Hari ni masuk jg ofis half day, despite x lah pulih sepenuhnya lg demam tu. Apapon, Alhamdulillah, aku and Aisyah sudah beransur sihat. Maaflah kalo aku sendiri x sempat nak balas komen pembaca2 budiman semua, but terima kasih byk2 di atas doa2 kalian. Sememangnya demam dan sakit tu satu ujian drpd Allah, tp bila mana dah bergelar Ibu tu, bertambah la sedikit cabarannya, apatah lg kalo di perantauan ni. Dlm sakit2 tu terpaksa jua buat semua benda sendiri, kerana x de sedara mara terdekat bole mintak tolong, dan lebih sadis lg, x de gerai lauk utk beli lauk cap tunjuk, maka terpaksa la gagahkan diri masak even if it was just nasi and telur masak kicap, altho hanya Allah lah yg tahu betapa x de selera atau kekuatan utk memasak dah huhu. X pe, what doesn't kill makes you stronger, so in theory, aku ni dah bole masuk Iron Lady la kot. Heh...
Enough menceceh. Nak tgk mcm mana keadaan aku semasa demam 2,3 hari baru2 ni? Well, tgk Aisyah sudah cukup lah nak reflect macam mana ibunya. Kesian anak aku, rambut x bersikat, comot apa semua, meraung x sapa peduli huhu... Actually, most of the time masa aku sakit pon aku rasa nak meraung mcm ni jgk. Time2 tu jgk rasa nak balik M'sia ok.... manja seh aku nih...
5 saat lps aku amik gmbr ni, terus Aisyah was like, "Smai! smai!" (smile! smile!) and posing2 utk kamera. Ooo.. nangis td tu acting je la eh, Aisyah? Lihat la aksi2 dia lps tu. Kemain lg ko... Ntah sapa ngajar dia posing gaya2 ginih...
Hok ni plak gmbr2 yg Aisyah petik sendiri. Wah bkn aje dah pandai jadi model nya, pandai jd fotografer nya jgk dah. Kira ok apa, amik gmbr still life teddy dia tuh. Siap shoot angle baikkkk lg tuh. Korg patut tgk betapa excitednya dia bila petik2 menjadi hohoho... Jgn dia pegi mintak hadiah kamera DSLR utk 3rd bday dia next year dah le.
Since no camera or subject was damaged in the process, I think she is a GREAT photogapher, considering she is a two year old! :)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Iron Lady Me
Monday, June 28, 2010
Demam Urat
Tgh demam urat. It hurts in my arms, my heels, my legs, and I have a pounding headache. Aisyah is also a little unwell, but she's still active and not fussy, so that's a good sign. Hubs has coughs, but thank God that's all he has at the moment. I guess we have spent too much time under the Sun.
Okay lah, gotta go and rest. It doesn't look like I will go to Uni for at least three days. It takes all the effort to get up to cook, to pick up Aisyah, and to blog, even. And in the blazing Sun pon rasa kaki sejuk2 gitu.
Okay lah nak tido. Doa2kan kitaorg cpt sihat ye.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Ahhh... the only that people talk about these days other than the World Cup, is the ammmmazing summer that we are getting in the UK. Panas u ols, tido pon dah x berselimut, mandi dah x pki water heater and mandi pon dah 2 kali sehari! Ok lah, mmg gelenyar sungguh la klo tiba2 kata cuaca panas gila coz it's only like 24C out, compared to Msia (kan aku baru balik je itu hari), tp u gotta understand that dgn negara yg x biasa panas ini, ditambah plak dg rumah yg x de kipas, apatah lg aircond, mmg it can get quite stuffy. Siang ok jgk bole bukak tingkap, but mlm terpaksa tutup sbb umah x de grill. But it's been pleasant so far, if you exclude the times when u bgn mlm2 scratching sbb berpeluh hehe.
Some pics to back up my claim:
(1) Aisyah tido berseluar pendek. Yes guys, that's my lappy dia dah buat harta sendiri
(2) The next night, she has been reduced to wearing just a T-shirt and knickers, hihi.
With the blazing Sun, of course we would need hat, hat, and more hat! Ni yg terbaru, beli from Sainsbury's from the TU range. Very reasonably priced, and serves the purpose well. Dah lama cari yg ala2 fisherman's hat for Aisyah
(3) Smile!
(4) Speaking of heat, Aisyah got a bit heated kitaorg x kasi dia naik pirate ship 50p tu (nak cpt). Siap berpeluk tubuh, refusing to budge, mogok la konon, ish ish...
(5) Taking the strike a step further, 'If you guys not paying, I'm not moving and I can sit like this all day', kata Aisyah (in the end, bribed her with a snack, terus lupa mogok)
With the heat full blast, hidung Aisyah jd berair plak. Mula2 ingatkn it was something she caught from nursery for the millionth time. Tp today when we were out, bkn saja hingus nya menjadi2, tp mata membengkak dan berair. Whilst we were at the pharmacy, I asked the pharmacist if it was possible for a 2-year old to suffer from hayfever? And after looking at Aisyah, the pharmacist said that Aisyah bkn nya demam selsema, tp terkena hayfever (allergic with pollens). Lor... patut la bila kluar rumah selsema, balik umah je dah kurang hingusnya. Ingatkn sbb berpanas... ngeee... So we bought her this - antihistamine for kids.
(6) Ubat hayfever
The little tiddlywink tu dah x nk mkn kt high chair dia. So while we were out, we bought her this booster seat. So skang dia dh mkn kat kerusi mkn for adults, with the booster. Abaikan kecomotan kerusi tersebut, sbb dh pki td. Tp x pe, sarung is machine washable, and thank Gos it's summer, cpt kering! :)
(7) Booster
Whilst we were out jg, masuk kedai Early Learning Centre (ELC), nak cari art supplies utk Aisyah. At this wonderful age, seronot sgt buat crafts dgn dia - colouring, painting, finger painting, drawing, etc. Soon to add, sculpting, cutting and pasting.
(8)She really is into locomotives, esp Thomas & friends and also from the newer series, Chuggington. She calls them 'Choo Choo', as in Choo Choo Train.
(9) Belek2 buku pon pon yg bertema kan trains jg tuh
(10) But sorry honey, the whole set, tracks and all, costs GBP220. So we only got you what we initially came here to get - a pair of child-proof scissors and your first box of plasticine. Total: GBP2.50. Hehe...
Altho you did start to 'swim and sing' on the floor of the store (menangis melalak dan meniarap), but in the end we had a good day out in the hot Sun now, didn't we?
And you slept all the way home too, whilst your Dad and I berpeluh2 ketiak menolak stroller atas bukit, terkejar2 nak tgk World Cup Live on telly, coz it was going to be a hot match between England and Germany. Sadly, the performance of team England was just suam2 kuku today, resulting them to get kicked out of the World Cup 2010. Kalah dgn Germany, altho aku rasa referee dia tu yg salah sbb si Lampard nyer goal tu valid la weih! Aku rasa satu UK pon hot psl nih hehehe... Oh well...
That's all for today's recap. Oh yeah, I don't feel so hot myself today, sbb I think I might have the tummy bug, asyik nak ke toilet aje. Please let it pass quickly, huhu...
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Aisyah's 2 Year Review
Ni lagak Aisyah wat kelakar masa menyambut Ibu balik drpd Uni. Very cute mempenyekkan hidung ke tingkap! :)
Skang dlm usaha memberhentikan penyusuan ibu dgn Aisyah, so bila masuk2 rumah dia mintak susu, tgh mengaplikasikan teknik 'distraction'. So ajak dia kaler2. Very therapeutic, you alls. Patut try di hari2 yg mcm bad mood, coz it kinda lifts your spirits up. Mesti anak2 anda pon appreciate jg, u spending time with them. Tgk la tuh, kemain lg mengaler, Aisyah melopong je tergezut pikir kenapa la ibu dia tiba2 potong stim dia mengkaler.
Masih lg byk ideas utk membuat lawak, si Aisyah ni. Ni aksi Aisyah yg Hubs amik hari ni. She really thinks it's a hoot meletakkan kepala di dalam raga.
Aku bersyukur sbb honestly, hari ni adalah jauh lebih baik drpd smlm. In fact, aku telah mendapat satu idea psl one possible contribution utk research td, right before collecting Aisyah sementara Hubs nak gi Solat Jumaat. We start fresh la katakan, Jumaat kan penghulu segala hari.
Lps dah habis Solat tu, kitaorg bawak Aisyah gi appointment dgn Health Visitor nya utk 2-year review. Alhamdulillah, semuanya functioning fine and well for Aisyah. we discussed several other issues, such as weaning her from the breasts, psl dia kurg selera makan, psl nak register dia dgn NHS Dentist, potty training, her night coughs and her grants utk nursery bila dah 3 year old nanti. Kat sini ada subsidi drpd Govt utk budak2 masuk nursery at 3 years old, but kena queue awal2. Since Aisyah dah start gi nursery skang, we could put her name down from now if we decide to continue sending her here next year).
Ni sedikit extract of what was discovered and discussed today:
Aisyah's 2 Year Review
Weight: 10.3 kg (9th percentile)
Height: 80.9 cm (9th percentile)
Syukur, semua nya ok. Height and weight jg adalah proportion. Although she is on the light side, tp sejak drpd setahun hari tu lg dia dah duduk dkt 9th percentile ni, so her growth is pretty much consistent, no worries there.
Overall comment:
Age appropriate development milestones. Nurition and fussy eating discussed and information provided. Parents feel confident to speak to landlord about damp and contact health visitor if needed for universal services.
As always, x pernah balik tgn dgn tgn kosong, dpt satu set Bookstart package consisting - 2 bijik buku, 2 number posters, 1 Bookstart sketch book, 1 box of Crayola Jumbo Crayons, several health and safety pamphlets on safety in the sun, seatbelts in car, fire safety in the house, etc. Kan bagus kalo kat Msia pon dot cenggini? Haih..
These are some guides on stuff that issues that I raised today - fussy eating, toilet training, terrible twos, etc.
Also ada vouchers utk diskaun for next time beli buku.
Yg ni paling aku suka, a snack wheel! You just insert one of the tree discs kat dlm benda alah tu, and you spin the disc around. Lps ni dah x de la blur2 nak bg Aisyah mkn apa. Ala2 random food generator sebenarnya. Apa salahnya make it fun, sbb bosan hari2 x tau nak masakkan Aisyah apa, x de idea dok ulang hok sama.
Overall, aku bersyukur sbb Aisyah is a healthy and happy child. Ni aku sertakan video dia mkn ayam goreng lps balik appointment tu. Dia mkn sorg bcoz masa org lain makan, dia tido (balik drpd appointment). Bila dah bgn, baru la bg mkn. Btw, aku ada duduk dkt dia, tp masa nak amik shot ni je gi jauh sket, otherwise dia perasan, terus x nak makan. Dia x perasan sbb dia tgh tgk TV tu sesambil. Notice how towards the end of the video, beliau mula menari to the song kat TV. Kalo amik gmbr dpn2, konfem x buat la jawabnya hehehe. As you can see, dia dah x duduk high chair, dah mkn kat kerusi adult. Maybe lepas ni kena cari booster seat plak, sbb kesian dia duduk rendah plak kat kerusi org besar.
That's a wrap for this entry. Pjg sgt dah ni. Have a nice weekend, all!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Apa daaa nasib aku hari. Terus kacao mood nak buat kerja. Mula2 I found out that ada satu change in our plan (bills) yg kitaorg buat baru2 ni atas dasar penjimatan, telah backfire dgn sbb ada nya hidden costs yg x kelihatan semasa menandatangani kontrak tersebut. Masa dpt bill tu rasa nak pitam pon ada, sbb increase 400% daripada pelan asal. Ya Allah! Hubs plak ada kelas masa tu so diam2 je la ku tanggung sendiri samapi beliau balik. Nak kansel dah x bole, so life must go on je la.... *pengsan*
Secondly, yg gi Barcelona utk Summer School ni mmg la ditaja oleh my Uni, tp ditaja takat GBP500 aje. Mmg bunyi nya mcm byk kalo convert, tp dgn ongkos train Plymouth ke Bristol lg, flight ke Barcelona lg, train dari airport Girona ke Barcelona town lg, accommodation lg, registration and tutorial fees lg, mmg itu aje dah berlebih dah drpd GBP500 tuh. Nak2 skang ni musim Summer, segala2nya harga at peak. Barcelona plak mmg destinasi pelancong, apa lg, mmg teruk la kena ketuk. Konfem kena tambah gak duit sendiri utk makan, miscellaneous and kecemasan (shopping is not an emergency ye Tuan Puan).
Dah la kena fwd duit sendiri dulu utk yg GBP500 yg ditaja tu, sbb nya x bole mintak pendahuluan drpd Uni mcm kat Msia bole buat (kalo tempat aku kerja dulu tu bole mintak up to 80% pendahuluan, baki claim masa dah selesai tugas). Masalahnya, kalo aku book lewat plak, mmg lagi mencanak2 harga dia naik, standard la, the closer you get to the actual date, the higher the price is, so kena booking in advance. Ni pon ada yg dah naik harga drpd awal2 bulan Jun masa aku usha dulu. And tang accommodation plak, itu hari yg ada bilik pon byk skang aku tgk dah sold out org lain booked. Haish. Bikin panas betul la. Sbb tu la aku settle kan booking mooking ni skang. Itu pon kira ok la lg, sbb SV aku ckp, as soon as dah beli tiket2 tu semua, isi borang claim with the receipts and diorg akan proses secepat mungkin. So maybe before aku fly dah dpt rolling balik ah duit GBP500 tuh.
Tup2 hari ni masa gi mintak borang claim dkt Graduate School tu, I was told that the form will only be processed kat Finance Dept bila aku dah balik drpd Barcelona. What?! Dah la event tu plak adalah hujung bulan July, makna nya mmg sebulan lg x kan nmpk la kelibat bayang duit GBP500 yg aku dah fwd kan itu. And it takes up to four weeks untuk proses borang tu, so we're talking about August baru bole dapat! *pengsan kali kedua hari ni*
Aku ni student aje tau, bkn la ada duit spare utk kes2 begini. Dgn nak gi Barcelona nya lg, dgn fixed cost yg aku sebutkan awal2 td yg lebih menyusahkan drpd menyenangkan. Dah la bulan Julai ni pjg (31 days), so in terms of nursery Aisyah kena bayar lebih drpd selalu (utk Ogos pon sama, tp tu pikir kemudian lah. Setel bulan Julai dulu). Ye, kat sini dia bukan kira monthly one lump sum berapa fees nursery dia, tp dia kira how many sessions per month budak tu is due to come in. Kalo ada bulan yg kena 5 minggu mcm Julai ni, ha, kena byr lebih la. Pastu system dia bayar dulu sebelum hantar, maknanya by 30 June dah kena bereskan yuran bulan Julai. Makna nya, bila dah dibayar in advance tuh, ko nak dtg ke, ko x nak dtg ke, ko sakit ke, ko sihat ke, apa nursery peduli sbb duit dah dpt. In fact kalo kita plan nak holiday pon kena bayar jg the usual cost. Haru betul la. Tp yg ni xpe la mmg dah anticipate. Benda2 lain yg dtg secara mengejut ni, x suke, x suke, x suke!!!!!
Lebih best lg, org Grad School tu siap ckp, kalo x nak dahulukan duit sendiri, lain kali order aje menerusi diorg, so apa2 tiket dan accommodation diorg aturkan. Now you freaking tell me! Terasa gak nak cancel plak semua2 yg aku dah booked and start from scratch suh Grad School buat (dgn harapan dpt balik duit through refund tp kena check balik cancelation policy semua2 lah), tp ni dah tinggal less than a month ni, mesti lagi tinggi ongkos dia. Tp jgn bimbang, aku x buat la, sbb tu pikiran org tgh diapi2kan setan je nih. Pikir2 balik, kalo thorugh Grad School tu pon susah gak, sbb this time aku (excitedly!) pakat ngan member gi Barcelona sesama, so susah nak tally kan our routes and room. And aku rasa mahal jgk kalo buat melalui Grad School, sbb kalo buat personally, kita bole amik airline paling murah, lg kita sendiri pon ada Railcard dsb nya, so bole diskaun and plan different route, etc. Plus kalo dah involve third party tu, leceh la, byk kena to and fro dgn depa. Mungkin la ini hikmahnya.
Apa pon, moga2 berbaloi pengorbanan wang, masa, tenaga, dan jg perhatian serta kasih sayang yg kitaorg gadaikan utk event ni. Bkn aku aje affected, tp Hubs and Aisyah jg, yg mana Aisyah kena berkorban putus susu badan, dan kasih sayang seorg Ibu. Hubs plak kena berkorban menjadi both Ibu dan Ayah pada Aisyah during those five days, dari memasak, memandikan, mengemas, dan menjaga Aisyah lebih masa, at nights especially. Dah la every morning he has to go to work as usual. Bab duit tu jgn cerita la, all three of us pon kena berbajet2 selepas ni for awhile at least.
Itu sahaja la luahan hati aku ptg ni. Baru rasa okeh sket nak start keja. Kalo terbuku je dlm hati mmg bole jd pekasam. Semak kepala kalo pikir bab duit. Bertambah2 lg berbulu bila dgr cerita org mengejarkan Summer Sales. Nmpk gayanya x de makna la sales tahun ni (as if aku ni kaki kejar sales pon before). Untuk meredakan hati yg suram, cuci mata tgk gmbr2 Barcelona.
Hati lebih terubat bila baca overview content Summer School tersebut (kira mcm teaser utk apa yg bakal dipelajari -
The creation and study of the soundscape of Barcelona will be divided into different subtopics, covering all the required aesthetic and technical aspects for soundscape analysis and creation. For that, the program of the summer school is divided into lectures and hand-on practical sessions.
The 3 main lectures cover the following topics:
* Soundscape composition
* Sound and music content processing
* Introduction to recording techniques using handheld recorders
The hands-on practical sessions cover the following topics:
* Composition of Realistic and Interactive Soundscape: Analyse, record and annotate a target soundscape of Barcelona, in order to re-compose it
* Augmented Soundscapes: Creation of augmented soundscapes, starting from recordings of real soundscapes, using realtime machine listening and signal processing techniques
* SMC Tales: Develop a mobile phone application for collaborative story telling
* Tangilble interface for graph based music representation: Building a tangible interface for the music representation used in radio freesound
Then on the final day ada concert at night, which is basically like a presentation from all participants on stage, utk mempersembahkan composition masing2, termasuk la haku (ecstatic!)
Oh, and on the last day prior to the concert, aku ada booking slot tutorial dgn ada satu mamat ni. Jikalau Tuanku Abdul Rahman adalah Bapak Kemerdekaan Malaysia, dia ni adalah Bapak Concatenative Music Synthesis (bidang aku). So aku sgt2 look fwd terhadap session beliau ni. Smg Allah merahmati pengorbanan dan kesungguhan kami ini dalam mengejar ilmu Nya dgn membantu melancarkan kajian aku hasil drpd event ini, Amin, Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin!
When .. Just ..
As of these last few days, x rancak menghapdet blog. Singgah blog member2 pon mana2 yg dan aje, sorry ek? I've been pretty busy, with work, and as I've written before, Aisyah had been unwell from the weekend on. She had a fever, a little bit of diarrhoea, then ada muntah gak sket2. Called NHS Direct, and was told maybe just a tummy bug from the sounds of it. But I was still wary sbb kat notice board nursery dia ada tertulis last week ada one isolated case of chicken pox. And imagine my horror bila smlm badan dia naik bintik2! Cpt2 called GP dia, Alhamdulillah, dgn magiknya ada slot kosong (mungkin sbb masa tu pkl 4.40 ptg, x de sapa nak kan slot tu sbb England was playing football live smlm, lengang satu town I tell u, semua berkumpul kat pub tgk bola!), so gi klinik smlm jgk, and was verified that it was just post viral infection spots. Alhamdulillah, dan bintik2 tu dah hilang pon.
Alhamdulillah, my momentum is picking up for work dah. Maybe sbb terinfluence dgn membaca buku2 like Getting Things Done by David Allen and Getting Things Done: The Personal Efficieny Program by Kerry Gleeson. Basically from what I have extracted so far, kunci kejayaan nya ialah, DO IT NOW! No excuse excuse. Find something or someplace that will inspire you and work there. Cut out distractions and off you go. Mula2 mmg susah, but in the end it works!
Another good book yg telah memberi impact ialah Wisdom 2.0 by Soren Gordhammer. Aku suka buku ni becoz of the idea of making life less complicated, and appreciating the simplest things in life. Bila kepala x payah nak tampung mcm2 dlm kepala, baru la kita bole fikir dgn tenang and idea pon dtg mecurah2. Basically ada connection ngan the 1st two books tu jgk la, i.e. when you keep thinking that you have to do something, you carry all these baggages in your head, and you perceive that it will take you a long time to get it done, but actually bila you buat kerja itu it's not even that long pon! When you have all these To Do's in your head, u carry a heavy baggage dlm kepala, so bila nak start wat kerja, mmg x leh fokus. But if you do all the things yg u lengah tu skang, lps tu mmg otak rasa relieved sgt, and kerja pon lebih effisien and tenang. Am I making any sense kah?
Satu point yg aku suka lg dlm Wisdom 2.0 ni ialah dia suh ketepikan alat2 teknologi yg distracting and making life x psl2 havoc ni, esp when you work e.g internet, handfon, mp3 player. Jgn multitasking. 'When sitting, just sit. When standing, just stand. Above all, don't wobble'. Maksudnya, jgn nak buat semua, nnt tumpuan terganggu. Buat sesatu benda mesti fokus. Mcm mudah kan nak follow, tp sebenarnya kalo bole master the art of letting go, mmg dah bole jd Zen guru ah.
And as you would have guessed, mmg lebih berkesan la working without teknologi ni. Mula2 ingatkan payah nak baca jurnal without my headphones on, sbb aku ni jenis suka angkat kepala kalo dgr apa2, but in the end, bila dah got absorbed in it all, mcm x dgr satu apa pon yg berlaku, engrossed dlm text tu. Tu jurnal technology tu, bkn novel. But I suppose kalo baca novel bole sbb that state of mind, baca jurnal pon bole jg, if you give it your all.
Oh and one more thing yg aku cuba praktikkan spt yg disarankan dlm buku ni ialah appreciate the smallest things in life. Maknanya, bila berjalan ke Uni tu, jgn semak2 kan kepala dgn 'I gotta do this, I gotta do that'. Enjoy your walk. If people watching is your thing, do that. Walk your normal pace, x payah nak pretend aku sorg je busy dlm dunia ni dan berjalan / drive mcm hantu (aku selalu). And when eating, fokus. Jgn dpn PC.
So aku pon buat la ni. Skang aku mkn lunch atas rumput you all, underneath the Sun. Mmg mkn semata2 mkn, x de bawak paper or anything. Slalunya mkn dpn PC sambil baca email or blog.DKonon efisien la kan, mkn sambil buat kerja non-heavy tuh. But in the end rupanya otak aku penat bila mcm tu. X break2 from the computer. Mata pon jd strained agaknya, so by the time nak buat kerja, dah lemau. But this time, aku rasa betul2 recharged lps mkn tu. Mungkin pengahadaman aku improve kot, hasil aku khayal / enjoy masa mkn, aku kunyah lebih. And I breathed in more air so byk sedut oxygen. Who knew taking out half an hour utk lunch bawah pokok adalah sgt2 efektif utk kerja!
And satu lg, konsep redha and pasrah pada Allah (dlm buku x de la term ni, tp aku relatekan kpd agama aku la kan). X payah nak stress2 pikir kalo mmg benda tu x bole buat hari ni. Kalo nak cpt tp lampu jalan merah, stop, tp jgn maki2 dlm hati, but say, 'Ah!'. And enjoy the 2-minute break tu. So lps ni mmg kena amal balik la kot, konsep, 'Makaru wa makarullah, Wallahu khairal Makirin' (We plan, Allah plans, and Allah's plan is the best). Baru la stress-free, Insya Allah.
And I am super happy sbb member aku dah konfem akan ke Barcelona sesama. And so smlm jg terus aku mengaplikasikan konsep 'Do It Now', and booked apa2 yg perlu - flight tickets, accommodation, and paid my Summer School Registration and Tutorial Fees. Tinggal hari ni nak gi beli train ticket ke Bristol je (naik kat Bristol International Airport). Mmg agak sayu membooking tiket, sbb pikir nak kena tinggalkan Aisyah and Hubs utk 5 hari, tp lps dah buat semua ni mmg lega. X de lagi nagging feeling that I have to do this, I have to do that, and adakah price dia akan naik today kalo aku lambat book? Syukur lah. I hope I have made all the right decisions.
Itu sahaja buat kali ni. I just feel like sharing something yg membuatkan aku excited psl work. But for the full story, bole la pergi beli or pinjam kat library buku2 berkenaan. Mmg worth it baca, especially kalo selalu demotivated mcm aku tu. Sama2 kita share manfaat nya, Insya Allah.

Pokok tempat aku mkn lunch skang
Monday, June 21, 2010
Happy Summer Solstice!
Today is officially the longest day of the year 2010 in the UK. Kalo anda berpuasa hari ni, fuh... mmg insyaAllah x de masalah dah nak tackle posa di bulan Ramadhan nanti heheh... Ingatkan berkobar nak gi school hari ni, sbb mcm2 ada nak dibuat, siap dah plan2 nak study kat tgh padang atas rumput apa semua (mat salleh la sgt kan?), tp nmpk nya hasrat tu terpaksa di postpone ke suatu masa yg lain kerana aku duduk umah aje hari ni temankan cik Aisyah yg sedang demam :( Syukur la demam dia tu mcm overnight aje, more like a tummy bug it was, sbb ada berak cair plus muntah2 sket. But now kalo bg paracetamol and ibuprofen on time, insyaAllah masih bole curb the fever from spiking up. But still, as a precaution, teman dia kat umah, moga2 cpt sembuh. So whilst Hubs went out to get groceries, I looked after her, yg tgh main mak2 kot dgn teddies nya (sila rujuk video). A little translation, teddies dia berak tu, tu yg Aisyah duk sapu2 bontot bear dia ngan tisu (ala2 aku cuci bontot dia pki wet wipes. Tu psl la dia sebut taik, taik, and also 'smewi' (smelly) hehe...