Alhamdulillah, report setebal 35 pages, 10K words, berjaya jg disiapkan on Friday evening. Now we'll see what my SV says, he'd already replied my email saying that he will have the report returned no later than this Friday. I have no idea what to expect from him, coz this is the first time I've ever handed him a serious piece of written work. Hopefully he's not too fussy about my choice of words, etc etc, as some SV can be. And thank God for LyX.
Mula2 mmg la it felt weird and frustrating sbb terbiasa dgn Words, but when it's already Friday evening, and all you gotta do before submitting is the Referencing bit, you'll thank your lucky stars for BibTex and Lyx for its automatic referencing function (provided dah you've kept your *.bib file organized all the while la). It took me two days to actually find my way around LyX, but soon after x rasa apa beza dah pon, lg senang ada. Maybe I will give LateX a try next. As my puzzled friend had already commented, 'If you're already using Linux, why must you be afraid of LateX?'. Betul gak tu. But I'm a person who loves my training wheels. Mcm the transformation to Linux ni pon, terpaksa ada dua OS, sbb x confident. But what a waste je, sbb skang x pernah On dah pon Windows itu (Sifoo Sake, sila berbangga kpd anak murid anda).
Ok, enough pasal report. I had actually vowed to spend my weekends post-report submission tu utk bersenang lenang hehe. We'll start choronologically la eh. Saturday morning, bantai tido lps Subuh sampai pkl 10 pagi. Then masakkan Nasi Lemak for the household. Did a few rounds of laundry and Aisyah was just being silly with the clothes hamper.
Lps Zuhur kitaorg pon pergi town to do some grocery shopping. Tiba2 termasuk ke dalam kedai kasut Clarks ni. Sblm ni x perasan ada tingkat atas utk kanak2, and ada lift lg tp terkebelakang sket lift tu, serius x tahu. Mmg dah lama nak cari kan kasut indoor (slippers) utk Aisyah, sbb dlm rumah pon sejuk, tp nya susah betul nak cari saiz dia or kasut yg sesuai. Sblm ni gi cari kat Sports World. Then kasut yg lain2 tu I asked my Mom to post it from Msia, sbb x jumpa kat mana kasut budak2 nya.
Yg bestnya, layanan kat Clarks ni tiptop. Drpd mula2 masuk, kitaorg amik nombor utk khidmat ukurkan kaki Aisyah. Cepatnya dia membesar! Last 2 months rasanya baru saiz 3 C. We found out that her size now is 4 1/2 F. 4 1/2 tu pjg dia la, F tu lebar dia. Looks like Aisyah inherits my feet, sbb kaki aku jg memerlukan wide fit shoes kalo nak selesa, walhal kaki x la pjg pon, saiz 5 pon muat aku (kaki capang kata Hubs huhu). Patut la selama ni susah nau nak cari kasut Aisyah, yg pjg ngam2 ngan kaki dia, susah nak masuk (ketat dpn), yg senang masuk plak jd kasut McDonalds (lonjong / kosong dpn). This is eactly why they say never skimp on shoes huhu...
And then diorg bg buku record feet growth dkt Aisyah (kiranya maklumat Aisyah dah simpan dlm database). Pastu siap ada pertandingan Baby's First Shoes kat Clarks, so diorg snapped kan gmbr Aisyah dgn kasut barunya utk dipertandingan dalam monthly draw, and dia print gmbr tu satu copy and letak dlm frame and kasi kitaorg bwk balik utk kenang2an. Untung2 Aisyah menang, dapat a year's supply of Clarks' shoes worth GBP300!!! Wow...! Konfemmmm lps2 ni dtg sini lg, sbb kasutnya canteks2. In fact, rasa nya sblm Xmas sales ni habes nak gi beli lg 2,3 psg kasut Aisyah (yg saiz besar2 buat stok masa dpn), even a pair of boots maybe utk dia, sbbnya harga tgh sales. Slippers dia yg ni (pattern Dora) dpt 50% discount. Utk Ibu dia pon bole jg la, kalo ada rezeki lebih la hehe *cough, cough*
Ok, lps tu dah nak balik la kan, tp lalu dpn carousel ni... terus anak dara I tu tunjuk2 dan bising2. Dia ingat rupanya pasal naik horsey ni best. X sampai hati nak tolak, bg la naik jg. Kali ni dia sorg je naik atas horsey tu, sbb penjaga token kerek, katanya kalo aku naik sekali, dia cas 2 org. X kuasa betul. Tp Aisyah x heran pon, konfidennnnnnn dia duduk sorg2 and pegang tiang kuda tu mcm dah berpuluh kali naik. Note how in the 2nd movie tuh dia buat rupa eksyen dkt Ayah dia.
That was Saturday. Then Sunday ingt nak lepak2 tido lama2, tp Aisyah bgn awal, so buat la pancakes. Throughout the day x de benda eventful pon, just masak Bihun Sup for lunch, then petang sket wat Kuih Bakar utk dibawa ke Majlis Bacaan Yassin and Doa Selamat kat rumah K Ad. Majlis ni sebenarnya utk kawan Plymouth kitaorg, Shue, yg tgh diduga sbb mak dia tgh sakit kuat kat hospital. Shue has actually flown back to Msia last week to look after her Mom, but us here mendoakan agar Mak beliau cpt2 sembuh. Dear Readers, if you could sama2 doakan, it would be wonderful. I didn't snap gmbr masa bacaan Yassin tu sbb mcm x appropriate, but here are the pics after.
Dah balik rumah tu Aisyah buat lawak and pakai winter hat Ayah dia by herself, so I took pics of her coz it made me giggled. And the last pic is her taking a photo of her Ayah plak, the first ever pic taken by herself, hehe...
Salam noris..hai..pekaba..wah..anak dara noris dah makin besar n ayu..muka muka awak la noris..hehe...lama dah tak baca blog awak ni..tu yg mcm terkejut tgk aisyah dah besar..lately aritu sibuk siapkn thesis..alhmdulillah..dah submit..hugs n kiss utk aisyah..
congrats, dear.
btw, the pix show that mak nye yg tersenyum riang dpt naik horsey tu. wakakaka :P
alhamdulillah dah siap thesis. dah bole proceed ngan PhD la plak eh. dah mintak mana2 ke? dgn aqil pon kita dah lama x nmpk. dah bole jalan eh aqil? kiss kiss utk aqil jg...
mak nye mmg oberrrr..... jgn x tahu hehehhee
Oh, how i wish i can be there to c my niece's development n growth..huhu, i'm missing the cutest part of her life..Anyway, can't wait for you, Aisyah n Abg Saiful to come back
dia cute forever la... apa plak cutest part of her life nih hehe...
mari honeymoon sini la :)
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