There's always something nice about young kids waking up in the morning; their sweet sour smell of 'air liur basi', the way their hair go wild from a good nite's sleep and their enthusiasm to face the day. Byk morning jgk Aisyah wakes up declaring 'I Love Morning!'. Makes me think that maybe pada dia itu adalah equalvalent kepada membaca Doa Bgn Tidur kpd Allah, yg kita kdg2 as adult lupa nak offer, dek bgn katil terus pikir seribu mcm benda nak kena buat hari tu.
Children can be the best teachers. Their innocence is a constant reminder of how this life is so beautiful, and precious.
So everyone and including myself, lps ini wake up lah dgn lebih riang ria dan ceria, serta ready to face the day, full on!
You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction. -- George Horace Lorimer
aah kan. kito ore tuo ni bilo bgn pagi kerut2 dahi sbb fikir segalo mok nenek nok buat hr ni. jd budok2 jugop yg best hehe
aah la kak....sebelum bangun dari katil, kepala ni pikir seribu mcm benda nak kena buat...siap buat plan lagi nak buat apa dulu then buat apa...huhu...smpai kdg2 lupa nk bersyukur yg kita masih lagi bernafas di pagi hari baru....huhu...
p/s: bb balik nak attend my sis wedding, takde-nya nk collect data..hehe...
suka bila tiap pagi tgk anak bgn sambil senyum jer...
yatie: tu la. x molek sbnarnya, tp kdg2 berkerut jg, nak2 bgn pulok lewat!
bibi: ooo best2 kalo gitu, bkn balik sbb keja so leh relax sket, leh enjoy. akak pon balik jg masa tahun 2 dulu kejap, adik kawen jgk. have a good time balik msia :)
afni: a ah. lemah sket kalo bgn pg merengek :P
very meaningful! terasa dh besarnya aisyah bila tgk gamba2 dlm this and until the latest entries..aku pun suka tgk budak2 bgn tidur...comot2 cute gitu..tp kalau org tua kenapa dh tak kira cute ek? :P
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