Uber busy.
Tu yg lama x update. Esok kena submit a paper to my SV. Looks like I'm camping out in the the lab mlm ni, dari pg lagi dah terpacak kat sini. Don't worry, ada bekal. Not healthy at all, not to mention sabotaging my diet plan, I know, but it's Sunday, and kedai di serata alam ni semua tutup after 4 pm, so seeing that it was already 3 pm, bergegas pegi kedai, capai aje whatever. Cukup la buat alas. Lapar jgk nnt, it's time to go home. Org2 kat umah tu pon lapar jg, kesian diorg...
Ok, doa kan aku siap on time. Asyik2 mintak extension je, tebal dah mukeeee...
So, how was your Sunday? Better than mine, I bet.
oh dear! hope u are almost done with your paper!
bestnya kedai bukak on sunday!!!!
Hopefully you've completed your paper by now. Kita pun tgh tulis paper ni. Harap sempatlah nak siapkan by my dateline and hopefully without having to 'bercamping' on weekend coz kita tak serajin and sesanggup (got such word meh?) itu :D
Anyway, awak ada drawer yang boleh kunci ke? Maybe you can just stand by some cereals, breakfast bar or raisins? So bila 'terdesak', those can be as your solid food, or even as healthy snacks on other days too.
good luck n all the best... Insya Allah
all the best yer oyis :)
tu la, kat europe mesti lg mencabar. tidakkah mereka tahu sunday is shopping day? apa kes tutup semua kedai kan? tensi betul!
hehehe... rindu dgn my diet guru yg sorg ni tau. kat sini x de org yg sudi mengingatkan like u do, so i pretty eat rubbish when i feel like it. i guess i could stock up, but healthier food doesn't taste as nice kan masa buat kerja? like membantutkan produktiviti aje. kalo dpt snickers bar tu, woh giat je menulis lps tu, konon2 sugar rush :P
k nida & mamazharfan:
thank u for the wishes and doa. Alhamdulillah, dah submit kat prof, tggu correction plak ni. Dlm proses menunggu ni la baru bole bukak2 blog n reply2, lps ni sohih busy balik nak buat pembetulan plak, kejar the enxt deadline which is this saturday. oh what a life!
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