Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's Nothing

Situasi 1

Aku tgh memasak. Aisyah tgh mind her own business di ruang tamu. Tiba2 dia meluru masuk dapur dan ckp kat aku..

Aisyah: Mummy, mummy... nothing happened! It's nothing!

Aku: (mengesyaki ada sesuatu la tu berlaku, terus menjengah ruang luar)

Sohih. Air tumpah. Yg best, air kosong saja. Yg x best, kat tgh2 ruang tamu, and ada tetamu nak dtg in less than an hour. Basah habis la stokin2 diorg karang ni. Grrr... dia x ngaku tu takut kena marah la tu..

Situasi 2

Aku tgh bakar biskut raya (sempena habis puasa Syawal). Dah berkali2 ckp dgn Aisyah jgn dtg dkt, tray panas, etc2. Dia dtg jgk. Pastu cpt2 dia menarik tgn nya kembali (reflex action). Kena panas la tu (suam je pon, tp panas pada dia la kot).

Aku: Did you touch the hot tray, Aisyah?

Aisyah: No (takut kena marah la tu)

Terus dia berlalu slow2 ke peti ais dan membuka pintu peti. Tgn kanannya diletakkan dlm peti ais (pandai plak nak sejukkan, x yah amik course First Aid dah).

Aku: Are you hurt, Aisyah?

Aisyah: No, I not hurt my hand.

Hah kantoi. Mmg tgn dia kena hehehe...

PS: lps tu aku cek, mmg x de apa pon, x melecur, tp suam + terkejut la tu.

Teringat satu dokumentari aku pernah tgk psl budak2 and skills bercakap yg tidak 100% kebenaran dah. At age 3, all kids do it. Suppossively, it is a sign of creativity, hmmm.. It's time to sit down and talk about honesty, aiseh...

PS: Aku garang sgt sampai dia takut kalo buat salah? Ke dia bajet aku ni senang nak kena chong? Ini semua berlaku masa bapak dia pegi keja :P

Taken from here

Does your toddler lie? According to recent research, 20 percent of 2-year-olds do; 50 percent of 3-year-olds do; and almost 90 percent of 4-year-olds do. But don't worry, that's a good thing.

Researchers say that the ability to tell fibs at the age of 2 is a sign of a fast-developing brain and means these little liars kids are more likely to have successful lives.

Kang Lee, director of the Institute of Child Study at Toronto University, who led the study on kids and lying, says that when children have learned to lie, it means they've reached an important stage in their development called "executive function" -- the ability to tell a convincing lie by keeping the truth at the back of their mind.

More good news: The better the liar, the smarter the kid. And there's no link between telling fibs as a toddler and cheating in school or becoming a criminal later on in life.

So should we clap our hands and yell, "Good job!" every time our toddler tells a fib? Not necessarily.

Dr. Lee told the Times Online that while catching your child lying isn't something for which he should be punished, you should consider it a teachable moment and talk to your child about the importance of honesty. "After the age of 8, the opportunities are going to be very rare," he says.


Anonymous said...


Sorilah..nak tanya out of topic..kami duk di essex, nak berjalan ke cornwall weekend ni, on the way drive tu nak singgah plymouth makan, rest, solat..nak tanyalah..saya dah cari restoran halal kat plymouth tak jumpa2..boleh tolong suggest restoran & address? restoran biasa je...tak mohla yg fancy atau mahal sgt..solat pun senang di mana ye?

many thanks...btw..nice blog..


Oyis said...

essex? shut upppp!!! (tiru gaya tulisa dlm X Factor sabtu baru2 ni hehe). nnt saya emel azi eh

Anonymous said...

har2..tulisa tu essex ye? towie pun tak penah tgk haha

afni+hafiz=dani said...

wuuu takut nya kalo dani dah sampai stage tu. kita harap anak kita akan naive sampai bila2. but the fact is, diorang mmg akan membesar =(

yatie chomeyl said...

mace kito kecik2 dulu jugop la deh. kalu oyat "takdop gapo2" tu maksudnyo ado la something yg di susuk hahahaha

iezma said...

ooo patutlar kite cerdik..kite mmg dr kecik duk kelentong parents kite..hahahha ade skali tuh kite ponteng skolah tadika tp dgn confidentnyer kite ceriter kat mak kite ape kite belajar kat skolah hari tuh... dahsyat yek ;p

Oyis said...

afni: xpe. tandanya dani makin bijak :)

yatie: jo lo doh. supo la mak2 kito 'mkn' belawok kito tuh hehehe..

iezma: huish, cerdik giler nih. mmg creative ni yzma. kalo nnt menuras kt rayyan or hadif, dah tau dari sapa hehehe