Who knew that nak bercuti 3 minggu pon is like bercuti 6 bulan? Mak aihhh.. letih...!
I was super upset this morning, sbb nya yesterday I spotted something wrong in my codes (logik), makanya ada satu part testing yg aku duk buat tu adalah dikira void. Dah la a very important part indeed, to demonstrate the enhancement of the newly implemented algorithm. Even when I woke up at 4 a.m. to try and fix the problem, masih x betul2 jg... Haish... mmg my SV was in for a huge disappointment la.
On top of that, I have managed to p*ss Hubs off by not packing and not doing seribu satu perkara nak kena buat before we leave tp aku x buat2 lagi, duk pentingkan testing ni je. Yes, I know, dia pon semak kepala otak tgk brg2 yg merata2 all over the place dsbnya. I know he thinks I am nuts for asking my SV for a meeting today (of all days!) AND attending the seminar this morning when I know for sure that byk gile benda nak dibuat last minute. Man, it is sooo hard when you try to please so many people at one time, and yet you still fail.
But I'm glad I have had this meeting with him, sbb nya phew.... lega! Altho result yg di cita2 kan itu tidak dpt ditunjukkan, tp beliau telah approve my methodology utk test ini. Juga beliau telah setuju dgn cadangan2 yg diberikan. And if I'm not mistaken, ada jg la sket2 hint of impresseiveness tu kat mata beliau. Alhamdulillah... I don't feel like such a loser now. I was this morning, tho', apatah lg mamat yg present pg td adalah member lab, and he is a part-time student tp his work was uber-cool.
And yup, with the results in tow, we are on our way to submitting a paper to a well-known music computing conference by the end of this April. It certainly means that I will have to work whilst in Msia (again, mendatagkan amarah Hubs kerana terpaksa bawak balik laptop), but at least dah nampak jalan dgn lebih bercahaya nya skang. On top of that, beliau telah approve utk memberikan aku space utk menghantar satu lg paper kpd satu conference national ni. Ingatkan dia x kasi join (some SV discourages their students to write at low impact conferences sbb buang masa, sayangkan result kasi simpan utk mega conference punya, or just simply embarrassed to be associated with a small scale conference), tetapi tidak beliau. Beliau berkata, kerjaya aku di Msia jg penting, makanya exposure and experience sebegini adalah bagus asal simpan results kaw2 kita tuh utk journal yeh . Malah, beliau tidak kisah pon kalo aku nak add nama2 ex-SV aku (andai bahan yg aku nak terbit tu ada contribution drpd zaman MSc dulu). So, Syukur Alhamdulillah!
Alang2 bermesra dgn SV ni aku terus fire je satu lg soalan dkt beliau yg selama ni mengganggu tidur ku, yakni schedule seminar lab. Kitaorg slalu ada seminar pg Jumaat, not a very good time for me bcoz of work commitments. And now that I told him that I prefer in the afternoon, beliau telah bersetuju menukar waktu kpd ptg Khamis terus. Sekali lg syukur ya Allah!
And then aku terpandang satu web page ni, yg ckp UoP bercuti Easter and end of term dari 27 March - 19 April 2010. Wah... sungguh la aku x rasa bersalah balik Msia nih hehehe...
Now I really am happy and can focus on spending time with my family at Msia, altho I still have these things to do (in that order yg telah di-laid out-kan atas desk ku itu), bcoz I really don't want to miss the deadline for the papers. But still, I am now officially happy and free!!! Alhamdulillah.....
Ok nak balik pujuk cik Abe. Doakan beliau lembut hati ek ngan aku. Sian aku, dah la tido x cukup, kerja byk, kena marah plak. Then nak plan jalan2 London nyer itinerary hohohoh...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Calm After A Storm
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salam oyis....have fun balik malaysia + buat coding + tulis paper....
take care tau....!!!!!!! nanti balik sini boleh plan datang york dengan aisyah
Wahh, dah bolehlah start balik packing dgn tenang & aman damai~ ^-^
okay...time to relax and stay focused with the hols.
looking fwd to seeing u! ;)
yes yes. mmg plan nya gitu la, nak bawak aisyah jumpa aunty walpolpo plak lps ni hihihih...
mummy h&h:
a ah. smgt punya psl smlm dah habis pack dah (train ke london mlm ni). beg2 tu dah sip zip apa semua, tinggal nak letak nota (JGN BUKA) je. hehehe.. (ketat x ingat nye!)
yup... see u in msia! ;)
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