Thursday, November 11, 2010

Girl Talk

I have always grown up surrounded by boys, nothing to do with my looks at all, but pasal adik beradik aku semua laki, tiada perempuan. So mmg sedari kecik lagi sudah bercita2 kalo ada adik perempuan mesti best, tp sudah tersurat x de. Then bila sendiri pregnant, terpikir2 jg, walau x kisah jantina nya apa, tp kalo yg keluar ni anak perempuan, mesti best... mula la terpikir bole sama2 buat aktiviti, bole gi shopping together2, bole dia share2 secrets ngan kita... chewah!

So last night at Aisyah's bed time I probably had our first girly-girl secret-sharing episode. Skang ni, sejak ada beli star wand pada malam Bonfire tu, kitaorg suka on kan benda alah tu kasi glow in the dark, we did a little bit of story time before going to bed. Smlm I went a bit further, tutup litup duvet all over our heads, and then pasang lampu tu dlm selimut. Hihi...

Pastu aku ckp ngan Aisyah baik2, esok ada nursery, bgn pagi2 ok? No crying ok? Dia sengih2 then angguk2. Here is the rest of what we conversed:

Aku: Do you like nursery?
Aisyah: (mata bersinar2) Yes!

Aku: Do you like Leanne (one of the carers) <--- kes nak tahu cikgu ok ke x, spot check
Aisyah: Yes!

Aku: Do you like Danielle? (one of the carers)
Aisyah: Yes!

Aku: Do you like Ricki? (one of the carers)
Aisyah: Yes!

Aku: Do you like Olivia? (main sebut nama2 yg aku overheard cikgu dia panggil2 nama budak lain dlm kelas)
Aisyah: Yes!

Aku: Do you like Ava? (aku sebut Ah-va, sbb teringat nama budak ni yg aku baca di cloak room nursery dia)
Aisyah: Yes, Eh-va (wah siap correcting my pronounciation tu).

Aku: Is she your friend?
Aisyah: Yes, fwennnn (friend)

Aisyah: Mimi! Mimi!
Aku: Is Mimi your friend too?
Aisyah: Yes, fwennnn... (senyum ala2 reminisce kenangan manis di sekolah)


Aisyah: Alex!
Aku: Alex?
Aisyah: Alex! Alex! Alex!.. Alex is niceeeee.... (senyum sheepishly)

Woah... my daughter's first crush. Heavy stuff we talked that night, huh?

So pagi td, aku pon berani kan diri tanya cikgu dia, through the most non-paedophillic way I could muster, ade ke budak nama Alex dlm kelas dia? Guess what? Mmg ada. Hehehe :)

Hmmm... teringat my kiddie crush when I was 6. Nama dia Scott, from Margaret Beaks Kindergarten in Virginia, USA. Apa sudah jd agaknya dgn budak itu? Hohoh...


yatie chomeyl said...

ekeke cute nye aisyah, ada crush on alex. mesti nti bila di adh besar pon, dia lehingat lg her 1st crush ni.just like her mama and her aunty yatie chomeyl hehehe

btw, namo 1st crush oghe Anwar Fazal, jame tadika di KB dulu hahaha

ayin said...

ohhhh... cute nyer... saya pun berangan nak baby girl... tapi... tak per la.. dapat 3 boys... oker la tuhh....

ayin said...

ohhhh... cute nyer... saya pun berangan nak baby girl... tapi... tak per la.. dapat 3 boys... oker la tuhh....

miSs inTerpReted said...

awww....bestnya ada girly talk. she is so adorable la!!!!

isabelle said...

alamak..adam dah ada competitor la..

btw, oyis..u x try ke serach FB ur first crush tu? hahah

zafi said...

oh super cute! crush ngan en saiful bila? hahahaha