Thursday, October 29, 2009

Just A Refreshing Reminder That I Need...

If you've read my previous entry, I was in a dilemma whether or not to go to that Robotics Lecture at 7 pm kan? Well, in the end I DID go, bcoz Hubs kata ok, x pe, balik lmbt sket pon ok, and dia siap masakkan lg lauk dinner smlm. I am one lucky wife and should really count my lucky stars!

And boy, I am sure glad I went. It's so refreshing and sgt2 meng-humble-kan diri. For the past few days my mind has been a little stale, wat keja slow, kurg produktiviti etc, but pegi lecture ni jd insaf and berkobar2 nak wat keja cpt2!

The lecture was on iCub. It is a learning robot, yg bole bertutur. Mula2 pengetahuan dia zero, and memory dia adalah bermodelkan kpd kanak2 18 bulan ke atas (peringkat mula2 baby's cognitive grasp the language around them, and by repetition learn to utter these words). More about that here.

So spjg lecture asyik teringat kat Aisyah, and kagum at how uncanny iCub itu 'belajar', mcm baby mula2 diajar sesuatu. Siap mata juling2 lg kalo kita dekatkn objek kat dia. Then lama sket, tgn dia mula nak menggapai. Hihi..

In bullet points, these are the reasons why I stand in awe kpd komuniti penyelidik dan akademik di negara org ni:

1. I got there 2 minit lambat. Lecture sudah bermula!

2. Lecture hall yg di book bole menempatkan 200 org, tp when I got there dah overflowing and dah 5 org berdiri di row blkg. Nekad gak berdiri tu, x de sapa pon bila nmpk dah penuh patah balik or kluar dari dewan. And this was a 7 pm punya lecture!!!! Wayyyy past office hour dah, and it might as well be a 10 pm lecture coz kat luar mmg gelap gulita dah pon now that it is winter. But nekad u ols, hadirin2 ni dtg, majority students and researchers. Moi impressed. Oh nak cerita jgk, I dgn selamba nya gi duduk atas steps tu tau (tangga auditorium). Pastu beramai2 ikut my jejak langkah, woh2 kembang kejap.

3. It was very2 light and everyone from every platform (td ada geng robotics, neuroscience guys, neural network geeks, psychologists, linguists, etc) pon senang faham. I need to learn how to change my style when doing presentation. I always stick to the same old boring format yakni Intro, Problem Statement, Literature Review, Methodology, Experiment, Analysis, Conclusion... *yawn*

4. Slides adalah dlm 15 kpg sahaja and x sarat dgn tulisan pon. Hanya lah gmbr2 dan video clips of the robot and the simulation, tp yg penting, the point got across.

5. X lebih masa langsung. Berenti on time, so that audience were kept wanting for more. Xde la sampai audience asyik2 tgk jam, dah la ko menerangkan psl formula yg ko sorg je paham.

6. Tiada makanan provided langsung, yet tiada siapa kesah.

7. Projek iCub ni grant nya lulus March 2008. By Oct 2008, sudah siap satu prototype. 6 months sahaja!!!! It made me malu pada diri sendiri, sbb nya, I started my PhD almost one year now, tp prototype x siap lg. Granted, they had 30 PhD students working on it, but mmg dahsyat scope dia. Me? Scope nya ciput pon, masih x dpt nak tunjukkan finished prototype lg. Haish! But good news, hari ni dah mmg rasa excited sbb berjaya dah setel byk perkara, semakin menuju puncak dah yes!

8. Collaboration dahsyat. Berbelas2 Uni dari serata ceruk dunia berkerjasama.

9. Berpusu2 org tanya soalan masa Q&A, tp tiada satu pon soalan2 sengal yg condescending.

10. It's 100% open source. So go ahead, build your own iCub hehe...

Alhamdulillah, balik lecture tu terus insaf, terus buang perasaan Malas tu kt tepi hohoho...


isabelle said...

whoahhh..berkobar2 mak baca entry nih. makin gedix rasa nak majukan diri.

ok la..nak sambung tulis buku. eh tulis blog dulu kot, baru tulis buku.hehe

p/s: pls share with me..camna yg diorg present without that typical sequence of intro, prob statement, conclusion tu.

Oyis said...

eehehe, biasa la, kalo x tulis blog dulu, x leh concentrate nak wat keja akademik ahem ahem... hehe

oh, yg psl struktur pembentangan tu, in short la kan, diorg mmg gaya bebas. x bubuh pon benda2 boring like lit rev etc, instead dia cerita how they got the idea, e.g. masa tgh tgk anak dia main ke, etc, you know? bkn mcm whilst i was reading some heavy stuff blah blah blah (ayat mcm bagus tu)...

pastu in my field, selalu je i was asked about methodology etc2... belom habis present lg dah kena asak dgn soalan2 methodology, u ikut sapa punya keja previously etc, whereas sini, the way i see it, they dont care about apa model, method etc yg u follow. kalo x de org buat lg bagus, novel idea kiranya, bg diorg la.

what else ye? oh psl formula, algorithm, coding etc... sket pon diorg x sentuh coz ni sgt2 heavy n sarat, sesapa pon x kan faham within that few minutes yg ada utk present tu. so they skipped this altogether, instead, they talked about in general how they did it, n in te end, everyone understood.

in general la kan, mmg nmpk they were very enthusiastic psl research diorg nih, pastu they know it inside and out, and it looks like they speak from the heart. itu yg nmpk mcm earnest tu..

hope tht helps!