Oleh kerana dah nak masuk 6 bulan ni, aku n Hubs dah mula la ada koleksi kecil2an buku2 bacaan semasa pregnancy, doa dan amalan dan sebagainya la. Antara yg telah kami miliki:
Amalan Ibu Mengandung: Menurut Al-Quran, As-sunnah & Pengalaman
Siti Norbahyah Mahmod, Hj Muhammad Zakaria, Jaafar Salleh
Terbitan & Edaran Telaga Biru Sdn Bhd
RM 19.90
Overall, buku ni kira mcm pocket book la. Mudah utk wat rujukan dan doa yg disertakan tu mudah utk dihafal dan diamalkan. Cumanya, medical content mcm x byk (nama pun pocket book je kan), and if you have access to Internet and don't mind reading in English, most of the content bole search je la. But a plus point for putting in tips of berpantang and also petua org2 tua.
Mazneera Zainal
PTS Millennia Sdn Bhd
RM 20.00
Utk bacaan ringan, buku ni best. Kalo bangsa penakut mcm aku, mmg scary gak awal2 baca buku ni, sbb dia cerita pengalaman bersalin kan. But it's good in a sense that you have a gist of what women out there have gone through in the process. Its written in light Bahasa Malaysia, that's a plus point for me, coz it kinda give a sense that you're listening the experience from a layperson instead of baca textbook. Lagi satu best, sbb dia pecah2 kan mengikut kategori, bersalin normal, bersalin normal but with medical assistance, bersalin normal with medical intervention, bersalin caesar dan natural birthing. Bab natural birth ni aku rasa kurang berfaedah sket la, sbb mcm la kat Msia ni doktor nak layan request kita tuh, nak2 kalo kat gomen hospital, but it's good to create awareness amongst pregnant women la kot. Again, this part bole baca kat Net la. But I like this book.
Anugerah Buat Ayah dan Ibu
Hani Aliza Abdullah
Siri Pembangunan Keluarga
Siri Pembangunan Keluarga
RM 16.00
Buku ni pon byk menceritakan pengalaman ibu2 semasa mengandung dan melahirkan. Bezanya dengan yg buku kat atas tu, instead of categorizing it into bersalin normal, caeser, etc, dia tulis ala2 cerpen. Contohnya, Cerita 1: Antara Doa dan Harapan, which goes on to describe the story for 9 pages. Cerita 2: Rezeki DariNya Jua, 9 pages. You get the picture. Juga ada tip2 ringkas disertakan utk kaum ibu. Cuma aku kurang faham kenapa ada satu Bab tu khusus untuk cerita2 miscarriage, dan stillbirth etc. Quite disturbing jugak la baca (or may be it's just me?). Probably utk peringatan bahawa not all ends as we predicted? Or maybe utk membuatkan ibu2 merasa beruntungnya dpt anugerah yg tidak ternilai ni? Anyway, it's quite a convenient read and it helps kill time when you are waiting for your turn at the clinic for chekcup, etc... hihi...
The Pregnancy Book
Martha Sears, William Sears, Lynda Holt
Little Brown Publisher
RM 69.90
Buku ni bagus sbb dia explain the developmental growth from week to week, apa yg perlu dimakan, concerns yg perlu diambil kira, etc. Overall, mmg byk la bab yg disentuh, cuma mungkin x dpt nak sentuh all secara in-depth. Contohnya, bab Placenta Previa tu dia citer sket je, byk lg bole dpt kat Net, but byk juga complications lain yg dia citer. Plus gambar2 dia very graphical la, gambar real. Ada juga explain pasal labour stages and process dekat ujung2 buku tu. Also ada gmbr utk kita refer exercizes and light stretches yg bole dibuat. Very informational, but if you want your money's worth, beli n baca n amal la buku ni dari awal2 pregnancy. Kalo dah ujung, hmm... alamatnya dah termiss byk dah la ...
Pilihan Nama-Nama Dalam Islam
Abu Afiqah
Darul Nu'man
RM 13.00
RM 13.00
It is what it says it is - byk nama-nama pilihan dalam Islam disenaraikan di sini. Juga ada panduan bagaimana menyambut kelahiran bayi dan sebagainya.
Eh, dah jadik cam book review plak entry kali ni. Asalnya nak citer pasal lain, but related to books juga la.
This evening, aku ngan Hubs belek2 buku yg terakhir tu, ala2 mencari nama yg sesuai la utk Baby. Bcoz kitaorg x tahu the sex of the baby, we get to choose two names la, one for a girl, and one for a boy. Luckily me and Hubs punya taste sama la, it was a relatively easy task for us. We know what letter we wanted for the start of Baby's name, we know we want Baby to have a first name and a middle name, we both agreed that no cutesie names would make the cut, coz we don't want Baby to grow up and become a grandma/grandpa one day and still be stucked with a name that best suit a 5 year old, and a few more conditions that we've both agreed on.
And it looks like me and Hubs weren't the only one involved in the discussion. As we read through the list of names out aloud (so that we could hear how the name would sound if someone would call upon it), there was one name where Baby kicked real hard, as if saying, Yes! Yes! That one!
I tried re-reading the name, and Baby kicked again. I told Hubs, and he put his hand on my tummy and read the name again. As if on cue, Baby gave out a kick. We were quite puzzled, but we kept on reading. One name after another like we did before. No kick. Nothing.
So we went back and read the 'name' again. Lo and behold, Baby kicked from inside like previously so! Okay, now we're absolutely sure that if Baby is 'that' particular sex, we would name Baby that particular 'name'. Lucky for Baby we love that name too.
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