We haven't got much luxury in this life. For a start, we haven't got a car, we haven't traveled far, we need to ration out cash on most times, we haven't been able to go to movies for the longest time, but when once in awhile the finer things in life that's free is here, you'd better bet your ass that we'll make the most of it.
'Finer things in life and that's free' yg dimaksudkan itu adalah SNOW.
Lotsa, lotsa snow.
At least by Plymouth's standard la kan. Hehe.
Oleh itu, sila bear with me and maafkan la multiple posts on snow ni yeh. Kesian kitaorg, ni aje la hiburan.
Sebenarnya the whole of the UK is covered with snow right now, particularly the north, the midlands, and the east. London is anticipating 40 cm of snow this week. Tebal tuh! But Plymouth kena tempias sipi2 je la kiranya. Tp kalo rajin cari hills dah bole main sledge dah sebenarnya. Kalo x pikirkan kerja, dah nak ajak Hubs gi Dartmoor, lg byk snow hehehe... Sipi2 snow pon, dah byk interrupted bus services, and a lot of schools have been shut. Even Hubs nya kelas esok pon batal, padahal baru start smlm, so Aisyah x jd hntr rumah childminder dia lah. Suka budak2 sekolah tutup. Baru 3 hari naik sekolah lps cuti Xmas, cuti lg. But for postgrad like me, xde maknanya tutup school. Kerja tetap kerja.
In fact, it is quite fun walking to work in the snow tau. Like pg td, Plymouth kan tepi laut, so it's very windy, so snow yg turun tu dah jadi mcm blizzard (mm... teringat Ice Cream Blizzard Dairy Queen). Siap x leh nak bukak mata sbb snow terjah masuk. Pastu dkt bulu mata yg x berapa nak lentik ni pon melekat2 snow memutih je, tiba2 terasa mcm org Eskimo gitu haha. Sempat jelir lidah ke langit, slurp sket snow (teringat ABC punya pasal, tp x la sampai kaut snow dari tanah bawak masuk mulut tau, buwekkkk!). Pastu tgk snow mencair jd all wet and slushy teringat plak dkt Slurpee 7-11 (apahal la ingat makanan aje ni, ntah hapa2 ntah).
Ok la, nak sambung buat corrections. SV nak jumpa Jumaat ni *ok sila cpt2 panic!*
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I Am An Eskimo (Almost)
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plymouth baru turun snow ye? area sana warmer dari other areas kan. kat scotland dah weeks snow tak cair. half of scot dah cut off. edin & glasgow airports pun dah tutup..kitaorg mmg duk rumah je.
a ah... the snow has been pretty mellow down here. kiranya cukup2 la utk wat main suka2, x de la sampai fatal semua kedai/ facilities tutup.
bestnya snow byk ek? tp part sejuk tu yg x tahan!
yay...it is snowing over there yer!!! Sama la kat sini....enjoy !!!
yup it is indeed, or has been, at least. nmpk mcm dah stop kat luar tu, but it is predicted that we will be expecting some more tomorrow and throughout the week as well.
enjoy it whilst it lasts.
muahaha mek is..sila datang ke bristol kalau nak merasa snow tebal..heheh..td tgk dlm berita forecast kata snow ada lagi smpi end of teh week tp tak catch up pulak which area. mmg sgt paham psl keghairahan first time snow but i tell you it would be a bit nuisance kalau berterusan n also the aftermath of the snow, not a very pretty sight anymore. but anyways enjoy while u can and tang yg free and hidup tak mewah tu..my 2 cents say let it be..at least bersyukurlah dapat hidup and sihat takde sakit2 kan? and dapat bersama family tercinta...psl jalan2 tu..kalau ada rezeki nnt insyaallah akan smpi masanya...wink wink..ok..chow!
i jenis yang tak tahan sejuk. dahla tak pernah jumpe snow. tengok ur daughter main snow rileks je.
p/s pernah try masuk snow room yg tipu genting highland tu. tu pun tak sampai 5 minit. sejuk tak tahan. kekeke
huhu, x dpt nya ke bristol dlm masa terdekat ni. very, very tied up with work la... pon tgh cuak ni sbb SV nak jumpa esok tp write up x siap lg... adui la...
oo bersyukur, mmg bersyukur sgt sbb sihat walafiat anak beranak, and family yg ditinggalkan kat msia. saja je wat intro gitu, tp mmg betul la, skang ni gitu la gaya hidupnya :)
relax, tp takut snow. mcm mana bole takut snow pon x tahu la... mungkin dia rasa pelik kot bila dipijak2 tu... hehe
sejuk mmg sejuk, tp nekad n jakun punya psl, sampai kebas2 and sakit perit dah tgn2 semua pon tahan je la. later during the day baru la terasa kesannya, tgn semua kasar2, pecah2, even luka2 sbb kulit kering sgt. not nice huhu!
Bestnye!! teringat dulu ms kecik2 duk reading, pun mcm plymouth sipi2 je, yg tebal dl kat northern areas, tp puas gak main snow, pegi park main sledge.hehe...memori indah.
Do enjoy the snow while it last,aishah jgn takut2 lg ye
kak sara:
tu alkisah bbrp dekad dulu la ek? kalo masa skrg, reading tu sket punya tebal snow dia. lbh kurg 40 cm la expected, areas near london and east tu. mcm x caya kan? dulu duduk Luton (near London), x byk mcm tu pon. kiranya mcm lain ulu lain parang la kot. agak2nya plymouth 20 tahun dulu x pernah snow langsung kot. global warming agaknya, oh dear!
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