Sunday, September 26, 2010

Can Anyone Please Help 'SiTakut'?

Baru2 ni, I got this message in my ShoutBox.

Disebabkan tiada emel address or link utk contact SiTakut personally, I am writing up an entry here to respond to the message. Nak tulis kat ShoutBox, ada limited number of characters la plak, so this is the only way that I can think of. Also, I am asking my readers jg, if anyone can help SiTakut out, please leave your comments ye. Hopefully, SiTakut still comes back to read this, ntah2 dia dah give up coz I took my sweet own time plak replying. Many apologies, tp last week mmg kaw2 la busy nya. And now it's Monday again, where had my weekends gone off to?

First of all, I just want to clear up one thing: I am not the best person to answer this question, but since it has been asked, I will try my best to answer it.

Secondly, I don't have much info on your situation to base my answer with, so I am just going with assumptions. Maaf kalo2 x tepat or x membantu sgt pon...

Let's see, you wrote that your SV said you might fail. Can you think fo any reasons why he has said this?? Was he really certain about it, or did he say it as a challenge to get you working harder, maybe (tough love at play)? If I were you, I would ask what he'd meant by it, and maybe discuss with him what I could do to rectify the situation (and saving myself from failing). It might be that taking a few extra classes to strengthen the knowledge is all that is needed. Or maybe devising a Gantt chart with him to show what my aims are for the next few months (and abide by it!) until completion would the trick. Hopefully, he'll see that I really care about succeeding, and agrees once again to help me get there.

If that doesn't work, and he really has lost interest in supervising, I would take this matter towards the Dean of Graduate Studies, and see what he thinks the best course of action is. He might suggest a change of supervisor or something like that. Whatever it is, it is best to let someone know that something is definitely not going right somewhere.

If all that fails, and there seems like nothing can be done to salvage the study, then it is the best time to contact the sponsors (KPT and University). They definitely have all the answers, and I should imagine they have had to handle cases like this before, but I sincerely hope it doesn't get to this stage, SiTakut.

I've known a few friends who have had problems with their SVs, (be it un-cooperative SVs, allegedly racist SVs, retired SVs or even deceased SVs!) and some of them returned to Msia and resumed their PhDs locally, whilst some decided to remain in the UK, but moved to a different university (and they had all managed to get their PhDs eventually, Alhamdulillah!). The actual process of this transfer I know very little of, but as I wrote earlier, KPT would have the answers.

If any of my readers know any additional advice to give, please do add in the comment box. I am sending positive vibes your way, SiTakut, and may this rough patch be temporary only. Semoga Allah helps us all... Amin...

Maaf jika nasihat x berapa tepat, I had little information to go by.


Shue said...

I had a friend yg sv dia ckp tak layak utk PhD kalau dgn kerja2 nya. Apa yang dia buat, tukar topik, tukar supervisor. Ada juga yang tukar university mcm Oyis cakap tu. Cuba bincang dgn SV dan juga colleague di Malaysia. Moga bertemu jalan keluar. Setelah keputusan dibuat, mungkin boleh bawa isu ini ke KPT.

Just my 2cents :)

Oyis said...

thanks for replying shue. hopefully SiTakut baca. aku pon x tahu whether or not this person will come back to read it, but appreciate the input. other than ko dan mamazharfan, nmpknya xde sapa nak add to this la. mungkin coz it's such a taboo area kot :P

Shue said...

heheh tu la. Just share aje dh ada member yg melalui kan. Harap2 semua yg amik PhD ni berjaya.Ameen...

Azizul Azri Mustaffa said...

hmm xtau apa nak kongsi sebenarnya..apapun saya setuju dgn cadangan2 yg Oyis utarakan tu..rsnya itu yg terbaik setakat ini..'SiTakut' perlu lakukan apa yg dicadangkan dahulu baru kita boleh fikirkan langkah seterusnya..rasanya yg utama ialah as a PhD student we have done our best..selebihnya kita perlu banyakkan berdoa dan berserah kepada Yang Maha Esa..

Anonymous said...

my fren ada yg kena mcm ni..first year lg dah kena reject ngan sv..sampaikan sv dia suruh terminate study secara sukarela/paksa.akhirnya,,selama 2 bln dia beruasaha cari sv baru dgn dok di umah sahaja n fikir malu nak balik msia,akhirya,rezeki dia dapat sv yg sangat baik walaupun department berlainan uni yg sama,dan siap antarkan penilaian high score kerana ex-sv dia tak pernah antar satu laporan penilain pun kat uni msia, Uni msia dan KPT benarkan pertukaran sv dan siap bg surat kepujian tuk research..sbb sv dia nyatakan yg dia leh abis dlm tempoh perjanjian yg ditetapkan dan bidang dia lg best dr dulu sbb tu Uni msia bg sokongan tukar sv.jadi kpt ikut je

p/s:yg peting bebanyak berdoa..insyallah pasti ada jalan

Projeksiyon Lambaları said...

çok iyi bir shoutbox kullanılabilir.