This weekend Bank Holiday I had been quite a busy one for me for I had been playing hostess to several friends. It was really nice having them over, sbb aku di Plymouth ni jarang2 sekali baru ada yg sudi bertandang, bcoz it's way out of the way from the main motorway la. Almaklum lah, area aku ni agak terpencil gitu, di Southwest.
Hari Sabtu tu a colleague tempat sama2 aku kerja dtg. K Maryah sekeluarga, skang menetap di Southampton. Diorg gi jalan2 Cornwall, then singgah sini semalaman. K Maryah ni dah final year, and she has submitted her thesis, awaiting her viva, so she is an inspiration, especially since masa dia dtg sini anak sulung dia baru berumur 2 bulan, and x lama lps tu dia bersalin sorg lg (the biggest challenge indeed, any postgrad mommy can have). Apa pon, mmg terpancar sinar kelegaan di wajah and riak geri beliau, sbb nya we did silly stuff together seperti naik carousel, playing dress up as Elizabethan Queens and also ladies of zaman Victorian di fanfare sbgnya hehe. Anak2 beliau jg adalah sgt polite and well-behaved, and I am proud that Aisyah plays well with them. Dia dah x takut2 lg dgn org lain yg dtg bertandang, and I could cook without her clinging on to my legs sbb dia duk main ngan budak2 lain. Anyway, ni gmbr dan sedutan when K Maryah visited us.
[1] K Mar testing Nasi Ayam aku

[2] Lepakking

[3] Umah aku ada Bouncy Castle jgn x tahu (katil diorg lompat2 pg tu hehe)

[4] Macam taska dah

[5] Sharing is caring

[6] Victorian costumes

[7] Bapa2 Mithali

[8] Me & K Mar at the Hoe

And esoknya (Sunday), another work colleague came, this time it was K Haz and family drpd Nottingham. They came after visiting Salisbury and the Stonehenge, and they plan to go to Lands End after bermlm at our place. K Haz actually came in a rombongan of two from Notts, where the other family is K Zah and PakDin's family, who spent the night kat umah Zali (they know Zali's family).
Bila jumpa rerami camni, terasa la what I am missing duduk di ceruk Plymouth ni (Notts is one of the places kat UK ni yg highly populated with Msians They even have a road dubbed 'Jalan Cempaka' - sbb ramai Msia berderet2 duk situ. During raya, expect to serve 200 Msians ye, imagine that!). The comfort of knowing that you always have someone (Msian) with you, travel pon berkonvoi2, masak pon ramai2, share2 masalah n cerita especially dgn more senior members of the community yg ada anak beramai2, being called aunty and uncle by children of others (kat Plymouth semua kecik2 lom bole berckp betul2 lg), ada kaki yg tukang carikan kerja yg every Msian yg nak, and maybe stay-at-home-dads mcm Hubs ni x de la boring sgt (sbb Notts ada ramai bapa2 yg cuti tanpa gaji ikut wife study). Apa pon, no regrets. Plymouth has its own advantageous, and hopefully I will make the most of it. Enjoy the pics!..
[9] Makan Malam

[10] Aisyah making friends with anak2 K Haz

[11] Me & K Haz

[12] Breakfast (Nasi Lemak)

[13] Us lot

ish...mcm x percaya je asyik coincidence. i baru post entry psl gmbr i berbaju ala victorian age gitu. hahaha.
but hey..baju tu lawa la! (sungguh bias apabila org-gila-vintage yg komen)
wah sehati sejiwa la kita. dah kali ke berapa dah ni asyik theme sama kan? itu hari psl nursery, rasanya sblm tu pon pernah ada jgk kan yg ala2 tersama gitu hehehe...
syg i x sempat try baju zaman tudor gitu, sbb nya cik Hubs dah kebosanan menunggu. yg tu zaman lg lama (before victorian lg). pon lawa2 jg bajunya huhu
wow bestnya jalan-jalan and makan makan..skrg mcma weather di sana?
wow bestnya jalan-jalan and makan makan..skrg mcma weather di sana?
dah musim spring. alhamdulillah dah nyaman, x sejuk sgt, x panas sgt. kalo matahari kluar tu, rasa mcm kat msia, tp bukak aircon hehe
bestnya jumpa malaysians!!! and sedap betul nampak nasi lemak tu. *drool*
seronot jg sbb mmg jrg2 je dpt wat gathering reramai kat plymouth ni sbb x ramai melayu area sini. yg paling nasik lemak tu, kena la dtg plymouth rasa, sbb nya takut indah rupa dari rasa je yg i buat ni haha~
lupa nak tanya...cuba tak ayam roasted akak hari tu?
belom la kak. x sempat nak carik cranberry sos nya. tp x pe, hujung minggu ni bole try kot. stock ayam baru beli nih haha~
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