Thursday, May 27, 2010

How to Tell If It's Summer Yet?

Bila gaya tido anak pon semakin melasak, maka blanket (bkn duvet ye, duvet adalah sgt tebal utk skang!) dan juga Ibu! pon disepak2 ke tepi akibat rimas dan berpeluh2 dalam tido.

Oh and another telltale that it's summer is that when you have to pray for Subuh at 3 am. Aisyah terjaga sama sbb batuk2 masa ni, so bila dah terjaga tu, nak mengekor je la. Solution nya, suruh dia tido tepi sejadah atas karpet, tggu Ibu habis solat. Nasib Subuh 2 rakaat aje.

And as they say, enjoy the Sun whilst it's here. Tu yg berjalan2 dlm garden dpn pon sakan la amik gmbr. Btw, these pics were taken this morning, on the way and back from the GP. Aisyah ada appointment Dr pg td, coz her fever, cold and coughs are just not going away for 3 weeks now, but the Dr didn't seemed concerned at all. As usual, 'Give her Calpol, Calpol, Calpol' je la yg dia ckp, naik muak aku dgr. But at least we know that it's nothing serious. Aku ada gak merayu suh bg antibiotik ke, tp dia kata antibiotik utk treatment bacterial infection aje, yg budak2 mcm Aisyah slalu kena ni adalah viral, it's of no use.

In fact, she says not to worry, coz kalo dah start gi nursery tu, mmg hidung x akan pernah kering la. But keep sending them to nursery, coz it will build her immunity. Bcoz dioeg bkn sakit apa pon, x payah tggu baik baru nak hntr nursery. And when we asked friends yg ada anak2 gi nursery pon, mmg semua ckp, sampai umur 3-4 tahun baru ok sok sek idung tu. Kalo kecik2 mmg berair je la spjg2. Sorg lg siap ckp kat aku, 'You name, he's had it' (anak dia) - cold, fever, cough, chicken pox, tonsilitis, blah blah <--- sejak gi nursery (nauzubillah!)

Huhu... hiba aku mendgr nya. Baru bercita2 bole tido nyenyak lps ni kalo Aisyah dah 100% stop menyusu badan (belom lg stop, tp berangan2 la kan), then dpt tahu bkn semudah itu nak get a good night sleep. Aku rasa kalo kat Msia tu ok la lagi, coz ubat dia dose tinggi and ada ingredient yg kat sini x lulus utk budak2 under 6, tu yg cpt baik (honestly kitaorg dah search internet, mmg ada bbrp yg x lulus di Uk tp ok je kat Msia, and even more honestly, I don't give sh*t la ingredient tu sesuai ke x untuk budak2 under 2 asal aje diorg cpt baik, sbb kat Msia x de pon kes2 pelik kan, ok je budak2 amik).It wears you out tau kalo tiap2 mlm kena bgn byk kali tepuk2 blkg, bg ubat, dukung2, tido menegak atas sofa, etc, but then again, maybe this is part of my PhD training la kot. Hey, what doesn't kill you, will only make you stronger but let's just hope that your sanity is still intact at the end of the day la kan tapi...

Apa pon, aside from that, things have been looking brighter and brighter. Aku ada tanya gak Dr kalo condition Aisyah mcm ni, bole ke nak gi holiday ke jalan2, and she said, yes, it's fine. Kalo nak tggu budak2 sihat betul2 baru nak jalan, mmg x berjalan la, kata beliau (aku paraphrase). Yg ni aku sokong, hahaha. Ok la, kitaorg x gi jalan, tp posing dalam garden is a first step to summer holiday la kan?

Another reason to love summer is finally dresses Aisyah yg berlambak2 itu bole diperagakan. Biarlah hanya aku dan Aisyah je pon yg nmpk, tp sukeeeee.... So far dia asyik membesar in jeans, sekali pakai gown.... oooo... my heart melts!And when it's summer there's an excuse to get the sunglasses out (Aisyah loves hers!), and the summer hat (yg beli kat Mothercare itu hari hilang ditiup angin dah, terpaksa beli baru). For some reason, even Aisyah si kecil molek itu seakan memahami it's summer, she chose to play with the sand bucket instead, of all the toys yg dia bole pilih utk main. Sungguh kena dgn tema betul, unlike her mom yg x kisah la pakai baju tangkap muat, tudung mismatched most of the time.

Ok I'll leave you guys with these pics then. This is one of the very Aisyah-oriented entry, jgn marah ye. I would have liked to borak2 some more, tp got heaps to do still!


miSs inTerpReted said...

aww...she looks so cute in her dresses!!!

pasal sakit manjang tu, i will have to agree la..sebab masa hantar andi ke daycare, mmg slalu soksek idung dia and manjang demam..tapi now dia dok rumah dgn my mom, sihat walafiat!

Nida n' Hanafi said...

dulu masa baru sampai auckland.. anak2 semua taknak guna blanket sebab tak biasa.. laa ni panas2 pun depa guna blanket..haha

OneWan said...

cute-ness! :)

isabelle said...

kiutnya aisyah...
hmm mcm tu la motherhood kan-semak kepala selagi anak x sihat.
btw, i am gonna change my blog address to very soon. will let u know the new one.
xnak announce kat blog sebab nak elak certain silent readers tau.hehe

Oyis said...

ooo kiranya betul la yeh. hmm.. mmg nursery ni tempat diorg harbour germs sungguh!

hehe, dah berevolusi dah anak2 kak nida. budak2 mmg cpt adapt drpd kita2 ni kan...

thank u :)

woh siapakah stalker itu (silent follower)? please let me know yer ur new URL. i love reading blog, and mmg tension betul bila ada 'certain someone' yg kita nak avoid baca blog kita. ramai dah member2 i yg tiba2 privatized or tukar blog baru due to the same problem. annoying, but what can be done kan huhu...