Monday, October 18, 2010


Baru lps balik workshop on Academic Writing psl Avoiding Plagiarism: Paraphrasing. Baru aku tahu sbnarnya, mcm byk gak dah terbuat silap selama ni. Benda2 yg ku sangka kan ok, rupanya x ok. Amat berbahaya sbb bole disqualify kan thesis kita kalo dikesan. Dan aku yakin ramai jg pelajar2 lain yg buat silap yg sama, even native English speakers pon (ni kata cikgu tu la), atas sbb x tahu. Even kalo dah ubah words, dah ubah passive ke active, dah add connective words here and there bila cuba menggabung kan beberapa ayat daripada different passages and sources, pon adalah masih mencuri rupanya.

Ada beberapa level daripada yg paling teruk kpd yg paling ringan ialah: (1) outright copying, (2) paraphrase plagiarism, (3) patchwork plagiarism, and (4) stealing apt-terms. Aku paling byk mungkin guilty of patchwork plagiarism kot. Sudahhh... nak kena look back at most of the stuff that I have written.

Ni example yg unacceptable paraphrasing, which I thought mcm dah ok pada asalnya, but obviously not la kan huhu. Then we all had to paraphrase, the one yg ada tulisan buruk tu adalah my handwriting lah. Lps dah kena correct sket2 ngan cikgu nya, she said it was good, tp aku nya writing styke adalah sedikit berbaur emosi e.g. 'far too many..', patut kena tune down kepada 'many' sahaja. Eheh, that's not a first. Masa tulis transfer report hari tu pon rasanya dah kena jgk sebijik mcm tu, haduhai, mcm mana nak detach kan emosi drpd writing yek? Anyway, back to the main story, lega la jgk sbb I learned that it's not impossible to paraprase, just extremely difficult. It took me dkt ten minutes kot nak paraphrase paragraph tu, for goodness sake paraphrase berapa baris aje. Imagine tulis the entire thesis, yikes! At least now I know jgn underestimate the time it takes to write a GOOD thesis.

Mujur lah di UoP ni ada English Language Support Group, so kalo setakat 250 words at a time nak suh diorg check by email, bole aje (baru tahu ada facility ini!). Also, kalo nak book one-to-one tutorial session nak discuss quality of English dlm homework or other written material, so book for half an hour. Ooh la la!

In the interest of sharing, aku letak satu slides di sini, yg ala2 summarize the class td la. Of course nak parrot everything here adalah mustahil, so aku share satu slide ni dgn korg. Pada pandangan aku, not too useful without actually attending the session, tp bole la. Pokoknya kena faham context, then tulis keywords or summary (without looking), then start writing based on your key points tu. Dah selesai baru tally dgn paper asal, check if ada tertinggal apa2, and make sure guna quoatation mark and reference pada yg selayaknya. Sekian. Jgn jd pencuri lg ye lps ni, dah kasi tips tu (peringatan pada diri sendiri jg). Bak kata cikgu BM aku dulu, 'siakap senohong gelama ikan duri, bercakap bohong, lama2 mencuri... kalo x curi duit org pon, curi nafas masa mengaji.....' (Latifah, 2001) <---- kena quote ni, kang x psl2 plagiat plak aku kat blog ni. And hampun guru ku, hamba x ingat nama cikgu binti apa hence guna first name ajo :P

10 comments: said...

hehe.. funny reading the last part of this entry :) Anyways, I've attended similar course too and yes, mengparaphrase is one of the challenges yang ai alami while writing up. And TBH its harder in social sciences because you are dealing with theoretical and philosophical arguments - dahle diorg tulis tahap dewa2, nak kena quote dia without false-ly interpreting their ideas sangat mencabar okei. And in social sciences writing you have to be critical and analytical of the theoretical framework. aiyahhh! mcmana tak headache ah? :p BTW, pasal writing style tu (being too coloquial) dont worry sangat. I pon camtu jugak mula2. You will adjust once you get more practice through writing. What i find useful is to try adopt a more objective yet personal tone in your writings. :)

Unknown said...

kat mesia, depa dah start guna turnitin.. walaupun mas rasa kurang effective berbanding human touch, but maybe we can give it a try..

afterall more than 30% modification is not plagiarism.. hihihi

Jordan said...

My wife sometimes asks me why I don't try to make some money helping foreign students in our neighbourhood (most of whom are Libyan) with their theses. My answer is always that one word: Plagiarism. My time as a university lecturer showed me just how widespread the problem is among Asian, African and Middle Eastern students. Sometimes they'd hand in reports they'd just copied directly from the Internet, with some words still hyperlinked just like they were on the site.

One student who could barely speak a sentence of proper English once turned in an amazing essay that I couldn't even have produced. And he actually thought he would get away with it.

And then I went to China. Don't get me started on China, haha.

Ahmad Javanese said...

Thank you Noris for the info :) Aku pon guilty as charged but like u... aku pon x tau.

btw, aku pon kadang2 suffer from that emotional writing thinggy. They key is practice I guess. practice not to be emotional :P Which also translates to.... write stret to the point . hehehehe. kalau tulis emo2 ni, mmg jadik panjang berelung ye dok.....

Nida n' Hanafi said...

Salam Oyis...

Lama tak singgah sini, semoga sihat dan semoga perjalanan dalam menuntut ilmu dipermudahkan olehNya... dan semoga diberi ilham olehNya untuk terus menulis, barulah tak timbul isu plagiat...

yatie chomeyl said...

alaaakat sini takdop pulop such course...kalu boleh attend kan best

isabelle said...

i berbuih2 mulut pesan kat students jgn plagiat, tapi diorg buat gak.
bila mrkh dpt ciput, kecoh.

kalo x pesan, lain cerita. ni dah pesan pun buat gak, padan la muka

Oyis said...
i agree with u that kalo theoretical and philosopihical papers lg payah nak paraphrase. I have started on my LR in bits, and mmg part cognition, psychology in music tu adalah agak susah nak paraphrase, and even worst, kalo part2 yg mmg terlalu la abstract like what constitutes as music, arguments between music and noise, and blah blah blah (heavy arts stuff). bisa pening. nak baca pon dah pening nak memahamkan, lg nak restructure using our own words. tp mmg kalo bole buat tu maknanya 100% paham la tu. tp.... betapa x sedap nya ayat tersebut selepas diparaphrase, masya Allah!

oo dah start pakai eh turnitin? bagus2, tp x tau la setakat mana keberkesanannya. dlm kelas hari tu pon we discussed, that mmg the system bole detect kalo outright copying, tp if u do it in patches, or tukar2 structure ayat or substitute dgn pelbagai synonyms, it's harder to detect, maybe coz it's text-based (the system). apapon, bila ayat2 lain tunggang langgang, skali jumpa ayat yg perfect lg bernas tu, x yah pakai system apa pon, konfem tau dah cilok kat mana2 nih... eh mmg rules dia gitu ke? above 30% tukar dah x plagiat? i didn't know that...

I bet your wife is right, you would make a lot of money proof-reading. Even here there's always a demand for it (from international students), but the University doesn't provide this service, so we have to pay a professional for it (not cheap!). It's the same everywhere, I guess. If the students think they can away with it, they would :P
PS: I still remember your stories from China. best part: finding out you guys were pregnant with Al, hehe.. :)

Oyis said...

tu la, aku x bermaksud nak pon nak terjebak dlm arena plagiat, tau2 dah guilty, haiyak! ignorance is bliss :P

k nida:
amin ya rabbal alamin kak. moga2 Allah makbulkan dan permudahkan urusan kita semua. penting doa2 drpd family, kwn2 dan bloggers sekalian.

nnt kena tulis thesis pakai English ke Nihinggo tuh?

aduhai, jgn start la dgn students undergrad kita... klo readers lain ni ckp TER-buat sbb tidak sedar, budak2 tu plak SENGAJA buat dalam keadaan sedar lg, ingat kita x tau. siap copy meng-copy sesama sendiri, bodoh sgt la dia ingat lecturers dia ni haih..... bg je F kalo mcm tu.
PS: nnt u jd PhD student, jgn u plak yg turut terjebak sama ;P

izani said...

good points shared...thanks