That was the news. Click sini utk berita penuh.
Then I got this email in my Inbox:
Notice to all students
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Advice from the Met Office shows heavy snow is forecast for Friday 8th and Sunday 10th January. Spring term starts on Monday 11th January with a planned timetable of teaching sessions. There may be disruption to the sessions with very short notice due to staff experiencing travel difficulties to campus. We will endeavour to deliver all sessions; however, students should be prepared for disappointment on some sessions.
Wah... perlu suka ke perlu duka cita nih Uni ada possibility tutup?
Ye, satu UK mmg mcm dah jadi freezer. Ada yg label it as South Pole dah pon, with -22C di kawasan2 utara Scotland. Sekolah2 dan Universiti semua tutup, makanan2 kat kedai semua habis org borong buat stok takut darurat, bus services yg ada pon jd limited bcoz of the icy roads and heavy snow.
Even Plymouth tempat terhangat UK pon terasa kesannya. Electricity kitaorg pakai cap pre-paid, so baru masuk seminggu into the new year we have almost used up the whole quota utk sebulan selalunya. Mana x nya, electric heater lg, lampu lg (night time is longer, jd lampu pon psg lebih lama drpd waktu summer), electric cooker kat dapur lg (dah la musim winter la selalu lapar and rajin masak sbb xde aktiviti lain), TV lg (bcoz asyik memerap indoor aje), hot shower lg... pergh... berganda2 kegunaannya. Tu x termasuk gas bills, ye la bukak central heating lg, air panas utk masak, basuh pinggan, basuh kain (baju dah sah more than normal la kan, berlapis2, berstokin2), mandi, amik wudhu'.... huhu...Lumrah musim sejuk...
Apa pon syukur la Plymouth x seteruk mana. Habis kuat pon -5C kot. Altho sini dah x snow lg, tp lebih membahayakan adalah ice! Snow2 yg mencair di siang harinya, tp x sempat kering lalu menjadi ais sebelah mlm nya, dan, siap la esok. Alhamdulillah so far x pernah jatuh lg, tp dah berjoget2 jg la time2 slippery betul tu nak cari balance, ala2 Dancing On Ice gitu. I have to walk super gingerly, almost tip toeing. Lebih dahsyat lg, if it's a hilly or slopey road. Mmg akan avoid la jalan2 tersebut. I feel like a hundred year old lady berjalan, slow giler and terbongkok2 almost, dgn tgn mendepang, utk merendahkan central of gravity supaya x tumbang. Fizik maaa... hehe
Ok ni la gmbr2 nya. The first few tu nak demonstrate jalan berais. It looks likes snow, but it's harder, and much much more slippery okeh. The one that follows tu nak tunjuk how gorgeous the weather is today, with the sun coming up, tp heran x cair2 gak ais tu. The last one tu gmbr Hubs and Aisyah, lps solat Jumaat td. So rest assured, masih bole solat Jumaat lg, so belom la tahap darurat kat Plymouth terchenta nih (masa2 ni baru la chenta kan Plymouth - tempat lain kat UK adalah lebih parah lg kesejukan nya).
PS: Sebenarnya kat Europe ke, USA ke, Japan ke, lebih teruk sejuk dia, tp sbb ni adalah cuaca tersejuk utk UK sejak 30 tahun lalu, mmg gabra sket la. Plus negara2 lain yg dah biasa sejuk beku tu, dah prepare awal2, snow 4 kaki pon bole bawak kereta lg sbb ada jentolak snow yg ketepikan snow everyday. Sini, garam pon x cukup utk tabur kat jln raya, siap kena catu lg. Tu la alkisahnya panic.

I thinks it's reasonable to close the schools/uni as they're not prepared. How about food etc, kedai2 bukak ke? I bet even winter coats pun tak tak ramai yg prepare tebal2 punya and snow boots too.
Anyway, enjoy adalah, next year belum tentu ada snow jugak kan :)
yup... it's reported that sales of sleighs adalah meningkat berganda2. kedai2 pon tutup awal, even KFC yg sampai midnite tu pok tutup pkl 5 pm. pastu libraries etc pon tutup pkl 4 pm, i was like, what the?! (masa tu nak cari buku).
mmg sgt unexpected la this kind of weather, tu yg garam kat jalan x cukup, even berita ada ckp gas supply utk satu UK ni bakal habis resources dia, the A&E jam-packed with snow-related accidents and snow-related illnesses (pneumonia, etc), even plaster utk balut kaki patah pon dah depleting stock dia. aiyo, mmg x de contingency plan UK ni
psl snow boots tu, i am thinking of getting, tp x sure la if it's worth it just yet, sbb duk plymouth. kalo duk scotland tu wajib dah... hehe
sangat sejuk kan oyis....:P membuat kan tahap kemalasan maximised bukan minimised, di saat we need the energy, sjuk pulak melanda..apa lagi ZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZ , makan la kerja nya
I dah mula tambah stok food..dah la musim sejuk ni asyik lapo je :P
I dah pernah jatuh tergelungsur depan opis, memang licin. heel pun patah. be careful ye, sebab memang tak boleh control bila licin. orang sini cakap selain snow boot, baby heels pun sesuai utk pakai time snow ni.
take good care of urself during this weird winter.
masak & mkn byk2...then sneak urself in the cosy duvet. hehehe.musti best punye
sgtttt.....! kita kt plymouth pon dah rasa mcm ni, lg further up like urself x tau la mcm mana huhu... take care eh
mrs ridz:
oo ye ke? baby heels tu apa ye? mcm kitten heels ke? satu lg tip org2 kt sini buat is pakai socks kat luar boots. tp mcm kelakar sket la, and konfem rosak la stokin tu. but they swear it works!
thanks isabelle. aiyo, ni sabotage nak gemukkan i ke? mcm x cukup gemuks lg diri ni hehe... but yes, very, very tempting!
sori oyis, baru notice u asked abt baby heels..macam victorian shoes tu.
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