Phwarghh... lama nya x bersiaran. Mmg teramat busy lately ni in preparation for the meeting with SV today. Alhamdulillah, all the time invested into coding and testing non-stop mcm org gile rasa berbaloi sudah kerana tuan SV nmpknya teruja dgn result dan sound composition yg terhasil. Asalnya tuan SV nak kansel aje meeting ini hari, tp aku gesa jgk. Bkn apa, beliau akan be away for 4 weeks, and last aku jumpa dia like 3 weeks ago, so better jumpa dulu sbb nak make sure aku berada di jalan yg benar. And now that it's confirmed, lega la sket hati, bole la proceed lg, kalo x begitu cautious nak teruskan.
Alhamdulillah, the basic concatenation prototype (without weight) now works fully automatically. Itu hari semi auto ajo. The concatenation prototype with weight mechanishm has worked too, but I had tweaked something last night that there is now an error, but that can be fixed fairly quickly. The interface for this is similar to the basic one, but I added a sliding scale for users to decide how important one feature is over another feature. I have also revamped the whole dataset, and the result so far has been more promising than previously, as the sounds produced are a lot less 'unruly' (too much of non-sense jumble) than before. However, you can still hear the click, I may need to apply enveloping to each segment later. Just for fun, I have added basic audio manipulation function on the interface.
Besides the better sounds composed, revamping the dataset and code has indirectly improved the search time compared to last meeting. I think it's because I changed a little bit of coding to make it perform quicker, and also the way I design it now allows users to just select the sounds that they want to be included in the database, so the search size is smaller.
Oh, and I owe my SV a write up of the results from last meeting (but I will submit one after I have finished the entire test set). Tsk tsk.
I really should sleep, tp baru pkl 5 ptg. Smlm tido jam 12 mlm, bgn pkl 3 pg sbb Aisyah muntah2. Habis kena cadar, duvet, tilam, baju tido, etc. Siap mandikan lg Aisyah. Setel dia, sental cadar apa semua plak yg kena muntah pekat. Then sendiri mandi, solat Subuh terus prepare nak jumpa Prof. By pkl 9 pg aku dah sedikit high, ye lah tido 3 jam je kan. Aisyah muntah another 5, 6 times before aku gi lab. Ni nmpk dia ok dah sket ptg ni, tgh tido dgn ayah dia. Sian dia, cirit pon ye jgk tu, abis seluar2 dlm dia kena basuh jg. Balik meeting, masak mee sup wat mkn tghari, manja2 ngan budak x sihat, then makan tghari, kemas pinggan mangkuk, did 2 loads of washing baju2 yg kena muntah apa semua, angkat baju yg kering, sidai baju yg baru basuh. Ni ada sebakul nak lipat nanti lah dulu malam krg. Fuh.. nasib baik meeting went well, so x kesah sgt housework berlambak hihi. Jadi stress-reliever plak, bole x?
Yg heran nya, last week masa borak kat fon ayah aku ckp 'moga Aisyah get well soon ye, cirit2 dan muntah2'. Aku ckp mana ada muntah2nya. Ayah aku insisted, 'Eh ada la, Ayah baca kat blog'. Aku ckp, 'entry mana ayah baca ni, entry lama kot'. Rupanya jd minggu ni, psychic bapak aku ooo. So Ayah, yg ni betul2, bkn mainan mata ayah lg ye hehe. Doakan Aisyah cpt sembuh deh.
'Let's go to the beach'.
Ni Aisyah tiba2 dah bgn ajak gi beach. Wah, dah sihat ke tu. Aku kalo dia sihat terasa gak nak gi somewhere tomorrow or Ahad ni. Kasi relax sama otak, sian dia dah 2 Sunday aku memerap kat lab. Tgk la camno...
Oh, aku nak berkongsi kegumbiraan di sini. I have just been on the phone to Emma, aka blogging name Tun Fatimah telah pon lulus viva baru skjp satni. Beliau telah start PhD 1 year before I did, in Cardiff, and blog beliau start semasa beliau awal2 memulakan PhD. The stories in her blog are funny yet inspiring, and it initially gave me smgt utk apply PhD abroad and also along the way byk share suka duka of this PhD journey. I am very happy for her and her family. Congratulations, Dr! Will definitely miss her sbb dia dah nak balik Msia next week. Sapa lg I nak calling2 lps ni waaa... One by one by my PhD friends dah 'cross over'. Hopefully my turn will be not too long in the future, Insya Allah...
moga aisyah cepat sembuh...amiin :)
mamazharfan :tenkiu
Oyis: Sob Sob.. terharu okei i baca special dedication u utk i. I will miss you too noris. insyallah we'll get the chance to see each other in malaysia nanti next year. I'm sure you can do it! Nanti i'll give you my number kat malaysia okei. :)
ps: sorry i didnt knew about aisyah not feeling well, semalam borak panjang tak tanya pun pasal aisyah. I hope she is feeling a lot better today. And now that you hv great results from your coding bolehlah take a break kejap and enjoy family time :)
nmpk makin slim je dlm pic ni... ; )
terus terang, the 1st part tu, i tak berapa nak paham sikit.. hehhe ... kesian aisyah.. smeoga cepat sembuh, bila anak2 sakit, kita lah yg ibu nyer yg paling risau sekali...
oghe ni masih terkapai2 kelemasan dale perjalanan PhD ni...tulong 3x
Call me!!! hehehe...
Good job on your coding thingy! Mesti rasa relieve kan... teruskan perjuangan noris. I know u can do it!
Btw, how's aisyah? Hope she has fully recover yeah... ;-)
emma: insya Allah. smgt ni, smgt. yup, let's stay in touch tau. aisyah is feeling better now, thank you. tp i rasa berjangkit kat i plak erk.
lady E: ilusi optik je tu hihi
k ayin: haha, mmg ntah apa2 pon karangan saya ni. tp bab anak sakit, mmg susah hati, especially bila payah nak mkn kan?
yatie: yatie 2nd yr kan? 2nd yr mmg tahun mandom sket, thn penuh ke-blur-an. tp nnt insya Allah, by the end of the year akan tidak kelemasan, tp x tahu sama ada nerupaya swimming kuak lentang or gaya bebas tu cpt2.
lia: nnt mintak no tepon awak kat welly bole ke? tp x pasti la dpt call ke x, sbb pakej yg kita pki ni kalo call no UK or certain europe landlines dpt free. as far as NZ tu mcm x huhu. aisyah dah ok, alhamdulillah. dua hari jgk la dia x nak mkn apa sgt.
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