Alhamdulillah, the meeting with my SV went well. Dare I say nampaknya beliau juga teruja dgn idea2 baru hamba? He was a bit surprised that aku dah changed sket direction kerja, but he was pleased to see some encouraging results (so far). Paling mendebarkan bila he wanted my help (actually my system's help) dlm recomposing a sonata for the upcoming Music Festival (next February). Aku berdebar jg, but dah nak masuk 3rd year, ni high time la utk start performing or at least co-write a piece for the festival. Prospect tersebut adalah amat exciting, tp risau jg sbb coding aku stink, but he says he doesn't care what I do with it, as long as he gets an aesthetically pleasing output. I don't know how he's going to measure that, but if the man thinks I'm capable enough to do it, I should give myself some credit too I suppose :)
I think it did a LOT of good that he went away for two months, sbb nya it gave me time to rethink a lot of things and helped reinforced my research objectives. Awal2 when he was gone aku agak lost, and to pass time, I spent a significantly long time on reviewing systems of others. Mujur lah in the end suddenly mcm nmpk a hole somewhere. I guess it's good to be independent sometimes, supaya berani mencuba bawak idea sendiri dlm research ini, dan bukanlah clingy spt selalunya (I was told yg my SV x suka diganggu with emails in the summer, so apa2 kena take heed sdn bhd).
Benda yg kitaorg diskas hari ni primarily stemmed from ideas I gathered around Barcelona, tp it really clicked masa tgh mencuci jamban tempohari. Oleh sbb tiada paper to jot it down, maka aku ingat2 gitu je la dlm kepala. It was only around 48 hours later baru teringat nak go over it semula, tiba2 blank. Alamaks! Dlm keadaan agak panic itu, I started doodling, and yes, the technique worked lah! Little by little the ideas started to resurface on paper (not all in one chunck, but bits here and there), tp finally bole ingat balik what it was all about. Alhamdulillah. So yes, if you ever needed to recover some thoughts, get doodling, coz your scribbling and doodling is a message from your subconscious mind.
Got several deadlines to meet. Hopefully I have enough time and motivation to get them all done. End of October means Year Three, in the words of Aisyah, "Scawyyyy!" (Scary). Here are some random pics of the tiddlywink herself. Rambut sudah pjg boleh ikat tocang (braid) lg.
Ok lah, it's only 5 pm, tp nak balik dah. I think Hubs is expecting a huge feast for Iftar tonight, sbb smlm kerja keras balik lab pon pkl 9 pm, and Hubs had actually cooked for all of us - Nasi Goreng Kambing. Jgn byk tanya, makan aje :P
Kalo balik awal, bole try mcm2 kuih. Lately ni mcm ada drive utk buat kuih muih tradisional plak - kuih cara manis dah, pengat keledek dah, sira pisang dah, kuih keria pon dah. Tp sbb guna sweet potato, jd agak lembik, and sbb keras tgn, buruk ya amat kalah kuih jenderam in terms of looks. Gula pon x cukup tu sebenarnya, tp rasa mcm dah guna byk. Baru aku tahu kuih keria ni pakai byk gile gula wat salut eh. Kalo x buat x tahu, sedap je melantak! At the risk of kena hina, aku beranikan tepek gak kuih keria hasil nukilan sendiri di sini. Mesti my Mom terpegun nih hehe... (x kisah la terpegun dek menengok kerajinan anak memasak, or terpegun dek kehuduhan rupa kuih tersebut).
Ok la, challo challo ... Selamat Berbuka!
hahaha...maybe terpegun with a little bit of both
kat sini kuih2 tradisinal ni beli je, maybe i'll never know how to make most of them, huish take for granted tul dah duk msia ni kan,;p
yup! kadang2 dlm jamban tu lah boleh duk fikir mcm2, as for me, hehe..and yes oyis, u should gv credit to urself. good job by d way, ;)
k sara:
kalo bkn sebab nak ikutkan tekak yg teringin nak mkn mcm2, mmg x buat dah. leceh jgk, mmg kalo duk msia dah beli la, pastu komplen kecil, or mahal, or x sedap hehehe.
psl idea dlm jamban tu kan, masa tgh mencuci tau, bkn 'melabur'. hehe
oyis! bestnye bila baca outcome meeting sv yg positive. Tolong tiup2 kan sikit aura positive tu jugak kat i sbb i nak jumpa jenny esok ni! *matilah apa nak bgtahu dia ni!* LOL.
ps: hopefully esok lusa bolehlah nak hapdate blog i yg dah berabuk tu. sejak 2 weeks ni mmg pulun kerja je! *padan muka kat diri sendirik*
mak mak kalo terkejut pun dia cover.
cuba tanya aisyah...kan budak2 ni telus sikit. hehehe
sblm jumpa SV, mmg perasaan berdebar kencang dan nervous terlebih2, tp lps jumpa, usually LEGAAAA teramat, x kira lah apa outcome nya. i'm sure you'll be just as fine, if not better sbb nya u dah writing up nya stage, unlike me masih tage testing and development. so how was it? all OK i hope. i have a confession, i ni even when tau u x de update pon, i still stop by sometimes heh. gile stalker ah :P
aisyah so far kalo hasil tgn ibu dia je semua sedap. even nasi goreng pedas buh cilipadi byk2 pon dia mkn, tp duk 'sss... ssss....' pastu teguk air after setiap suapan. kesian sgt!
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