1. Do you think you're hot?
What? No. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to be a hot mama hehe... eceh konon la, kena ada motivasi kan nak lose weight? X syok la kan flabby merata2... In order to put things back in order, I've joined the Uni gym, taking aerobics once a week, Salsa on Thursday evenings, and try to do the Gym circuit every Sunday. I tried to squeeze Fitball in, but couldn't find the time and also getting all soary arms afterwards was a real turn off. So cukup la 3 aktiviti itu per week, plus walking back and fro Uni 5 days a week. Eh, ini dah melalut dari soalan asal. Harap Maaf.
2. Upload your favourite picture of you!
Ada byk, but this will have to do kot...
What? No. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to be a hot mama hehe... eceh konon la, kena ada motivasi kan nak lose weight? X syok la kan flabby merata2... In order to put things back in order, I've joined the Uni gym, taking aerobics once a week, Salsa on Thursday evenings, and try to do the Gym circuit every Sunday. I tried to squeeze Fitball in, but couldn't find the time and also getting all soary arms afterwards was a real turn off. So cukup la 3 aktiviti itu per week, plus walking back and fro Uni 5 days a week. Eh, ini dah melalut dari soalan asal. Harap Maaf.
2. Upload your favourite picture of you!
Ada byk, but this will have to do kot...

3. Why do you like that picture?
Bcoz ada Hubs and Aisyah, two most important people in my life right now. Plus I've been told I look skinny here muhahaha....
4. When is your last time you ate pizza?
Two days ago. Dekat kafe. Vege pizza dgn chips. Yakin halal. Besar. Sedap. Kenyang, Alhamdulillah. Tak risau langsung psl kalori.
5. The last song you listened to?
Boy Does Nothing - Aleisha Dixon
(Ini lagu guna masa salsa hehehe... and keep dgr again n again dlm kepala, plus not to mention psg juga di rumah masa prektis songsorg. Kdg Aisyah jd partner dlm dukungan... see cardio and weight at the same time... Aisyah 8 kilo tu, so ini bkn main2 nyer weight... efficient, no?)
6. What are you doing right now beside this?
Menahan diri dari pee pee (I desperately need to go, tp just one more minute!)
7. What name do you prefer besides yours?
Pernah satu ketika sgt2 berkenan dgn Jasmine.
8. People i tag :
Bole x, x tag? Coz semua org dah wat a tag ni, except me yg baru nak melunaskan utang... Ya Ampun, Nabil :P
Ya lor, mu nampak slimmm dalam gambar tu. Paha ayam bandar dah jadi ayam kampung, bravo! :P
I'm having major prob with the thigh and bum. Kalau buat exercise part lain turun, situ gak ler liat, tension tul. Cuma skrang rasa mcm it's working after naik treadmill. Hopefully it will keep on working, nak dapatkan bikini body nih! muahaha (tapi bukan la sbb nak pakai bikini yeee :P)
kita plak area yg paling susah nak shape up ialah tummy huhu... mungkin sbb c-sec kot, tp rasanya x de la kena mengena sgt pon. dah la kalo nak slim kan tummy kena rajin wat sit up... sakit!
and yes, treadmill tu sbnarnya yg paling berkesan utk weight loss tang peha. nak x nak kena lari jugak kan? hehe... what about swimming? dah lama x pegi swimming kan kolam UPM kan?
uish bikini body.. Caiyok la mas! U go mas! Noris adakah kamu mmg sudah kurus or nampak kurus je? Hehe best nye! Awak da blh buat aerobic yek? Rase sakit x kat tmpt csec? Kite da 6bln ni stil rase sakit kekadang
Mungkin org yg beranak kena potong potong tang perut ni mmg akan jadi gelembiaq (kata org Kedah) :D
My 2nd sister's wearing corset during the day right now sbb dia cakap upper body dia skrang shapeless lepas beranak, especially tummy. Tapi dia mmg jenis tak exercise langsung. Probably you guys yg rajin exercise nih, bila pakai corset plak will speed up the process perhaps? Just a suggestion.
Swimming, hmmm, tak favour sgt la due to the chlorine and cleanliness issue. Sometimes ok, but sometimes bila mind start to think all the gross thing people do in swimming pool, it turns me off :P
Yzma: He he, I like ur question: kamu mmg sudah kurus or nampak kurus je? (kita tambahkan tanduk, he he he, just joking Noris :D). Hai...bikini body tu impian dari zaman tok kadok lagi dah, tapi tak tercapai2 gak sampai skrang :P
mrm & yzma:
ontah la, mungkin lucky shot je kot nmpk kurus. ada la lost weight sket sejak dtg, but not tht significant. tp jeans yg beli dari msia mmg dah loose semua la tang pinggang, but not really accurate kot sbb all jeans dari msia tu beli right after pantang (mungkin masih gelebeh masa tu) pakai duit elaun baju panas hehe... kita kn x pki sluar kat msia, so difficult to say la :P
one thing tho, kita rasa duk kat sini 'memaksa' kita to live/eat healthily. for one thing, sure kena masak sendiri so dah bole kontrol minyak, ajinomoto etc berbanding klo dulu asyik la mkn kedai, buat2 lupa makcik tu masak guna minyak apa n berapa byk...plus x de keta, so nk gi mana2 pon kena jln... so back to basics la huhu...
yzma, kita br je start aerobics tu, dlm 8 bulan lps c-sec kot. kita alhmdulillah dah x sakit, tp gatal always. x tahu la sbb mkn seafood ke apa ke, dulu x de la plak alergic. klo awak nk start, check la dulu ngan doc supaya lebih yakin, and start ngan yg simple2 ke dulu. satu nasihat: beli sports bra yg kaw2 ok. dah lps bersalin ni paham2 je la, nak2 breastfeeding kan...kita beli cap 'shock absorber'. tgk betul2 dia nyer level of intensity, sbb ada je sports bra utk yoga, x leh pki wat aerobik, x cukup support, kang rugi je. so far, kita beli yg highest intensity (konon la), x mengecewakan.
wah wah wah..y'all..siap tips beli bra lagi tuh..hahah..but mas tang air kolam tu makes sense la..tetiba i pun rasa geli..yikes! but mek is, mu memem napok kughuh mek dale tu..takpo my dear friends in 1/2 weeks time i'll see her around..so i'll r*ba dia kay..test betui ka dah turun ka etc2..hehehe..ni tanduk lain plak ni..hujung tanduk tu ada tindik XX..kahkahkah..oh yeah shima psl ceasar mmg kena jaga..jgn angkat benda berat..n jgn byk minum air sejuk..myself, even until now terasa klu busy sgt buat2 keje..so take care ok!
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