Monday, June 2, 2014

The Last of Last

Okay so I've been tardy again at updating, but what a SUPER BUSY week it was. Now I'm typing this at 5 am, so I really do mean busy that I have to squeeze some early morning time to update things. 

Right, the past week has seen the Multimedia Week (a four-day event consisting of many actitivies at my office for the undergraduate students where I was the Director) commenced and ended successfully. In between those hectic four days event, we had a farewell 'do to one of colleague whose moving to another research institution. Also, I had to fit somewhere meetings with three of my final year project students (we met every week since Week 1, but seeing that they'll need to present their project next week, the meetings have grown longer now, around 1 hour per student, yikes! But at least it has paid off, their project is near completion, it is more on discussing their strategies to defend their work and showcase their development and share their findings). On the very last day, that Friday, was also HCI Day (Human-Computer Interface Day), where I am an associate research member and also the judge appointed to assess the students' work. The very same Friday, from 3-5 pm, I had what was the very last class on the very last day of the semester, with the very last semester students (they are final sem students) --- what a priviledge knowing that the last official knowledge they'll take with them came from me!

Okay, tell me you're exhausted just from reading that last paragraph or what???!!! hehe...

Pics of thse wonderful e big events will have to wait, I have a mount of laundry to tackle right now before it's time to get ready for work. I'll leave you guys with a pic of me and my students on the last lesson on the last day of the semester. Spot me?

Busy as I was, I think investing in them leaving myself feeling oddly satisfied. I hope I have imparted them with some useful knowledge to equip them for their phase in life. You know what, as much as I complain about work, I think I'm in love with what I do. Alhamdulillah it's probably the right path for me (and worth all the pains and obstacles of obtaining the PhD -- so far!)

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