Haih liatnya la nak menyambung cerita Spain ni, sbb kerja pon byk, and masa pon terhad, tp ni squeeze jgk la sket, utk kenang2an di masa hadapan...
Now where had we stopped? Oh yes, second half of Day 3 on the Barcelona trip. Ok lps lunch buffet hari tu kan, we went back to the class room, and had a one and a half hour sessions on 'Sound Recording and Techniques'. Kelas ni agak droning, sbb dia went on and on psl mic, and also psl aku ni not really into recording per se. Anyway, layan aje lah kan kelas dia. Nasib la it was a one-off thing, so utk hari2 seterusnya dah x de la kelas yg sama, x mcm kelas2 sebelum ni yg went on everyday.
Lps kelas tu dah abis, around 6 pm, we had another activity, called Sound Walk. This was actually where we walked around Barcelonetta (near the beach) and just walked. No talking, no texting, no phone calling, no photo-taking, etc. Just walked and tuned into the sounds that occured around us. I was a sound walk virgin, and boy, it really was interesting to hear the sounds around you. Selama2 ni asyik kalo berjalan je mesti berborak byk dgn Hubs, or even kalo jalan sorg2, mcm2 berlegar2 dlm kepala, that I ceased to appreciate the sounds of the birds, the passing cars, even the drilling at the road pon kalo dgr betul2 can be rhythmic and music-like. I think everyone should give it a try. Lebih mencabar lg, kata instructor kitaorg, try it with a friend that would guide us and kita plak be blindfolded. Hehe...
We went from Barcelonetta metro station, towards jalan2 masuk alleyway ntah mana2 ntah between shops, then near the beachfront, some squares, etc. The walk lasted an hour an 15 minutes, mmg letih gila la by the end of it sbb aku duk galas bag berisi laptop tu lg, pakai boots yg ada heels lg, pastu had I mentioned that Spain was as hot as Msia?
Bcoz x bole amik pics kan masa Sound Walk tu berjalan, so I didn't get to take many pics, except for before kitaorg officially start tu lah, like so:

Along the way, admiring the buildings
Bila dah abis Sound Walk tu, it was already 8 pm, so aku ingat nak balik dah la kan. Tup2 group projek aku (Project: Augmented Soundscape) dgn segala hormatnya memaklumkan bahawasanya diorg nak wat group meeting right after. Ya Allah, aku mmg dah x larat sgt2, dgn panas nya, dgn rimas nya, tp pergi je la meeting. Teka kat mana? Ha.. kat mana lg kalo bukan dkt bar. Ni yg leceh ni, tp terpaksa la buat muka professional kan, despite dah overheated and penat tu.
Aku duduk dalam lebih kurg half an hour, and then aku mintak permisi nak balik, sbb x solat lg, and aku alah dgn cigarette smoke (diorg dah start minum arak and chain-smoked dah masa tu, increasing creativity kot?). Tp diorg paham aku nak kejar waktu solat, so diorg ckp x pe, nnt mlm diorg emailkan update (baik diorg ni sebenarnya).
Sampai2 je hotel, aku mandi, solat, and then kuar cari mkn ngan CheFadh. It was past 9 pm dah masa ni, too late for any quick cultural visit. Kesian CheFadh lama tunggu aku. Coz her event was a conference and bukannya summer school, her schedule was a whole lot more flexible than mine, so kesian jgk la kat beliau menunggu. In the end we ate at this Chinese restaurant. Dari luar nmpk posh, so agak hesitant jgk nak order, tp last2 tgh harga dia sgt berpatutan, Seafood Fried Rice bole dpt dgn harga 3 Euro je. We also shared a bowl of shark fin soup :)

Wajah kitaorg kira better lah sket pada masa sampai itu hari kan?
Mintak tolong pak guard hotel amikkan gmbr ni
Ok that was how Day 3 went. Day 4 and seterusnya nnt sambung. Nak salinkan Aisyah into her pyjamas now. Night!
**To be continued**
dh siap baca ur story ;)
wah cptnya mamazharfan baca. gigih plak tu sbb karangan saya ni, kalo x pjg, x sah :P
awk kite nk cl awak tp xda hp number awk. Awk sms kite number hp awak leh x?
udahhh. thanks for calling me up. refreshing sungguh sesekali borak ngan best buds ni :)
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