Had just chopped my lovely mane off. Yo la, last week Aisyah siap gi salon and had a quick trim. Hubs plak, pg td gi barber potong rambut dia style Mawi or traditionally known as the 'Balik-Haji' style. And since my hair is falling off fast, worst than a dog shedding its hair in the summer and the trees shedding their leaves in the autumn combined, maka aku telah mengambil keputusan utk 'potong' jg, hehe... Sejak datang UK ni dah 2 kali potong, once by Shue and once by Che Fadh. X pernah gi kedai, sbb pricey sgt. Busuk2 pon it's gonna cost me GBP10 for just a dry cut yg dead straight itu, so macam malas la plak nak pergi salon. Udah la hampir semuanya unisex, so tu yg lg slow nak gi salon tu.
Inspired by entry Tun di Cardiff yg made her husband cut off her hair, and MrsRidz di Glasgow yg baru lps pantang pon bole chop chop sendiri, aku pon amik la gunting and become my own hairstylist semasa Aisyah napping skjp sat ni. In less than an hour, bole setel potong rambut, clean up, mandi, solat. Woo hoo! Hasilnya? Bole ke perasan and ckp jadi mcm ni? Feeling Preity Zinta ok ke? Ngeh ngeh..

Kalo x cantek pon x pe la, bukan utk ditayang pon hehe. But the feeling is the same spt berjaya masak utk diri sendiri, setelah selama ni hanya pandai beli kedai. Ecstatic!
Ok ni nak letak pic of the weekend. Aisyah semasa di grocery. Skang dah pandai amik2 brg masukkan dalam trolley, so kena jaga2 otherwise ada yg byr saja2, plak x bole mkn sbb x halal, hehe.. Anyway, di pic terakhir sila perhatikan topi Aisyah. Yup, I'd stuck a Post-It note kat situ. That's my grocery list. Sengaja. Sbb kalo pegang atau lekat di handle trolley, Aisyah akan rebut and bawak masuk mulut. Sampaikan pekerja Sainsbury's pon ketawa, bcoz she thought the whole idea is cute. Hehe...
Ye la, Aisyah tgh peringkat 'Baby See, Baby Do.' So kalo negate kan the whole thing, 'Baby Can't See, Baby Won't Remember'. Hehe... siapa kata aku lemah logik? (targeting Sifoo Sake, on the topic of logic coding. Speaking of which, semoga coding skill aku lebih mantap and selesai coding dgn chop chopnya , sbb dah ringankan kepala, kot2 la Feng Shui).
hehe nape tk cakap..aku leh ulang sejarah potong rambut tu lagik..hheheeh..walaupun aku blasah je potong beb! Ahaks
Hahahaah kalo aku kt Sainsbury tu pon aku gelak tgk aisyah kene tepek dek post-it-notes tu..hihi CUTE!
kesian aisyah.
sok2 besar dia tgk blk gmbr tu, baru dia tau dulu mama dia tempek kat topi dia. hahaha
btw, i rasa kalo ada skill potong rambut org, kat overseas leh gak buat duit kan? dgn komuniti malaysians je la. hehe.
hehe... impromptu nye decision mmg camtu. xpe, lain kali kita buat prohjek mencantas rambut lg ok?
tu la, kalo ada skill tu berharga gak tuh :)
LOL so cute letak shopping list on aishah's hat. I remember masa diya dulu dia mmg main hangkut je semua masuk dalam troli. Dah sampai cashier baru kitorang tapis mana yg kena bayar. Nasib baik dia tak tanya mana barang2 dia hihi..
oh BTW tahniah kerana berjaya potong rambut sendirik!! I masih tak brani lagik. Potong bangs je confident sebab boleh nampak dalam cermin. hihi
kan? budak2 suka betul shopping grocery bersama. pantang lepa sket, mcm2 dia hangkut dalam troli.
oh tq, tq. u have aspired me tau utk gunting rambut. kalo nak gunting sendiri ni, toleration nyer margin kena tggi, kalo senget2 sket tu kira cincai la hehe... ;P
btw, ramai org tanya, x sejuk x rambut pendek di musim winter. my answer, 'kalo lps shower lagi sejuk nak tggu rambut pjg kering' hehe. right?
erk perlukah aku mengunting rambutku sendiri??
nak potong kena ada skill azri. tp kan, aku rasa elok biar pjg la, baru la nampak blaja over the sea sket hehe... kalo nak trim2 sket sudah la.. hehe
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