Thursday, October 28, 2010

Squeeze a Little Update

These past few days have seen me being toooo busy, sampai x sempat2 nak update blog walau sepatah cuma. Have been working on a paper, and after 1-day extension from my SV, berjaya jgk siap. All in all 4 pages je, but I don't know why it took me forever to finish writing. It's not like this is my first time ke hapa, MSc dulu I had published a good four or five papers and one journal, but I never remembered being this mentally exhausted after.

Maybe sbb this time, after attending the course on plagiarism, aku adalah sgt berhati2 semasa menulis, and I tried my hardest utk paraphrase. And also masa MSc dulu x byk explain algo kot, just tweak a bit here and there, got results pastu published, but masa PhD ni byk plak nak kena explain our own contribution kan, and that was the hardest part to write for me, to be honest. Or maybe masa MSc dulu I wasn't really tied up with responsibilities that I have now (dulu2 single lg), so masa tu suka hati la nak tulis bila2 pon, kalo x siap jgk mmg salah sendiri. Or maybe I am just old, so that means I'm not as quick as I once was? Panic!

Apa2 pon, dah submit kat Prof on Tues, he's read and returned them today. Whilst waiting, aku adalah berehat balas dendam, tido from 11 pg - 3 ptg today haha (sambung tido after breakfast, dah x pernah bole sleep in dah skang ni, always bgn 6.30 pg utk solat Subuh then buat breakfast, mkn with family, or whatever, bkn mcm zaman bujang2 dulu - another sign of aging!). Smlm pon did some grocery shopping too. Mmg focus all out buat kerja from last week sampai x membeli belah kering kontang dah dapurnya. Spjg kejar deadline, asyik masak simple2 like pasta bake di bawah aje, if not beli kebab aje then Hubs masak nasik aku buat kuah sup sayur huhu...

Then today became a little domestic goddess dgn menyental cooker (dapur masak) dan the filthy microwave oven, before finally tackling Mount Everest and Mount Kinabalu (my two hampers of laundry). Dah lipat dah kain baju semua, lega... Esok nak tackle correction and final editing before submission. Baru tgk satni, diaorg dah extend tarikh submission. Typical. Tp x pe la, submit aje once finished. We'll see if that gets accepted somewhere not (hopefully yes la kan). Next week ada seminar that I have to present on Thurs, so I gotta start working on that plak.

Ok, I'm stopping here. Before I forget nk bgtau, on the 27th whilst I was busy hari tu, kitaorg dah genap 2 tahun berada di UK. And the weather on that day pon was quite similar to when we had first arrived, wet and unmercifully windy, langit plak grey and gloomy. Quir scary bila ingat2 balik I have more or less a year to finsih what I have come here for, but I have promised myself I won't freak out yet hehe... Cuma bersyukur sgt2 have managed to get to where I am so far, and berdoa smg rahmat Allah itu x putus2 dan bertambah hendaknya...

These last few days cuaca and temperature x menentu. Earlier in the week we've had frosty nights, tp langit cerah dan cantik. 2, 3 hari ni plak the sky has been grey and wet, wet, wet, tp suhu agak ok 9C mcm tu, not bad. I guess those are the trade off.

Ni pic aku on the day nak kejar deadline hari tu. It was raining and I was soaked. And I had panda eyes too, from lack of sleep and staring too long at the screen demi menyiapkan kerja. Very flattering (not!)...

Oh, one last quick news, Aisyah smlm dah bole sebut IBU dgn properly, finally! But dia bole sebut je la, she still addresses me as Ammi or Mummy, ikut suka dia. So I am torned between Mummy and Ibu jg skang ni. Mummy is more practical for her here, nursery and all, but Ibu is so much sweeter to my ears, and we won't stay in this English-speaking country forever, altho kat Msia panggilan Mummy has become acceptable jgk... what do you guys think?


miSs inTerpReted said...

OMG, 27th also marked my 2nd year in Wien. So you must be the person Iezma hantar kat airport tu ek?? heheh...

anyway, i so understand your kelam-kabutness mengejar deadline. and you lagila nak kena jaga family.

i wish you all the best and may we both succeed in our journey to get our PhD, insyaAllah.

p/s: semoga semangat nak buat kerja come to me SOON!!!

isabelle said...

comel la muka u dlm gmbr last tu!
ermm..psl panggilan mummy/ibu tu... kalo u insist want her to call u ibu, u just have to correct her everytime she calls u mummy.anak2 kan kain putih...

btw, cuak i mbygkan kelam kabut yg rasanya nanti i pun will experience. huwaa....

MRM said...

Yey, both of us have completed the paper *clap*clap* (tapi, dapat tak dapat tu is another story-lah kan, hehe). My presentation is next week though, tengah panic juga ni sebab macam byk lagi nak cover, huhuhu.

p/s I gave up on rectifying my panda eyes long time ago :(

yzmahoney said...

awak..kite lg terror..buat paper 6pages sebulan!!! hahaha kte mmg xterror lar bab writing..and yess che sabb aku antar ko dgn oyis @ the same nite on my last day of confinement Rayyan dulu...cepatnyer mase berlari..ish ish..masa!!! tunggu aku.... :p

Nida n' Hanafi said...

olorrr cutenya pic tu :)

Oyis said...

yup yup... i am the 'mysterious other person' yg iezma hantar mlm tu heheheh... i knew it was u from the beginning, sbb iezma ckp kwn dia tu gi vienna n she's 5 months preggy at the time hehe... tp terlupa plak that makes us sama lama duduk di perantauan, and sama sket masa yg tinggal, yikes! if u jd dtg plymouth, we'll catch up some more, mesti byk nak dibualkan, already got several things in common, tarikh sampai, duration yg tggal utk siap PhD, and member kpd yzma hehe..

comel ke panda eyes gitu haha... psl mummy/ibu tu, i think i yg torn, aisyah x kisah pon. but Hubs thinks we'll stick with mummy, he says it suits me better? psl PhD tu, dont worry, all yg buat pon we'll go through it, just kena bersedia mentally and physically :)

oo awak pon ada presentation jgk next week ye. wah sama la plak mcm janji2, psl deadline nak submit paper ngan seminar nak kena present. btw, paper awak tu present kat mana? ntah2 conference sama? bole jumpa2, buat mcm kita ngan chefadh hari tu gi barcelona sesama. best, best hihi..

kita dah tua ke hapa yek yzma? rasa kelakar plak bila tgk end product a few pages je, tp masa yg diambil agak lama jgk. never underestimate the time u need to write a paper / thesis, sbb it includes everything kan, from writing, to designing diagrams, to editing, to referencing, correction ber-draft2... hiii.. serammmm...oh n ingt lg, gigih awak kuar mlm tggl kan rayyan sbb nak hntr kita (n sabb). terharu sgt... tarikh 26 okt (msia) tu ramai gak member2 yg pilih utk fly, cth nya farid gi new zealand pon mlm tu, so tu yg terjumpa kak baayah, k nor, and ita kat KLIA jgk. pastu another fren pon berlps ke Aus pd tarikh yg sama jgk. mungkin sbb 2 weeks after raya posa kot masa tu, semua pon x nak fly before raya!

k nida:
cute ke? aduhai... mata lebam sgt tu masa tu k nida, mmg muka miserable sgt sbb kebasahan dlm hujan...

Oyis said...

yup yup... i am the 'mysterious other person' yg iezma hantar mlm tu heheheh... i knew it was u from the beginning, sbb iezma ckp kwn dia tu gi vienna n she's 5 months preggy at the time hehe... tp terlupa plak that makes us sama lama duduk di perantauan, and sama sket masa yg tinggal, yikes! if u jd dtg plymouth, we'll catch up some more, mesti byk nak dibualkan, already got several things in common, tarikh sampai, duration yg tggal utk siap PhD, and member kpd yzma hehe..

comel ke panda eyes gitu haha... psl mummy/ibu tu, i think i yg torn, aisyah x kisah pon. but Hubs thinks we'll stick with mummy, he says it suits me better? psl PhD tu, dont worry, all yg buat pon we'll go through it, just kena bersedia mentally and physically :)

oo awak pon ada presentation jgk next week ye. wah sama la plak mcm janji2, psl deadline nak submit paper ngan seminar nak kena present. btw, paper awak tu present kat mana? ntah2 conference sama? bole jumpa2, buat mcm kita ngan chefadh hari tu gi barcelona sesama. best, best hihi..

kita dah tua ke hapa yek yzma? rasa kelakar plak bila tgk end product a few pages je, tp masa yg diambil agak lama jgk. never underestimate the time u need to write a paper / thesis, sbb it includes everything kan, from writing, to designing diagrams, to editing, to referencing, correction ber-draft2... hiii.. serammmm...oh n ingt lg, gigih awak kuar mlm tggl kan rayyan sbb nak hntr kita (n sabb). terharu sgt... tarikh 26 okt (msia) tu ramai gak member2 yg pilih utk fly, cth nya farid gi new zealand pon mlm tu, so tu yg terjumpa kak baayah, k nor, and ita kat KLIA jgk. pastu another fren pon berlps ke Aus pd tarikh yg sama jgk. mungkin sbb 2 weeks after raya posa kot masa tu, semua pon x nak fly before raya!

k nida:
cute ke? aduhai... mata lebam sgt tu masa tu k nida, mmg muka miserable sgt sbb kebasahan dlm hujan...