Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Beginnings

Hari ni 3 cerita nak muat dlm satu entry, tp all pon ada tema yg sama, New Beginning. Cerita adalah mengikut kronologi.

New Beginnings #1 - Happy Bday to Hubs!!!
Yup yup yup, it's Hubs' bday. Hari ini dlm sejarah, I baked him a cake. Konon nak surprise la kan, smgt membakar from morning. I ni jenis fail la kalo bakar membakar kek ni, bentat la, merekah tgh la, senget sebelah la, hangit la, mcm2 hal betul. Korg mesti kata aku exaggerate je kan, sapa2 pon bole buat kek, but as proof kan, sila baca ni - as I was taking the cake out of the oven, Hubs masuk dapur, and he was stunned and said, 'Itu kek hangus ke mmg dia kek coklat?'. Bolehhhhh?

So surprise dah terbongkar, and I shooed him away from the kitchen sbb nak buat topping. Lps tu ajak Aisyah bubuh hundreds and thousands plak atas kek tu, and voila, dah siap kek bday utk Hubs!!!

Rasanya, mmmmm mmg giler sedap lah. Mmg masuk bakul angkat sendiri pon, sbb kejayaan yg x pernah tercapai kan. Pastu nak pat myself on the back lg some more, sbb dgn bijaknya dah kurgkan gula dlm kek awal2 (resipi selalu suh bubuh ridiculous amount of gula, teruk betu!), so bila buh topping, mmg perfecto ah. Chess lebih2 lak ek puji diri sendiri hehehe....

But what's more important, Birthday Boy adalah sgt happy dgn kek ini, and he said that it was one of the best chocolate cake he's ever tasted. I am well-chuffed!

New Beginnings #2 - School's Back!
After dah sarapan kat rumah dgn Hubs and Aisyah (of chocolate cake and roti telur), I went to Uni. Masa sampai tu, wah.. everything in full swing la. I'm guessing that it was Student's Club day ke hapa, yg mana semua club pon duk promote club masing2 nak ajak students baru join. Dari jauh lg nmpk the Cheerleader Squad duk praktis tgh2 court tu. Mmg ralit kalo tgk diorg buat cartwheels, back flips bagai. Masa gmbr ni diambil (dari jauh sebab segan), diorg tgh wat Basket Toss. Sebelah diorg ni lepak plak jocks from the Uni lacross team.

And across the other side of the court, kedengaran bunyi trombone, trumpet dsb nya. Oh, ni plak pastinya kelab Brass Band kot.

Ironic plak sbb tiba2 teringat seni kata lagu Taylor Swift's 'You Belong With Me' - "she wears high heels, i wear T-shirt, she's cheer captain, and I'm on the bleachers...' Ewah, nak dgr penuh, sila klik video di bawah la yeh. One of my fav songs jgk ni, and video clip dia adlah sgt sweeeeet *like*

Pastu terlalu satu kawasan ni, rupa2nya mmg ada satu expo utk students baru kot, from banks to student counselling, to chaplaincy to computer stores, to even Pizza Hut semua buat pameran. Yg Pizza Hut ni even giving out free pizzas, so imagine how jam-packed it was! Masa tgh adjust2 handset nak amik gmbr tu, tiba2 terbelaga dgn SV plak, and he said 'Hi'. Uhuks, cancel amik gmbr, cpt2 mencecet masuk lab :P

Actually before masuk lab tu buat satu detour dulu, gi scanned my passport utk International Office. Leceh betul la skang ni, undang2 Imigresen Uk adalah sgt2 ketat ok, skang diorg dah nak keep record of setiap Int Students nya passport, every year plak. Dulu2 xde, baru tahun ni implement. Pastu I also heard that kalo nak buat visa application and visa extension application pon harga dah naik, pastu byk la songeh dia nak menyusahkan. Apa pon, aku berdoa agar Allah permudahkan lah segalanya utk aku dan keluarga aku esok, amin. Masa kat situ sempat berbual dgn org yg scanned tu, baru je grad semlm. But she had been a mature students with two kids, so we had tonnes in common psl study. We talked about how difficult it was striving around other single students, sbb kita ada byk responsibility etc. At one point in her study she said, the father of her kids passed away, so masa tu dia mmg rasa x nak study dah, but in the end she pulled through and graduated - her name was even called first for her session! So cerita dia ni kiranya membakar smgt utk terus berjuang!

On my way, I noticed that papan tanda pon sudah tukar baru. Snap sket, utk kenangan di hari muka. Cuba la cari aku duduk lab mana hehehe...

Oh my lab pon ada dpt machine baru la sempena tahun akademik baru kot, tp utk Mac users je la. bapak besar skrin dia ok, lg besar drpd TV aku kat rumah, this pic does no justice. Wireless mouse lagi... jeles2, jeles...

This is my lab. Skang mcm hutan tropika sket lab, sbb a lab mate of ours went away to Belgium for 3 months, and pokok2 dia x de sapa nak jaga kat umah, so dia bwk ke lab and mintak kitaorg tolong siram n tgk2 kan. Bagus jgk, nyaman je mata memandang...

And this is my station. New term, new look la sket kan. Saja letak more pics, pemberi smgt la konon hehe. Gmbr2 those who are important to me - my small family, my parents and siblings, Hubs' parents and siblings, geng tutorians, geng Plymouthians, and Che Fadh my closest mentor.

Ok x hiasan nya?

New Beginnings #3 - Graduation
Ptg tu plak gi tgk si Afiq and si Anas nya konvokesyen di The Hoe. Diorg baru saja mendapat Ijazah Bacelor dalam Mechanical Engineering. Congratulations, guys! Sempat la berkenalan dgn family diorg, and berposing2an. Ni pon kira mencedok motivasi study gak, alangkah best nya kalo tamat belajar and dpt konvo!

Tp konvo kat sini agak informal, x mcm kita kat Msia, fuh mcm pertabalan Agong aje gaya nya. Tp best, sbb bila informal, jd lebih casul and laid-back, plus org nya pon x ramai. Kalo Msia, biasa nya satu sesi tu 700 org pelajar tu selamba aje. Sini mungkin about 200 pon x sampai kot per session. Majlis pon over an hour aje, so you have more time to be wit your family and those who matters most kan. And venue dia plak tepi laut, they put up marquees all over utk membuatkan jd spt satu big hall, which was nice, I must say.

X rajin nak study lg x tau la aku...


tun fatimah said...

wahh.. bestnya baca entry ni.. terus I rasa macam semangat tahun baru nak buat new resolution gituh lol.. BTW i see that you have decided to stick with your old desk, but its a good idea that you redecorate it, nampak fresh and lebih bersemangat nak study. BTW our graduation in Cardiff is slightly mcm 'pertabalan agung' sket (at least for the PhDs). hehe.. my fren who attended her convo this year cakap mmg worth sangat attending convo sebab u (phd awardees) will be treated like a VVIP. Tak yag beratur.. kena escort masuk dlm dewan. then after dia dah present u with scroll, u have to stand in the middle of the stage facing audience and be announced again (in english n welsh) "By the bla bla bla....I now pronounce you doctorate bla bla (cant remember the exact wordings, but sounds mcm wedding plak hahaha) Then you bow, lepas tu baru turun stage. ehehehe.. grand tak? kalah convo kat mesia okey.. LOL.

Oyis said...

a ah, i have decided to stay, bcoz masa tgh pikir2 tu i got swamped with work, and it became too much to think about clearing my desk, let alone move everything to another desk. in the end rasa ok jgk sbb bila dah letak gmbr2 baru ni, rasa lively sket meja :)

ooh fancy ye convo PhD di cardiff. di plymouth, konvo utk postgrad dibuat pada bulan Dec (September utk Bachelors) dan bkn di The Hoe tepi laut dlm marquees, tp di Guildhall dkt town, bgnan tua bergabung ngan church St Andrews kat sebelah blkg nya. from what I've heard, kalo PhD bole thn solemn la majlisnya (plus weather in Dec mmg gloomy, so mmg kena dah dgn tema tuh). personally i rasa mcm kalo tepi laut agak fun and bubbly experience dia, tp i x pernah attend lg sapa2 bergraduat PhD di dlm Guildhall tu, so x tau la sama ada diorg ada jgk ke buat pronounce ala2 husband and wife tu hihi. Tp kan, kalo ada pon i don't mind shhh! Glamer sih...

Mama Zharfan said...

best baca entry ni ;)
convo kat notts uni twice a year ie july or plak plan abis march..tak tau ler boleh attend ke tak convonya :(

leeds said...

happy birthday to ur hubby :)

a ah konvo kat uni msia mmg grand2, kt utm dulu siap ghazal bagai, kat ukm utk master i terlajak tido so tak pi konvo, baguih tak? hahaha

Oyis said...

xpe, kalo siap awal, balik dulu, nnt dtg lg konvo. even better, s-t-r-e-t-c-h aje study kasi habis cun2dgn waktu konvo eheh ;P

thanks. i plak ingat aje birthday ur hubby, sbb same date as me - 9th june :)

mcm mana bole x bgn tu leeds? silap konvo jam ka? aiyooo... sayang nya. xpe, PhD punya wajibal ghunnah pergi ye... sket punya besar sacrifice nak menyiapkan hok ni betul dak?

yatie chomeyl said...

i punya semangat study semakin malap nih..thanks utk entry ni yg sedkit meniakkan semula semangat i

Oyis said...

kalo di UK ni the start of a new academic year, so mmg smgt berkobar2 tu dtg balik. kat japan bila start new academic calender?