Monday, January 9, 2012

Post Holidays

What holiday?  <--- ececehhh... bajet rajin berdo'oh la kan, hari2 gi lab semasa holiday la konon

God, entries to this blog mmg sgt flat. Mcm boring giler life. Well, the life might be a bit boring, stories might be a bit stale, but thank goodness work productivity seems to be inversely proportional to those two variables. So spt jg kebanyakan PhDiers lain nya, bila dah hujung2 ni, blog entries pon mcm mandom. I think analysis/thesis writing saps out all the creativity in you lah kan. Cerita ada, but once I opened up, (IF I ever get the chance to open up blogger's dashboard anymore, honestly mmg mcm x sempat), I would be thinking, mehhh... too tired, esok lah!

Tp aku rasa kena cari masa hapdet jgk la. Bkn apa, I don't want to go back after later2 bila tgk2 balik my own entries and be like, erk, what the hell happened between dec 2011 to say, dec 2012? Kan? Rugi ooo. If you start something, commit to it (that's just me).  To combat the sawangness yg bakal menjelma kalo diikutkan malas dan alasan tiada masa, I thought tulis small2 portion je lah.  Not so menggerunkan kan? Mcm thesis writing jgk, tipu diri sendiri, buat sket2, so x la overwhelm sgt kan? So this is another one of those quickies.

Mempersembahkan, sebelum... dan selepas...

Sebelum Uni bukak (around a week after Xmas) - sila fokus betapa kosong nya media room kat library tu ye. Kosong giler! Masa ni mmg agak berhati2 la gi lab, but my paranoia of not completing this on time mengatasi segala. I can skodeng the library from my room, and I think people from the library can also see me lah (sbb dah pernah duduk kat library betul2 ngadap bilik lab sendiri and I saw cleaner cuci carpet. Sohih bole nmpk selama ni aku solat tertonggeng2 from this view. Terbaekkk lah. PS- Aku mmg malas sket gi Chaplaincy, solat dlm tu, sbb asyik pak Arab je conquer winter2 nih. X pe la, biar org laki imarahkan. Syukur lab aku xde sapa heran nak solat public2).

Selepas Uni dah naik balik (9 Jan 2012) - penuh koooo. Ini nama nya buat assignment last minute. Ado 3 minggu cuti, tp nak jgkkkkk tunggu dah naik kelas semua baru nak buat assigment segala mala. Aku sekeh jgk kepala budak2 undergrad ni. Tp ok la, kira kurg sket gabra tu tgk ramai2 flocking library sebelah hehehe...

Ok tu je for today. Aku pon kaki last-minute gak ni sbnarnya. Kalo x last minute, x la sesengsara ini kot hujung2 pengajian hehe. Apa bole buat, idea and rezeki itu datang on the 9th hour (chopp, belum 11th hour tau)...

Ok, I know this entry is so yawn-yawn, tp mental and physical state aku jg begitu. It's 10.30 pm, it's been a long day, and Aisyah was up 1/2 of the night smlm sbb dia gatal hidung la (selsema), gatal kaki la (eczema), batuk la. Sudahnya I was up 3 hours before my normal wake up time. Harap2 mlm ni dia tido better. We had kept her up (no naps), in the hope that she's all tired out and goes to la-la land as soon as she hits the bed. Have a good nite all. Well, for my Malaysian readers, you'll be just about starting your day la kan, so have a good day!


yatie chomeyl said...

supo la kito pun bwrehi juvop qat kjo last minute, ala2 hero x gaduh gitu eheh

lwpas tu bil nk dkt dtelibe gak, mulo lah nk gi kencing pun tokdan hahahaha

isabelle said...

buat keje last minute pun siap jugak kan?
acecece...ayat menyedapkan hati.

(gimme 5, oyis)

Nida said...

Kak Nida suka time holiday krismas hari tu sebabnya cik hubby bawa anak-anak pi study kat uni dia sekali.. aman sikit rumah..hehe. Maklumlah time tu holiday, tu yg tak kisah bawa anak-anak masuk ofis...ofis lengang.

miSs inTerpReted said...

i pulak lain...lagi nak kena tulis thesis, lagi la gatal tangan nak blog...hahahah

Oyis said...

yatie: hero mmg x gadoh dih.. hero la sgt hehe

isabelle: yeah, high-five!

k nida: wah best gilerrr... sporting la hubby kak nida, hangkut anak2 ke opis kasi can k nida rehat kat umah. saya plak, xmas hols tinggal hubby dgn aisyah kat umah hehehe...

sabb: ye ke? mesti sbb u dah nak complete thesis dah ni. i br nak mula