Thursday, October 15, 2009

Majlis Pertunangan Naufal a.k.a Abe

Cuaca masih sejuk hari ni, even dalam rumah pon pakai double layer. However, my cold has seem to have gone away a bit, although I'm still recuperating at home today, just to be extra rested. Don't know if I'll go in tomorrow (Friday), we'll just have to see if I'm up for it when I wake up tomo :P

Anyway, spt yg dijanjikan, gmbr2 pertunangan my adik lelaki, Naufal or I fondly call him Abe. In my family, there's my parents, and then there's me (Kak Yis), Abe and Adek. All of us are 3 years apart from one another, so I guess I could say that we are very close. I was gutted to not have been able to be there on his big day, but I'm praying really hard that I will make it to his wedding in the future.

The ceremony was held on the 10th October 2009 (last Saturday). Coincidentally, it was also the date when Hubs and I had gotten engaged, back in 2004. Glamer tarikh ni.

Di kesempatan ni nak wish Selamat Bertunang to Naufal & Sufiah. Semoga membawa ke jinjang pelamin dan berbahagia hingga ke akhir hayat bersama, Insya Allah...

Ok here are the pics, where are pretty much self-explanatory.

Naufal & Sufiah

Bersama my family (sans moi et mon famille huhu...)

Bakal besan bergambar

Naufal dpn hantaran

Nampaknya I will still remain the shortest of my siblings, even bila include adik ipar sekali pon... :P


Sufi said...

Terima kasih for the wish...:-) Hopefully tak lama lagi kita akan berjumpa. Oh yeah, you have such an adorable little angle.. she is so cute! can't wait to meet her.

Oyis said...

waah... ni sufi tunang naufal ke? bakal adik ipar i ke? oh oh teruja nya berkenalan di sini. selama ni naufal x bg contact, dia sorok2. even di facebook pon dia x bg serach / add hehe.

1st off, welcome to our clan.

2nd ly, tahniah atas pertunangan. Ini ucapan secara personally lah ye.

3rdly, bakal mak sedara Aisyah pon cute jg :)

4thly, Insya Allah kita akan bertemu jg satu hari nnt. Tolong doakan agar dpt balik utk majlis korg nnt (donations are welcomed)

5thly, kalo x dpt balik pon, why not ajak naufal honeymoon di UK? mungkin bole jumpa di sini aje ;)

yzmahoney said...

hehehe comelnyer boleh berkenalan dgn bakal adik ipar dekat sini... nway congratulation to abe & sufi...

Oyis said...

cute kan? yo la, dah duk jauh ni, terpaksa la berkenalan secara maya sahaja. thank the technology!

Anonymous said...

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