Friday, September 25, 2009

Post-Raya Supervision

Seperti biasa, lps jumpa SV je, tgn mesti gatal nak memblog....

Alhamdulillah, meeting went very well. Sgt hepi. Spt expected, scripting tu x dpt siapkan. In fact, x sempat start pon, sbb smlm n pg td busy duk wat summary of things I had already done, problems I encountered along the way, how I solved it (yg berjaya dan x berjaya), literatures I read to help me solve it, and lakaran idea of my newly proposed method. Tp my SV seemed genuinely excited with my input td.

Lebih syok lg dia siap bole sudahkan my ayat (meaning he understands what I am blabbing, maka idea tu x de la disgustingly busuk sgt ye x?), and dia punya concern was the same concern that I had (tp I tulis on another piece of paper titled 'Issues', tp belom bentang kat dia masa tu bcoz he had cut me -- so at least I am aware of the little shortfall of this method, and bkn lah spt kena attack dgn tiba2 oleh SV ttg kemungkinan kekhilafan idea ini).

Anyway, dia suruh proceed and x sabar nak dgr first piece of automated composition coming from this. That is a scary thought, sbb altho pelan telah lulus on paper, carrying it out dlm dunia algoritma and kod adalah sesuatu yg amat berbeza. X pe la, slow2...

Hasil perbincangan lebih kurg 35 minit td, ni dia list of things I need to do before the next meeting (meeting dia sebulan skali je, tp punya la byk input skali jumpa tu - I very, very liiiiikeeeeeee!):

TO DO (After 25/09/09 Meeting):

1. Finish the program
--> by introducing "r" (random value)
--> for pitch class selected, choose another random octave
--> concatenate + play newly formed playlist :)

2. Write Transfer Report (5000 words max)

Terserlah lah bahawasanya bykkkkk lg nak kena buat in this short space of time. Ya Allah, permudahkanlah segalanya buat hambaMu ini, Amin...

As for now, nak solat Asar, then nak sign off awal sket la hari ni. Wak n Mal ada wat open house, patutnya start pkl 4 ptg, tp ni dah 5.15 ptg dah. Mungkin dlm pkl 6 ptg baru leh gi anak beranak ke rumah diorg nih. Nak wat camne, baru abis discussion.

Ok la, have a nice weekend everyone. Ca cin cau!


i am me said...

you must feel super happy kan? I always feel super happy after a good supervision meeting. esp bila kita dapat 'impress' diorag, even with benda2 kecil.. hihi.. good luck with your next assignment. I jugak yg tak start2 nih.. aiyooo! naseb baik dah third year ni kurang sikit supervision and more n independent work.. heee..

Oyis said...

thanks. super hepi sgt. mungkin sbb x selalu dpt jumpa + 'ilham' dpt di last minute + mmg betul2 cuak tahap nak pengsan + put heart n soul in finding the solution.

september is here again, so wah, u r third yr oredi dah la eh? time flies! last week a new intern student masuk dlm lab, and i introduced myself and said i'm a first year student, only to realize, whoops, term baru dah start, i should say, i'm in my 2nd yr dah! omg, x bole terima hakikat lg! scary isn't it?

u dah tahap writing up ek? kira dah mature n wise la ni, tu yg supervision pon dah kurang agaknya. not long to completion la ni. all the best to you too :)