Friday, March 6, 2009

Sorry for the Hiatus

Salaam everyone...
I have been neglecting my poor blog lately, mostly because I am busy with work. Well the last two weeks I was busy with trying out and exploring a new possible tool that I could utilize for my research. That weekend, I was out on Saturday to Tintagel and Boscastle on a University trip, and that Sunday I was volunteering for the Music Festival that my lab research group was holding along with Peninsula Arts.

Then last week, I was busy stressing out about what progress could I show my SV, which wasn't a lot I've got to admit. There was plenty of fancy things that I could juiced out of the tool already, like the spectogram, the intensity, the melodic contour, the pitch bin (tonagram), etc, but it was doing too much for my head I didn't know which part was relevant and which part was not. Needless to say, I was so overwhelmed by it all and nearly drowned in my own pool of data! Luckily, after my SV meeting, I kinda know better what I needed to do and he seemed to have blown away all the 'whaaaat?' questions away. Man, he is a genius! That's why SVs are SVs, I know, I know. But now I'm even more swamped with work!

There's a new post doc researcher in my lab now, and she is a sweet lady. I am very happy with the additional member, for I miss the female companionship (as a friend). So I'm very glad about that.

Life has been pretty much the same so far. The weather has been good, almost spring-like, but still chilly at night. I owe a few people tags, so I'm gonna try and squeeze in as much as possible tonite (Aisyah is sleeping!) and probably schedule them to post every few days or so (in case I don't have time to blog after this!). It's very rare that Aisyah sleeps on her own this early, she always wants me by her side and a good deal of 'nenen' first before she drifts off to lala land, but I guess she's beginning to exhibit some independent-ness quality in her. Ah.. my baby is growing so fast!

I have written little about her lately too. There's so much development in her, but I haven't got the time to jot it all down. Get this, I missed her 8 moths weigh-in haha, because I had to re-schedule over a meeting with my SV. But she does feel heavier. Her second tooth is also here, and the 'nenen' business could get a little ouchy at times, but so far, it was all pure accident, so she's forgiven, heheh. She's crawling like a pro, and already owns a walker, but I guess she's not liking it as much as her fellow baby friends in Msia might have, for our house is fully carpeted and she needs to push real hard to get the walker to move forward, in contrast to sliding around at lightning speed if you're in a walker on a marble/tiled floor as it is in Msia.

With her increased mobility comes her increase desire to be free (and a tad hint of attitude as well, which sometimes really is testing my patience! :P). No longer does she want to have proper dinner at the dining table in her high chair, now she would climb out the back of the chair but if we strap her real tight, she would wail and totally refuse food. Siap nyembur2... eii... geramnya la. Sabar2...

So we let her be (sort of) just so that she eats (no point fighting fire with fire, right?) and sometimes she would have dinner in her walker in front of the telly and on days when she's feeling more energetic, she would have dinner out of her walker, free-range and so her darling Ibu has to chase her around with food in one hand and the sippy cup in another. Aiyoh! what a sight it is! And don't get me started on nappy changing. What a struggle!

But overall, life, work, motherhood, is good, Alhamdulillah....


Anonymous said...

samalah ngan pergai anak i ni...makin ligat dah dia..penat ler kt ekk...kekdg kt pun dipanjatnyer..buka setakat tu jer..kaki kt lak..jadi tukang dia paut tuk melangkah..tapi kekdang hepi pun ada..x sangka dah besar..dah byk kemahuan yg dia nak..tak lama lg sumer jadi kenangan..kt pasti merindui detik ni kan?..:)

sahabat dari oz

noris said...

a ah.. dah pandai mengekspresikan keinginan tuh.. suka makan pasta, x suka makan buah, suka minum air dari sippy cup, x suka minum dari botol, suka certain2 iklan TV and lagu, etc.. etc...

dah slowly jadi individual dah diorg dah ni... skrg pon dah start rindu time2 diorg ikut sja kita buat apa, but at the same time, fasa skrg ni pon sgt2 menggelikan hati pon ada jg. can't wait utk diorg start berckp, ntah apa2 la yg diaorg bakal sebut bila nak kan sesuatu, coz skang hanya wat bunyi2 aje la, x de sapa la yg faham diorg nak apa sebenarnya hehe...