Gambar di atas merupakan ruang tamu kami smlm. I was ill, so I worked from home. Aisyah is soooo into pretend play skang, and minat dia adalah castle memanjang, and her castle would take up the entire living room ok. She wouldn't let me sit at my desk (ditunjuk dgn arrow merah dlm gambar, dia blocked dgn kitchen set dia), and x bg jg pinjam kerusi kecik dia tu (dibulatkan). Sudahnya I had to use a the sofa as my desk and alas dgn kusyen seketul (marked X), sampai sakit pinggang2. X larat makk nak bebel, biarkan aje daya kreativiti anak2 berkembang mantapp.
I noticed that my study method have sorta evolved, more lex barangkali. Contohnya:
1. Kalo dulu nya mesti study atas meja, dah bole study kat mana2. Flexible.
2. Kalo dulu adik2 masuk dlm bilik time aku study, habis sorg2 kena hambat suh keluar cpt2. Skang, rumah one bilik, nak hambat ke mana? Wat dunno je...
3. Kalo dulu mesti study diam2, org dpn bersin pon angkat kepala konon distracted, skang kalo Little Einstein blasting off on the tele in the background or anak beranak (Aisyah and Hubs) main baling2 bola sambil tergelak2, tergolek, tergelek pon redho aje lah
4. Kalo dulu meja serabut, sanggup spend 10-15 minit kemas2 sket, serabut2 kan x masuk idea plak. Tapi skang, hoh, rumah mcm kapal pecah pon, can what?.... Kalo dikemas castle tu dulu, mengamuk si tuan puteri, setengah jam dah terbazir nak memujuk. So guna kaedah biar lah dia dan tutup mata ajo
5. Kalo dulu malam2 buta jd owl utk berjaga mlm menyiapkan keja, kini tidak lagi. Bila Aisyah tido, aku juo tido. Zzzzz... Kalo degil berjaga juo, hah, demam la jawabnyo, mcm skang ni.
I guess bila dah jd jd parent ni, u don't really have much of a choice. You do the best that you can, with the most resources that you have, time-wise or even material-wise and lps tu pasrah ajo lah kpd Allah agar it all comes together magically on the end heheh
I'm not complaining, as a matter of fact I am grateful for this chance to observe and experience this. I find it quite amusing how I have 'changed' over the past few years. Dari segi patience tu, masih bole dipertikaikan lg, sbb I always end up yelling jgk dkt Aisyah or Hubs, especially time2 mengejar deadline, but if you had seen me masa anak dara, you would know how much i have improved, x caya tanya my brothers!
I have a growing admiration for mothers yg bole belajar dan bekerja drpd rumah, especially yg ada anak 2,3,4,5, bergayut di kaki mintak attention or anak2 yg bersilat or jadi superman terbang drpd sofa ke curtain kat belakang, tp mak dia bole je codingkan complex algorithm dpn komputer, or yg sambil2 goreng ayam bole tulis 2,3 perenggan utk thesis, dan berlarian2 ke dapur, shouting, ayam ku hangit! hangit! but in the end siap PhD with flying colours on time kalah org kurg komitmen yg lainnya. Wa tabik sama luuuu, babe!
PS: I am grateful for the workspace that I have in my lab. It helps a lot when I needed a quite space to work, but lately, I find working from home works just as fine. Adakah ini semua mainan minda belaka selama ini? Or maybe kah aku juo telah adapt dgn lebih lg after 3 years? ) 0.o
heheh me memang jenis flexi :) all the best tau!!
haihhhh..bukan je sacrifice masa, duit & etc...tapi emotional sacrifice jugak ye
I think I pon melalui stage ni after gave birth to icha. never knew i could tolerate such stuff but actually if takde pilihan kita kena adapt juga. but its a good thing i think. In a way it shows that we are the coffee beans, when boiled we stay stong under pressure but also adapts and influences the environment we are in. Although i hv to admit i am hving a tough time staying confident for my coming viva!
Hi noris! Bertemu lagi di alam blog.. Miss me?? (hehehe...pdhal, hari2 pun kita pot pet pot pet dlm fb...)
You're so right about the whole evolution things. Bila mak2 budak ni nak jadi student balik, kena pasrah aje lah utk study setakat mana keadaan mengizinkan...and mmg kene ambik extra effort klu nk dpt study lebih...Dgn urat dh byk putus masa bersalin, lepas tu press otak utk study lagi and perah tenaga nak jaga family...mmg logikla klu sket2 kita jatuh sakit... After all, selalu terpk...why am i doing this phd thingy??? huhuhu...
Memangkan Oyis... kadang-kadang rasa kagum melihat bagaimana ibu bapa zaman dulu-dulu boleh menjaga berbelas orang anak.. bygkanlah mak kak Nida ada 10 anak, mertua akak ada 11 anak.. kalau kita for sure macam tak cukup masa nak urus segalanya..
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