Friday, November 26, 2010

Random Friday

Bullet points ye, bole?

1. Since dah officially winter and freezing cold, Aisyah pon sudah bertukar uniform tido mlm2. Sudah kembali memakai onesies sbb dia kdg2 x suka berstokin, so kalo pakai mcm ni dia x leh kata apa hehe... smart solution kan :)

2. Kdg2 Aisyah dtg angin x setuju dia mula la refuse nak pakai baju2 yg kita dah picked out utk dia. Ahh... toddlers. Normally I let her choose her own clothes tp kalo dah dia pilih T-shirt and skirt di tgh winter ni, harus la x approve kan (lom sempat nak buat winter cleaning utk baju2 summer dia yg masih belom disorok). Hence, kalo nak pujuk Aisyah pakai sesatu baju tu, kena byk create tricks. But a simple one that normally works is aku pon kena pakai baju sama colour ngan dia jgk. So kalo kita nak dia pakai baju pink, then I must wear pink lah. Part of me rasa secretly flattered, I have a mini fan, shhhh! But 10 years down the line, I might just hear, 'God, my mom is embarrassing. You can NEVER catch me wearing something she wears'. Ahh... teenagers.

3. I'm trying a lot of layering utk winter ni, as opposed to my boring sweaters and cardis. Today pakai dress and a black long-sleeve T underneath, with jeans. Tudung plak baru mari drpd Msia, my mom posted hari tu, hepi hepi. Am never used to mix dresses with blue jeans, so I don't know if this works or sudah jadi kartun bahan gelak org aje. What do you think?

4. Pokok gondol di luar bangunan lab. Mmg kebanyakan pokok dah tinggal mcm ni, tp cantik SubhanAllah, very intricate kan pattern dia. Masa penuh daun x pernah bole nak perasan. Kalo kaji betul2 mesti dpt nmpk unsur2 fractal di sini.

5. Walaupon tgn and kaki kebas after the 20 minutes walk to Uni (even after wearing gloves and proper boots), the smell of warm coffee that greeted me as soon as masuk building tu terus bg illusion that it is very warm and comfy. I can't drink coffee, gives me a headache, but I so looove the smell.

6. Sampai2 dpn desk, this greets me. My PhD crammed in one A4. Or what I am working towards la. Itu hari mcm demotivated sket, so bila buat balik mcm ni, I feel much much better, nmpk the overall picture, where I'm going, where I'm at, and aku jg letak masa aku planned to work on each section so bole budget2 kot when my next deadline is. Skang mmg very independent in terms of work, jumpa SV utk discuss yg penting2 and bentang result aje, so most of the time the push kena dtg drpd diri sendiri (susah kalo org yg agak senang distracted mcm aku). Tp hopefully, ada ni ok la sket. Masuk2 lab je terus nampak apa kena buat sbb selalu jgk sblm masuk2 lab, I was like, 'whaaaaa?'. Also bila letak timeline kat tepi (kecik2 sudah, malu kat org), baru la rasa, 'Hah, 6 bulan aku spent buat algo XXX tu aje, OMG!'. Konfem hinsap.

7. Another man's trash is another man's treasure. No, bkn berckp psl carboot or e-bay, tp psl piano buruk ni. Dijumpai di tepi bangunan Scott di tempat buang sampah. Member lab ni amik wat masuk lab, mmg out-of-tune beyond repair, tp dia nak guna transducer and try to make electroacoustic music from piano classic ni. He's preparing a piece for fun utk Music Festival next year. Crazy nya, dgn PhD lg, sempat nak godek2 compose music suka suki for fun. But to him, raising a family, doing a PhD, squeezing in a part-time job, committing to a Gamelan club, now THAT is crazy. To each his own.

8. Adik Hubs nikah today. Yes it's exciting and exhilarating to be able to go experience life abroad, but bila ada occasions like these di Msia, rasa nak terbang balik kejap!


Mama Zharfan said...

i love this entry :)
part wedding kat msia tu pun miss adik bongsu me punya wedding bln oct ari tu...huhuhu

b.r.u.t.a.l.s.o.l.o said...

comelinya dia

WaNNi said...

kak wani balik hr tu bg surprise kat adik ipar (adik hubby), dan parents kak wani. priceless bila tgk muka2 terkejut bila tiba2 kami tercongok depan pintu. nasib takde yg kena heart attack.

isabelle said...

copycat tu anak sendiri, xpe la... x la jadi annoyed mcm i dulu.hahaha

anyway,ok apa pakai dress dgn jeans. kat msia ni dah jadi common dah.dulu wpun i tingin nak buat, fikir byk kali gak.

yzmahoney said...

awak faizal kate awk cun pki dress tuh..huhuhu

Oyis said...

tu la. pengorbanan jgk tu x dpt balik tu huhu..

brutal solo:
which one? ;P

k wanni:
ooo balik psl tu ke hari tu, ingtkan balik collect data hehe. x pe, mesti lbh happy sbb surprise kan?

that;s one thing i x paham. mmg perasan lately (thor the net) ramai yg pakai berlapis2, with cardigan even. why layer kat msia? x panas ke? i mean kat sini sejuk2 ok la kot, but it's blimming 33C kat msia! how?

hahhahahaha! ni komen paling kite sukeee.... faizal ni kalo bab muji hensem la, cun la, comel la, mmg tiada tandingan. i likeeee kih kih kih...

Unknown said...

cantik dress mu itu.. hehehehe

Oyis said...

ye ke? tenkiu tenkiu hehehe... mula2 rasa janggal, tp bila dah pakai rasa mcm ok je. cuma maybe kalo pakai kena skinny J and boots on the outside lebih ok kot sbb skirt tu agak labuh for me.

ayin masliza said...

cumelllnyer aisyah... girls kan... sure pandai pilih baju sendiri:) cute betul