balik hehe.. u take care also, and have a safe delivery! btw, dah scan ke boy ke girl? (senang nak beli hadiah, hehe)
berapa ringgit itu pam wahai Noris? :)
pam shj rm 346 utk single. kalo dual pump, rm 425 rasanya. aku amik pakej, dpt dual pump, 3 ice pack utk kekal susu sejuk sblm freeze, beg insulation kecik, 10 botol utk stock kan susu, 1 beg sandang ala2 bag notebook utk isi pump dan semua yg lain plus muat lg bbrp personal items. all for rm 570.
bestnyer da adepectra!! kite pon excited! tp faizal kate tngu lepas baby ade.. ermm nanti bolehlar awk tunjuk faizal tempat beli die yek!!
ok x de hal... call la kita then bole gi sama kalo nak :)
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