As in previous entry, dah sedia maklum yesterday was Aisyah's last day at nursery. I didn't get to pick her up bcoz I had other commitments, and Hubs was there for her final moments at the nursery. Aku mintak dia amik a few pics dpn nursery just kenang2an. Hubs ckp, cikgu2 dia lined up the kids to say bye bye to Aisyah masa Aisyah nak balik tu. Aisyah, and the kids, of course not fully understanding the situation, senyum2, gelak2 and said bye bye friends. Sedihnya! *sob sob*
Anyway, among the few things the nursery has passed back to us are her art folder and a learning diary. Learning diary ni adalah rekod kemajuan diri Aisyah la sepanjang di nursery, filled with her pictures, comments from her carers and also evaluation of which target age she is at a particular moment. Mmg akan betul2 jd keepsake lah ni, kot dia besar2 esok bole tunjuk balik. I know my mom still keeps the report card masa I graduated from Margaret Beaks Kindergarten at age 6 di Virginia, USA, tersimpan elok dlm envelope kuning dlm my old almari in her house. Stuff like how well I could recite the ABCs, and count the numbers, blah blah. Hopefully I will be able to keep this for Aisyah so she gets to read it one day when she' older.
Belek2 dan baca semua tu, rasa mcm sebak dan terharu jg, mmg nmpk la perubahan dan progress spjg di situ. Coz we see her and a day-to-day basis, kdg2 x perasan or x take note pon benda2 mcm ni, tp di nursery diorg catat. Plus diorg mmg tgk segala segi and skills, among them are:
Aisyah was looking through a book when she pointed at a picture of a baby and said, "baby". She then turned the page and pointed to a picture of a cat and said "meow".
Communication, Language and Literacy (16-26 months)
Aisyah passes her bowl to me at and said, 'more' 'it's all gone' at snack time
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy (Calculating)
Aisyah shows interest in observing the snails and feeding them apple
Knowledge and Understanding the World - Exploration (March 2011)
Aisyah is playing with the playdough. She is using a roller as well as her fingers.
Using Equipment and Materials for Particular Purposes (16-26 months)
Time and time again, we see one key word keep popping up - independent. Ye, anak dara saya mmg strong-willed and independent, kalo di rumah pon pakai kasut, baju, gosok gigi, tuang air dlm cawan (dan x tumpah) semua dia buat sendiri. Bab suap mkn x sah cerita la, from age 8 bulan lg dah x nak disuapkan, x pernah aku berkejar satu rumah nak bg dia mkn sbb dia mmg duduk proper atas high chair/dkt meja mkn dan suap mkn sendiri. Ni mmg salah satu quality traits Encik Hubs, which I am grateful she doesn't take after me eheh.
Tapi yg paling mengharukan, komen yg ini:
Aisyah helps her friend put their coat on
Physical, Social and Emotional Development (February 2011)
Teringat plak verse dalam lagu My Wish by Rascal Flatts..
I hope you never look back but you never forget
All the ones who love you and the places you left
I hope you always forgive and you never regret
And you help somebody every chance you get
Oh you find God's grace in every mistake
And always give more than you take
Mcm sesuai sgt sbb dia nak parting nursery ni kan. Oleh sbb tu aku dedicate kan lah lagu ni utk Aisyah sekali lg (dah pernah dah utk 1st bday dia dulu).
laaaaaa... apsal dia berhenti g nursery?
So touching la entry ni... tpi diorg punye sistem mmg bagus kan. Boleh catat aktiviti anak2 kita, amik gmbr diorg and simpan dlm file. These are the things that will be missed bila balik msia nti...hope one day nursery2 kt msia boleh ikut style mcm ni...brula parents x rasa lost track dgn perkembangan anak2 kt nursery...
sumpit: dia tukar sekolah eti, sbb kitaorg pindah umah, kasi yg dkt sket umah. lg pon, yg pegi itu hari nursery private, ni masuk govt punye, jimatttsss hehe
lia: tu la. usahkan nak harap buat benda2 ni, basic things like make sure baby x tercekik susu pon lom yakin 100% kat msia ni. adoi la...
so touching..
and i miss the days zharfan kat school kat UK...
mamazharfan: less than a year to go for me and aisyah before balik msia and start missing the days sob sob
Salam Oyis....
sedihnya akak baca.. tak dapat akak bayangkan bagaimana perasaan anak-anak akak dan Kak nida nanti apabila masanya tiba untuk mereka balik Malaysia for good next year..
Anak-anak Kak Nida terlalu happy belajar di sini, mereka trauma belajar di Malaysia... kasihan juga melihat mereka sebab enjoy belajar di NZ ni.. tapi apakan daya...:(
K nida: mmg... slalu gak terpikir ni. trauma eh anak2 akak balik msia kjp hari tu? aduhai, tu anak cikgu tu kak nida, si aisyah ni mcm mana la plak. moga2 dpt la diorg ni sesuaikan diri dgn keadaan nantu dah balik. kesian plak
anak k wani pun nk habis nursery n akan masuk kelas reception bln 9. k wani pulak sedih, anak releks je. tp nasib baik sek primary n nursery satu pagar.
mostly budak2 yg dah besar mmg susah sikit nak adapt balik sistem sekolah kat msia, ye la cikgu garang..byk homework. siap x nak gi sekolah. ambil masa -12 bln tp lama2 ok (pengalaman member2).
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