Monday, October 17, 2011

Melting Factor

My heart melts a little bit everytime I see this pic. Not only because it captures the pic of two the most closest and dearest people in my heart, but also because it sort of tells a story of how much we have 'grown' in the past few years struggling to get by and survive di bumi penjajah ini. For a start compare sahaja Aisyah's height from the above and the one below. My goodness, don't her legs look like they go on for miles?!!

The definition of 'growth' to me doesn't just stop at the physical level. I am also talking about how much things have progressed.

Ironically, 3 tahun dulu you would see the two of them aku tinggalkan di rumah kerana aku perlu ke lab/tempat kerja. Aisyah was too small for nursery, Hubs was without any luck finding a job. Picture di bawah ni taken almost 3 years ago, in January 2009 at our old flat. Aisyah was only 7 months here :)

Now it is both of them that make their way out of the door earlier than I do every morning, one goes to work and the other, giddily to nursery. Tinggal lah aku kat umah. Itu pon dah pindah ke rumah baru, bkn lg where Aisyah grew up in. Since I quit my part-time job, and Aisyah started full-time nursery, I find that kdg2 mcm buat kerja di rumah lebih produktif. So tgk lah keperluan nak gi lab ke x, coz I'm on my own anyway without distraction. Except for FB. And Blogspot. Oh darn.

Apa yg masih maintain sama ialah, aku masih lg berjuang. Perjuangan belum lg selesai. That, has not changed for the time being. Apapon, Alhamdulillah aku bersyukur pada nikmat Mu Ya Allah. Semoga segala pengorbanan org2 yg aku kasihi ini dpt ku balas jua dgn pulang membawa satu kejayaan, Aminnn...


Mama Zharfan said...

moga sukses insya Allah soon kan :)

yatie chomeyl said...

Insya Allah, Ameen

Lia Sakinah said...

Teruskan perjuangan noris... moga Allah memberkati usaha kita semua...