Thursday, February 2, 2017

At Their Tok Ayah's

Sharing several pics of the children with their cousins at their Tok Ayah's. My Dad and my stepmom live about 40 minutes drive away from us, so we are very lucky we see them quite often, mainly over the weekend - either them coming to ours or us over at their's. Either way, families are God's greatest blessings to all His servants. 

These pics were taken sometime in January. The kids and their parents were really fascinated by the brand new swinging chair Tok Ma has bought and placed in the living room. If our house was bigger, I'd probably get one for our own use. 

That night my Dad COOKED (yes, that's right) us dinner - Ikan Keli Goreng, Gulai Ayam, Tauhu Goreng and assortment of other dishes. I am well impressed of him and his newfound passion. Retirement really is treating him well, Alhamdulillah...

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