So how not to be have butterflies in your stomach leh?
PS: Aku baru sedar yg benda ni masuk dlm kalender UoP, ingatkan kecil2an aje, peringkat Fakulti. Turn out x tau la mcm mana, mungkin sket aje kot org nya, but still, menyedari akan hal ini, aku jd berdebar lebih 3 kali ganda. Oh no! Wish me luck!

Wah, our 'exam' date dekat2 la. I got PhD CE tomorrow, yikes! and yours the day after, he he.
Can't wait for the xm to be over. I'm such a 'single-tasking' kinda person. Selagi tak habis exam ni, tak bole nak mengadap benda lain. Research tgh stranded skrang ni, ha ha.
Good luck to you!!!
OMG! kita sgt serupa la mas! kita patutnya wat segmentation + prepare the slides, but at any one time kena buat satu2 aje. Kalo dah sentuh segmentation, x sentuh2 la slides tu, sampai la i said to myself, ok, ok, stop!!!!! sbb kalo x de slides nnt nak present apa.... but still rasa uncomfortable sbb segmentation x siap2 lg. just trying to put that on the back of my head, waaaay back....
ini masa kecik2 pon kes kalo satu soklan maths tu x leh buat,, mesti gabra habis x leh nak jwb soklan2 lain. i wonder how la org lain yg jenis, 'x leh wat-ok skip dulu-next question', handle ...
the best of luck with ur CE tomorrow. knowing u, i know u'd do well. let me know the end result yeah?
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