I want all of you to visualize tiger stripes in your head. Done it? Good.
'What about them?' say you.
Well, last night, for the first time, I noticed one more surprise that this journey to baby has brought me. The wonderful gift of striae. Oh, I'm just being posh here and using a big word in an attempt to cover up the ugly truth. The ugly truth that something found its way on the back of my thighs and legs - STRETCH MARKS!! Yikes!!
I have been very careful with my belly, and I'm quite proud (and very, very blessed and grateful to Allah) to not have any. I had been very careful not to scratch it with my nails even when the itchiness when unbearable I thought I could pull my hair out. I figured I'd somewhat managed to escape it since I only have three weeks or so to go. But alas, when I bent down last night, I saw the reflection of my own backside in the full-length mirror in our bedroom and noticed streaks of something that was never there before.
Arkkk! They've found their way in!!! Here I was thinking that I had protected my turf quite good on the front and they came from behind when I wasn't looking? By the look of things, they've been there for quite some time now. So sneaky!!
Which instantly reminded me of the tiger stripes. They don't look much different side by side, do they?
'What about them?' say you.
Well, last night, for the first time, I noticed one more surprise that this journey to baby has brought me. The wonderful gift of striae. Oh, I'm just being posh here and using a big word in an attempt to cover up the ugly truth. The ugly truth that something found its way on the back of my thighs and legs - STRETCH MARKS!! Yikes!!
I have been very careful with my belly, and I'm quite proud (and very, very blessed and grateful to Allah) to not have any. I had been very careful not to scratch it with my nails even when the itchiness when unbearable I thought I could pull my hair out. I figured I'd somewhat managed to escape it since I only have three weeks or so to go. But alas, when I bent down last night, I saw the reflection of my own backside in the full-length mirror in our bedroom and noticed streaks of something that was never there before.
Arkkk! They've found their way in!!! Here I was thinking that I had protected my turf quite good on the front and they came from behind when I wasn't looking? By the look of things, they've been there for quite some time now. So sneaky!!
Which instantly reminded me of the tiger stripes. They don't look much different side by side, do they?
Not complaining (honest!), just observing and basking in the changes that happen throughout the journey to motherhood. As one person has said, feeling fat and ugly only last nine months but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever. So true!
To those who are also in the same boat,....
Tabik Spring to All Moms and Moms-to-Be! and Double Tabik Spring to those yg ada 'Service Stripes' to show for it. Ingat Army and Navy je ke yg bole ada Service Stripes ni.. ngehehehehe....
PS: The pic on the left is not of my fleshy bits (neither is the one the right! I got it off here: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003287.htm