Thursday, October 1, 2009

"I Am A Big Girl Already, "

Says Aisyah la.

Aisyah skang ni sgt quick on her feet and mcm dah nak berkawan2 dah. Kalo gi town je sibuk nak tgk dlm stroller org lain, kemudian tenung2 anak org then babai2 kat budak dlm stroller tu. Dia heroine, sah2 x nak duduk dlm stroller dia lg kan, org dah dpt kaki tu... eksyen, berjalan sendiri huh.

Ni plak aksi dia di town. Wah wah wah... Konfiden betul berjalan. Siap nak dilanggar nya semua pedestrian lain. Suka la sgt tu org bg dia jalan sendiri x yah duduk dlm stroller. Tu yg nak pki kan dia walking harness tu, supaya dpt la keep her in range, tp tu la, asyik x mo je. Xpe, this weekend cuba lg.

So x tau la dah sampai masanya utk hntr dia ke nursery ke apa. What do you think? Duk umah asyik berkawan ngan Ibu n Ayah je la, nak la jgk dia interact with kids her age and do fun activities with friends kan. Skang ni once a week gi playdate ngan Aqil, sementara tunggu Hubs abis Solat Jumaat (dlm sejam lebih je), tp Aqil pon dah nak balik Msia soon... sob sob...

Td sempat singgah nursery jap amik brochure and terus dibawa nya aku tour. Not bad la. Price quite steep (GBP16.70 sehari kalo afternoon session from 1 - 6 pm, siap bg snack pkl 3.30 pm). Kalo pegi pon aku rasa gi seminggu sekali je kot, afternoon session, sbb just nak bg dia peluang interact and explore activities dgn kids her age. X tau la jadi ke x lg ni. Dah diskas sket2 ngan Hubs, tp nnt la, dgn diskas ngan lebih lanjut lg.

Anyway, Aisyah kitaorg dah belikan satu chair ni utk dia, supaya dia bole tgk TV dgn lebih selesa, n utk make sure dia duduk jauh drpd TV tu. Slalu dia gi berdiri dpn TV, betul2 dpn skrin. So far mcm menjadi la trick tu. Dia tau dah yg tu kerusi dia, sbb kalo org gi baring2 dkt kerusi dia, dia marah. Hoh... x mo share langsung. Tp kdg trick x menjadi gak, sbb dia pandai tarik kerusi tu ke depan sket. Pastu baru dia tgk TV. Bijak betul...

Kerusi ni tema dia Disney Princesses, comel la jgk aku rasa. Kalo dia duduk sambil sandar2 belek buku ke, alah la la la... cair n sejuk hati Ibu dia nih. Pastu bole bukak jadi tilam kerusi ni, ala... mcm foldover couch tu. Aisya suka sgt. Kdg dia saja budak pastu baring2 atas tu. Hubs kata kalo ptg minum EBM dari botol, dia gi minum sambil baring kat situ. Stylo sungguh anak aku.


Lia Sakinah said...

Hai Noris...dah lama x jenguk blog noris...mcm2 citer yerk...anyway, selamat hari raya aidilfitri...maaf klu ada salah silap selama ni...

Btw, simptom2 yg ditunjukkan oleh aisyah tu adalah simptom2 nak mintak adik tuuu...hahahaha...dia dh boring main dgn ayah dia...kenala bg adik sorg bt peneman...xyah dia gi jenguk2 stroller anak org lain dah, leh jenguk stroller adik sndiri...kekekeke... jgn mare...

isabelle said...

amboi, dah besar ye? gaya2 jadi kakak ni, mksdnya kena la ada adik.

pandai tul. nmpknya aunty kena cepat2 cari kerusi utk adam la.

Mommy Harith Hannah said...

Comelnya aisyah jalan terkedek2 gitu! ;)

Takpe Aisyah, walaupon kecil, Aisyah ader "kuasa veto", sbb, confirm org dewasa yg lebih besar dari Aisyah akan elakkan diri mereka dari terlanggar Aisyah. Ekeke.

miSs inTerpReted said...

oyis....i rasa its good if u hantar nursery from now. mcm i pown kesian tgk andi main least at daycare ada la kwn.


tp u kena sabar if ada drama samarinda masa nk tinggalkan dia(i see lots of kids mcm ni kt andi's daycare). but after 10 minutes, the crying stops n depa main dgn seronoknya..hihihi

Oyis said...

a ah.. masih sibuk ngan writing up ke lia dah submit ye? btw, i heard lia tgh tggu hari je ni eh... wah... debor ek? all the best... tang aisyah jd kakak, rasanya belom lg kot, but kalo rezeki, terima dgn hati terbuka hehe :)

hehe, i kasi laluan utk adam dulu ada adik hihi... cari jgn x cari... mesti adam suka.. sbb nya budak2 ni kalo kita kata 'something tu' (e.g. kerusi) dia punya, mmg sengih sampai ke tido la kan? pastu x nak share2 dah hehehe...

Oyis said...

genki mama:
ingtkn sapa tadi.. rupanya kamu ye, arnie..

a ah, mmg nmpk cam dia x heran ek org kat dpn dia ke, tepi dia ke, yg dia tau, dia nak ke dpn.... semua kena tepi...

Oyis said...

tu la psl... tang adegan kesyahduan tu yg x sanggup tu... plak smlm tgk bilik tido budak2 tu, rasa cam sedih sket, sbb budak2 tido bergelimpangan hehe... tp dgr xtvt diorg rasa cam best la, painting, main kat luar, etc... so maybe nak hntr jgk la... dah diskas ngan Hubs dah hihi *excited!*

i am me said...

oyis, i think that price is standard lah dekat mana2 private nursery. Even Uni creche yg i hantar tu pun about the same price for half-a-day. But like what I said, its a personal choice and some people may think its membazir, others may think its an investment. Other cheeper option if you are thinking of introducing aisyah with other children (esp mat saleh) is to get a child minder. Its like a babysitter, but a qualified ones and recommended by your local council. So you know they are safe and qualified to jaga your kid. A child minder will usually take care 1-4 children at a time (depending how expert she is) and they will engage in activities with your children, take them for walks in the park, go to play groups etc. You can find their number from your local council (check kat website maybe ada). Ring them up and arrange for a visit so you can see what kinds of activities they will have with the children etc. Then you can choose the best child minder for aisyah. Childminder cost alot lesser and you can afford to send her lebih kerap (while hubby boleh carik kerja part time lain hihi) Sorry mcm panjang plak comment but i hope this helps. Anything just PM me on facebook.

Oyis said...

thx for the info. I've heard of childminder, tp x pernah considered. i have looked up, and yes, it is wayyy cheaper, on average GBP 3 per hour. sgt not bad, plus they are pretty flexible, so for someone as young as aisyah yg bkn nye pegi nak suruh belaja apa2 pon, and attention span sgt skjp, maybe bagus jg. (i was thinking of just sending her 3 hours per session, paranois punya psl kan, takut dia sedey lama2 duk nursery, but the nursery wouldn't do tht, they run it for 6 hours per session, but we can pick / drop anytime iwithin that session la, for 3 hours sahaja pon bole, as long as we pay the full 6 hours, typical la kan, org business hehe..)

so i don't know. i have a feeling Hubs might not like it (even i pon ada sdkt doubt with the trust issues). apa tah lg hari ni local plymouth carer dah sentenced guilty to taking pornographic pics of baby's torso n letak kat net (sick psycho), so lg la kan.

but we have agreed on the nursery. tggal nak register aje, n maybe decide when to start, what day to send, and how many sessions a week. I see it as an investment la, like u said. Belom apa2, i dah excited! feels like my baby is growing so fast!!!!

miSs inTerpReted said...

oyis...nk jugak sibuk...i'm so excited tht ur bb gurl nk masuk nursery!!

btw, kt sini pon ada mcm childminder but its called tagesmutter. i pon x nk hantar kt dorg cos pf trust issues..hihihi. at least kt daycare u know bukan dia sorg je tgk anak kita as there are many carers. so x la risau if depa mistreat our baby. :)

having said that, brace urself for the drama swasta....hihihihi

noris said...

phew i'm glad it's not just me with the trust issues (and over-excitement!)

but yup, mmg x leh nak camne la psl drama swasta tu, especially hntr once a week ni, lg la lmbt adapt kot..