Sunday, February 5, 2017

A House Fit for Barbie

Aisyah and her play time. A make shift house for Fake Barbie and her friends to come sleep over. She's used items she's found in the house, all carefully created by herself.

Always amusing. 

Always neat. 

Always the Creative. 

That child has a strong penchant for arts. If she has it her way, every night is crafts night. I go on the guilt trip every other night for failing to provide or spend more time with her doing crafts, but folding dried clothes is just about what I can manage after dinner. I hope my lack of participation doesn't dampen her spirits, but act as a catalyst for her to treat it like an individual study of some sort. May she one day learns to uses the resources she has, to do things she wants to do. 

1 comment:

Ibu Ilyanie(s) said...

kreatifnya dia..! :D
salam perkenalan dari saya!