The weather had a complete turnaround yesterday. Muc warmer, much drier and much brighter! Alhamdulillah...
I had lunch with my mate Shue dkt kafe. Then we goofed around UoP compound, saje2 snapped gmbr merata2. Summer is going to end soon so I want to capture it on camera, so that on miserable days, I can look back and long for the good old Plymouth sun. Sini kan, kalo cuaca dia cantek, cantek sgt, kalah Msia. Tp kalo dah hujan, sejuk, muram, beku tu, terus la rindu membuak2 dkt tanahair ku :P
So, all in all, Thank You Allah for giving me the opprtunity to study PhD here... komplen2 pon, I know it's a priviledge...
I had lunch with my mate Shue dkt kafe. Then we goofed around UoP compound, saje2 snapped gmbr merata2. Summer is going to end soon so I want to capture it on camera, so that on miserable days, I can look back and long for the good old Plymouth sun. Sini kan, kalo cuaca dia cantek, cantek sgt, kalah Msia. Tp kalo dah hujan, sejuk, muram, beku tu, terus la rindu membuak2 dkt tanahair ku :P
So, all in all, Thank You Allah for giving me the opprtunity to study PhD here... komplen2 pon, I know it's a priviledge...
Bangunan Smeaton, School of Computer Science, Electronics, and Communication
Thank You Allah for the nice weather...
Bangunan Portland Square
Thank You Allah for the great friend(s) I made along the way...
Thank You Allah for everything...
Owh, satu lg, smlm aku sempat ke town utk gi bank, and wat beberapa errands lain nya, termasuk la membeli belah sesuatu. Haha.. This is me, yg x habis2 nk capture everything. Jgn diberi kamera pada aku, habis segala mala benda nak amik gmbr. Slalunya kamera ni tggal kat umah, supaya kalo Aisyah ada wat apa2 pose atau aksi cun senang nak snap.
Apa yg kat tgn aku tu? Owh... ini dia...
Eh beg plastik dari kedai 'Birthday'. Birthday siapa bulan August ni? jeng jeng jeng...
Laaa...Shue ni perempuan ke? I don't know why I have the idea that it's a guy!
Ke I'm confused with Shuq? Erk, is Shuq your friend as well? Ke confuse nampak nama tu kat blog org lain, aiyo...takpe la :D
erk? shuq? x pernah sebut kot di sini. hehe... altho husband k masitah, dulu dia wat phd kt sini (obviously dah balik la kan sometime last yr kot?), nama dia shukor. other thn tht, tiada shukor di sini... hehe...
thx for commenting. x tau blogspot bengong ke apa, asyik x hapdet2 je entry terkini. at least bila ada org komen, i know u can view it.
Ngeee...takpe..mmg nama aku tu nama lelaki..selalu org confuse dan selalu dpt salutation Brother Shue..ahaks.... :-)
Baru dapat baca blog ko ni oyis..thanks for being there whenever I need you..thanks for sharing the photos..eventhough gamba kt cafe yg lawo itu terdelete..ekeke..takpe2..nanti kita snap lg yg lawo2..kekee
Lama aku tk apdet blog..nanti la bila aku dh siap tulis ni.huk..huk..byk nk tk sempat la plak..
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